DeepBlueRobotics / RobotCode2018

All of our code for FRC's 2018 game: FIRST Power Up.
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Daniel's Issue - Formulas for turn velocity and move velocity #65

Open MysteryPig opened 6 years ago

MysteryPig commented 6 years ago

We should try using these formulas: Turn Velocity: V = 4r √((TGθ) / (Rm)) where r = half of' distance between wheels T = max torque of wheels G = gear ratio θ = rotational distance to end of turn R = radius of wheels m = mass

Move Velocity: V = √(8TGd) / (R*m)) where T = max torque of wheels G = gear ratio d = distance remaining R = radius of wheels m = mass G = gear ratio

swzhangmit commented 6 years ago

Is move velocity V = sqrt((8TGd)/(R*m))? I'll assume so because the units only make sense if it is.

swzhangmit commented 6 years ago

Is "r = half of distance between wheels" referring to half the distance between the two middle wheels?