Open arantir123 opened 1 year ago
Hi, the config file for GearNet-Edge-IEConv on Fold is config/Fold3D/gearnet_edge_ieconv.yaml
. The pre-trained checkpoints of GearNet-Edge can be found at
Thank you. It seems that fold_mc_gearnet_edge_ieconv.pth includes the encoder and decoder parameters after finetuning. I just would like to do some experiments on my own, i.e., I would like to have the pretrained GearNet-Edge-IEConv encoder before finetuning, obtain the finetuning configuration script and corresponding running command (e.g., how many GPUs/batch size were actually used in finetuning), and do the finetuning experiment on my own. Whether it is convenient for you to provide these for me? Thank you very much.
I see. The original pre-trained checkpoints were deleted by my cluster. I've pre-trained a new GearNet-Edge-IEConv recently. You can download the checkpoint from this link and have a try. Please ping me if there is any problem with the checkpoint.
For finetuning, just use the following command
python script/ -c config/downstream/Fold3D/gearnet_edge_ieconv.yaml --gpus [0] --ckpt <path_to_your_model>
I see. The original pre-trained checkpoints were deleted by my cluster. I've pre-trained a new GearNet-Edge-IEConv recently. You can download the checkpoint from this link and have a try. Please ping me if there is any problem with the checkpoint.
For finetuning, just use the following command
python script/ -c config/downstream/Fold3D/gearnet_edge_ieconv.yaml --gpus [0] --ckpt <path_to_your_model>
Thank you very much. I will have a try.
I see. The original pre-trained checkpoints were deleted by my cluster. I've pre-trained a new GearNet-Edge-IEConv recently. You can download the checkpoint from this link and have a try. Please ping me if there is any problem with the checkpoint.
For finetuning, just use the following command
python script/ -c config/downstream/Fold3D/gearnet_edge_ieconv.yaml --gpus [0] --ckpt <path_to_your_model>
Hi, it seems that the model contained in the above link is not in line with/cannot fit the model (size) in official (the hidden dimensions of each layer are different), I guess the model in is based on the following new implementation version of GearNet-Edge-IEConv (with extra input embedding etc).
@R.register("models.GearNetIEConv") class GearNetIEConv(nn.Module, core.Configurable):
def __init__(self, input_dim, embedding_dim, hidden_dims, num_relation, edge_input_dim=None,
batch_norm=False, activation="relu", concat_hidden=False, short_cut=True,
readout="sum", dropout=0, num_angle_bin=None, layer_norm=False, use_ieconv=False):
super(GearNetIEConv, self).__init__()
print('using GearNetIEConv.')
if not isinstance(hidden_dims, Sequence):
hidden_dims = [hidden_dims]
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
self.output_dim = sum(hidden_dims) if concat_hidden else hidden_dims[-1]
self.dims = [embedding_dim if embedding_dim > 0 else input_dim] + list(hidden_dims)
self.edge_dims = [edge_input_dim] + self.dims[:-1]
self.num_relation = num_relation
self.concat_hidden = concat_hidden
self.short_cut = short_cut
self.num_angle_bin = num_angle_bin
self.short_cut = short_cut
self.concat_hidden = concat_hidden
self.layer_norm = layer_norm
self.use_ieconv = use_ieconv
if embedding_dim > 0:
self.linear = nn.Linear(input_dim, embedding_dim)
self.embedding_batch_norm = nn.BatchNorm1d(embedding_dim)
self.layers = nn.ModuleList()
self.ieconvs = nn.ModuleList()
for i in range(len(self.dims) - 1):
# note that these layers are from gearnet.layer instead of torchdrug.layers
self.layers.append(layer.GeometricRelationalGraphConv(self.dims[i], self.dims[i + 1], num_relation,
None, batch_norm, activation))
if use_ieconv:
self.ieconvs.append(layer.IEConvLayer(self.dims[i], self.dims[i] // 4,
self.dims[i+1], edge_input_dim=14, kernel_hidden_dim=32))
if num_angle_bin:
self.spatial_line_graph = layers.SpatialLineGraph(num_angle_bin)
self.edge_layers = nn.ModuleList()
for i in range(len(self.edge_dims) - 1):
self.edge_dims[i], self.edge_dims[i + 1], num_angle_bin, None, batch_norm, activation))
if layer_norm:
self.layer_norms = nn.ModuleList()
for i in range(len(self.dims) - 1):
self.layer_norms.append(nn.LayerNorm(self.dims[i + 1]))
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
if readout == "sum":
self.readout = layers.SumReadout()
elif readout == "mean":
self.readout = layers.MeanReadout()
raise ValueError("Unknown readout `%s`" % readout)
def get_ieconv_edge_feature(self, graph):
u = torch.ones_like(graph.node_position)
u[1:] = graph.node_position[1:] - graph.node_position[:-1]
u = F.normalize(u, dim=-1)
b = torch.ones_like(graph.node_position)
b[:-1] = u[:-1] - u[1:]
b = F.normalize(b, dim=-1)
n = torch.ones_like(graph.node_position)
n[:-1] = torch.cross(u[:-1], u[1:])
n = F.normalize(n, dim=-1)
local_frame = torch.stack([b, n, torch.cross(b, n)], dim=-1)
node_in, node_out = graph.edge_list.t()[:2]
t = graph.node_position[node_out] - graph.node_position[node_in]
t = torch.einsum('ijk, ij->ik', local_frame[node_in], t)
r = torch.sum(local_frame[node_in] * local_frame[node_out], dim=1)
delta = torch.abs(graph.atom2residue[node_in] - graph.atom2residue[node_out]).float() / 6
delta = delta.unsqueeze(-1)
t, r, delta,
1 - 2 * t.abs(), 1 - 2 * r.abs(), 1 - 2 * delta.abs()
], dim=-1)
def forward(self, graph, input, all_loss=None, metric=None):
hiddens = []
layer_input = input
if self.embedding_dim > 0:
layer_input = self.linear(layer_input)
layer_input = self.embedding_batch_norm(layer_input)
if self.num_angle_bin:
line_graph = self.spatial_line_graph(graph)
edge_hidden = line_graph.node_feature.float()
edge_hidden = None
ieconv_edge_feature = self.get_ieconv_edge_feature(graph)
for i in range(len(self.layers)):
# edge message passing
if self.num_angle_bin:
edge_hidden = self.edge_layers[i](line_graph, edge_hidden)
hidden = self.layers[i](graph, layer_input, edge_hidden)
# ieconv layer
if self.use_ieconv:
hidden = hidden + self.ieconvs[i](graph, layer_input, ieconv_edge_feature)
hidden = self.dropout(hidden)
if self.short_cut and hidden.shape == layer_input.shape:
hidden = hidden + layer_input
if self.layer_norm:
hidden = self.layer_norms[i](hidden)
layer_input = hidden
if self.concat_hidden:
node_feature =, dim=-1)
node_feature = hiddens[-1]
graph_feature = self.readout(graph, node_feature)
return {
"graph_feature": graph_feature,
"node_feature": node_feature
Thank you for your amazing work! I found that for the Fold Classification task, the GearNet-Edge model was implemented based on the GearNetIEConv script rather than the GearNet script, which has some detail differences (e.g., extra input embedding and ieconv layers). Based on this, I would like to ask whether you could provide the pretrained GearNet-Edge model based on multiview contrast learning and the GearNetIEConv script for Fold Classification (rather than based on GearNet script for EC task)? Thank you.