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Group 4: Porting Zero-cost NAS proxies to MASE #72

Closed HonAnson closed 6 months ago

HonAnson commented 6 months ago

Porting Zero-cost NAS proxies to MASE

We added a proxy action and proxy_strategy in search action, which allows integration of zero-cost proxies with existing bayesian based search algorithms.



Search with proxy

How to use

Proxy Action Workflow

Sample proxy action

Set directory:

cd machop

Use the following command to execute proxy action with settings from our sample configuation file.

./ch proxy --config configs/nas/proxy_nas.toml

The resultant weights are saved in path nas_results/meta_proxy/

Search with proxy

Sample search action with proxy strategy

Set directory:

cd machop

Then, using the following command, search with zero-cost proxy could be executed with our sample configuation file.

./ch search --config configs/nas/search_nas.toml

Expected output:

Best trial(s):
|    |   number | software_metrics            | hardware_metrics                                | scaled_metrics              |
|  0 |        0 | {'accuracy': '[0.8809148]'} | {'average_bitwidth': 32, 'memory_density': 1.0} | {'accuracy': '[0.8809148]'} |


Future work