I want to do inference with EfficientPS on KITTI360 images. Therefore i just wanted to try to use the network with the pretrained weights trained on Cityscapes. Because KITTI-360 classes are compatible with the Cityscapes Dataset. My Problem is that the command below fails. I use the command but the pathes are shortened. I changed the cityscapes_inference.py so that the one argument is not config but -config.
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 tools/cityscapes_inference.py -config="/EfficientPS/efficientPS_cityscapes/config/efficientPS_multigpu_sample.py" checkpoint="/EfficientPS/efficientPS_cityscapes/model/model.pth" input="/KITTI-360/data_2d_raw/2013_05_28_drive_0000_sync/image_00/data_rect" out="/KITTI-360/InferenceInstance"
OSError: checkpoint=/EfficientPS/efficientPS_cityscapes/model/model.pth is not a checkpoint file
I downloaded the EfficientPS pre-trained weights and unziped them in the EfficientPS folder. I thought model.pth is a checkpoint file with pre-trained weights.
I would be thankful if anyone could tell me how to do inference correctly with the pre-trained weights.
I want to do inference with EfficientPS on KITTI360 images. Therefore i just wanted to try to use the network with the pretrained weights trained on Cityscapes. Because KITTI-360 classes are compatible with the Cityscapes Dataset. My Problem is that the command below fails. I use the command but the pathes are shortened. I changed the cityscapes_inference.py so that the one argument is not config but -config. Command:
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 tools/cityscapes_inference.py -config="/EfficientPS/efficientPS_cityscapes/config/efficientPS_multigpu_sample.py" checkpoint="/EfficientPS/efficientPS_cityscapes/model/model.pth" input="/KITTI-360/data_2d_raw/2013_05_28_drive_0000_sync/image_00/data_rect" out="/KITTI-360/InferenceInstance"
Error:OSError: checkpoint=/EfficientPS/efficientPS_cityscapes/model/model.pth is not a checkpoint file
I downloaded the EfficientPS pre-trained weights and unziped them in the EfficientPS folder. I thought model.pth is a checkpoint file with pre-trained weights. I would be thankful if anyone could tell me how to do inference correctly with the pre-trained weights.
Thank you in advance, Marcus