DeepSkyForge / GraXpert4PixInsight

Support for PixInsight GraXpert plugin.
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Error message at Icon load / strength slider value not reacting #5

Closed ggalb closed 2 months ago

ggalb commented 2 months ago

Hi there

I have encountered two problems:

  1. When I load my process icons (the new GraXpert tool is in there) I receive 3 errors related to GraXpert and it takes PI more then 2 minutes to react. - How can I correct this from happening?
  2. When I run the GraXpert Denoise tool with any strength below 1.0 - it still shows the used strength as being 1.0 - Is this an error in showing the wrong value or does the execution only run on strength 1.0 ???

Thank you very much - Georg

Graxpert Icon load Graxpert Denoise strength

DeepSkyForge commented 2 months ago

Hi Georg, Yes denoising takes several minutes. You can stop process at any time by clicking on Pause/Abort button on console bottom right

For the Strenght parameter, I'll copy/past explanations I shared on Discord Dark Matter ;-)

DeepSkyForge commented 2 months ago

Yes console show a call to GraXpert with Strenght 1.0 but result return by GraXpert is processed inside PixInsight to apply the Strength configured in the process dialog. I use exactly same formula defined in GraXpert: Result = denoised_image strength + original_image (1-strength). So at the end you have same result. If you don't trust me compare 2 processed images (one from GraXpert Application and another one from PixInsight process). I did it again with Strenght 0.5. Comparison is done with PixelMath and Statistics. See attached screenshot. M31 is the original photo, M31_GraXpert_05 is the denoised photo with GraXpert Application Strength 0.5, GraXpert_denoising is processed photo inside PixInsight with same Strength 0.5 (console show 1.0), Diff is PixelMath used to conpare each pixel processed (see formula in PixelMath). Then I used Process Statictics to see differences. All pixels are at 0.


DeepSkyForge commented 2 months ago

If you denoise same image with a different strength, result will be displayed withing less 2 seconds without any call to GraXper AI. GraXpert Application use internally same principle.

DeepSkyForge commented 2 months ago

Point 1 is my top priority. Dedicated case created: #8

DeepSkyForge commented 2 months ago

Hi ggalb, Point 1 now fixed in version 2.0.2 just released. Thanks for the report here and on Discord ;-) Regards