[x] Write the python program that will accurately identify the marks on either side of the gear lift. Specs for marks can be found here.
[x] Store in order to pass to the roboRIO the following info: center point in pixels of each rectangle
[ ] Write all necessary methods in the Vision subsystem to calculate: the angle the robot needs to turn to based on the point pixel values, and the distance of the robot from the boiler
[ ] Edit the new VisionAssistedShoot command and the TurnTurret command. TurnTurret should be the command that employs PID using the turret encoder in order to turn to a certain angle. VisionAssistedShoot is a command group that should run as follows: camera info is analyzed in order to turn to the correct angle, we shoot towards the distance as specified by the camera.
Bonus: figure out how best to combine the Turret encoder and the camera to turn to a certain angle. Maybe have one double check the other??
command and theTurnTurret
should be the command that employs PID using the turret encoder in order to turn to a certain angle.VisionAssistedShoot
is a command group that should run as follows: camera info is analyzed in order to turn to the correct angle, we shoot towards the distance as specified by the camera.Bonus: figure out how best to combine the Turret encoder and the camera to turn to a certain angle. Maybe have one double check the other??