DeepBlueRobotics / RobotCode2018

All of our code for FRC's 2018 game: FIRST Power Up.
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new feature request: slow mode on trigger hold #89

Closed Gabe-Mitnick closed 6 years ago

Gabe-Mitnick commented 6 years ago

rafi and maya (as drivers, although idk if they're the actual drivers) have a feature request. the robot should move slower while they hold the triggers. preferably, forward-and-back movement would be slower while holding the trigger on the forward-and-back arcade joystick, and turning would be slower while the trigger on that joystick is held. this would probably be a coefficient of maybe .5, probably changable on shuffleboard so they can try different things, that gets turned on on trigger down and turned off on trigger up.

Gabe-Mitnick commented 6 years ago

new feature: slow mode on trigger hold

doawelul commented 6 years ago

Done, put in pull request.