Stationary-ODE-based diffeomorphism by predicting velocity and integration using scaling-and-square integration (DVF in DeepReg).
Network and loss:
3D UNet starting with 32 filters; (although similar, maybe worth a re-implementation), outputting at 1/2 voxel size (equivalent to extract_levels: [3] in DeepReg)
difference using reparameterisation to predict the Gaussian parameters for the probabilistic loss; and the loss is minimising the lower bound, resulting in an image data term and a regularising term - interesting to see the difference to intra-SSD and inter-NCC.
atlas-based registration, i.e. register each image to an atlas computed independently
Dice on warped segmentation maps
Benchmarking the selected configurations in: Dalca, A.V., Balakrishnan, G., Guttag, J. and Sabuncu, M.R., 2019. Unsupervised learning of probabilistic diffeomorphic registration for images and surfaces. Medical image analysis, 57, pp.226-236.
This is related to #3.
Tasks: Unsupervised algorithms Optional: surface-based registration (segmentation maps)
Transformation: Stationary-ODE-based diffeomorphism by predicting velocity and integration using scaling-and-square integration (DVF in DeepReg).
Network and loss: 3D UNet starting with 32 filters; (although similar, maybe worth a re-implementation), outputting at 1/2 voxel size (equivalent to extract_levels: [3] in DeepReg) difference using reparameterisation to predict the Gaussian parameters for the probabilistic loss; and the loss is minimising the lower bound, resulting in an image data term and a regularising term - interesting to see the difference to intra-SSD and inter-NCC.
Data: atlas-based registration, i.e. register each image to an atlas computed independently
Metrics: Dice on warped segmentation maps Jacobian