DeepRegNet / DeepReg

Medical image registration using deep learning
Apache License 2.0
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Dev Meeting: New dev avenues #424

Closed NMontanaBrown closed 3 years ago

NMontanaBrown commented 4 years ago

Subject of the issue

At the dev meeting we discussed that, post house-keeping, we should discuss new avenues for development of the codebase + registration functionalities, features beyond minor patches.

We suggested people read/investigate/have a think of papers to implement or new algorithms that could be of interest, or features that would significantly add to the repo.

Please add suggestions before the meeting here so we can have a look and productively discuss.

TODOs: Devs to bring 1 (or more!) suggestions to next dev meeting, tag here with links to paper/code + few lines on thoughts/ideas/directions....

NMontanaBrown commented 4 years ago

@YipengHu @RemiDelaunay @ZheMin-1992 @zacbaum @mathpluscode @acasamitjana @agrimwood @s-sd @ebonmati @MattClarkson @QianyeYang

mathpluscode commented 3 years ago

My reading list:

find representation for registration

convert multimodel registration into monomodal



acasamitjana commented 3 years ago

Suggestions (no need to do them all, just brainstorming)

For completeness

Research directions

Cast intermodal registration (R) as an intramodal problem using image synthesis (I2I). A couple of interesting papers:

s-sd commented 3 years ago

New feature suggestion:

Automated hyperparameter tuning:

At MICCAI I saw a lot of interest in automated hyperparameter search/ tuning. The feature is available in several libraries but integrating it with parameters specified in the config file and with the deepreg train function is not straightforward. I suggest that we add some simple functionality that allows for an automated search procedure.

To start out we could add a simple function called something like tune_and_train which takes in a slightly modifed version of the config file. The modified config file can allow the user to specify either a range for a certain parameter or multiple values for a paramter. Then using random serach the tune_and_train function first selectes the best hyperparameters from its search and then uses these to train the network for a user defined number of epochs. To start out, we can offer this random search procedure which runs the train until a user defined number of epochs for each random combination of parameters that are selected from the user defined space for the parameters. Then the validation accuracy is used from each run to select the best combination which is then used to train the final model for a user defined number of epochs. As a starting point we can offer this functionality for a few parameters in the config file like batch size and number of channels. Then we can extend with other parameters and also other search algorithms, as required.

YipengHu commented 3 years ago

Mine is simple: add a pytorch version and as mentioned by Yunguan, the loader may be shared.

NMontanaBrown commented 3 years ago

Tagging @zacbaum, implement the Free Point Transformer? 😃

RemiDelaunay commented 3 years ago

+1 for pytorch What about adding a demo for registration of 2D images ? I'm not sure if Deepreg accepts 2D images as inputs already ?

zacbaum commented 3 years ago

Tagging @zacbaum, implement the Free Point Transformer? 😃

This was already going to be my suggestion... 😉

In addition to this, we would need to include a way of converting image label masks to pointsets (either on the fly, or as part of a pre-training pipeline).

NMontanaBrown commented 3 years ago

What are some standard registration packages out there we can point to? Would it be useful to self contain the package with standard implems of ICP/CPD/other classical algorithms? or include those packages and maybe add a module that can auto run this for validation as part of our "benchmarking" claim?

+1 for multi-uni modal stream @acasamitjana. It's close to home, very keen.

NMontanaBrown commented 3 years ago

Adding video from MEC, gif, to for nice graphs purposes.

NMontanaBrown commented 3 years ago

@agrimwood Adding information from tracker as inputs to the network to constrain reg, or as different inputs. So a module to do this/process txt files..?

NMontanaBrown commented 3 years ago

@ebonmati Consistent outputs for visualisation from the demos - we have all the image files but do not use them for anything/videos like the MEC one. @s-sd wrote a script to make gifs/videos, maybe it\s a case of adding this script/function into the demos to ensure consistent outputs, update readme with the video to make it more visually appealing.

ebonmati commented 3 years ago

Add a visual output for each demo showing results.

s-sd commented 3 years ago

@s-sd wrote a script to make gifs/videos

@ebonmati, more information (including the four types of visualisations that are supported) on the visualisation tool can be found here:

It is currently in the develop branch