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Group 2: Porting Zero-cost NAS proxies to MASE #95

Closed zniihgnexy closed 3 months ago

zniihgnexy commented 3 months ago

Zero-Cost Proxy for NAS Project with MASE

This tutorial shows how to search for neural architectures with zero-cost proxies on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet-16-120 datasets using the MASE framework.

Note: The Zero-Cost Proxy project is done by Group 2 of Advanced deep learning system course at Impeiral college london.

Search for Neural Architectures with Zero-Cost Proxies

We load the NAS-Bench-201 benchmark API and use the MASE framework to search for neural architectures with zero-cost proxies. Architectures with its true post-train accuracy are selected from NAS-Bench-201 and searched with zero-cost proxies as objectives.


Before initiating the project, please ensure the following prerequisites are satisfied:

Sample search Config

Here is the search part in configs/examples/search_zero_cost.toml looks like the follows.

# the search space named defined in mase
# should be set as "graph/software/zero_cost" for zero-cost search
name = "graph/software/zero_cost"

by = "name"

# the only choice "NA" is used to indicate that layers are not quantized by default
name = ["NA"]

### search config for vision
## default cifar 10 (can be selected from [cifar10, cifar10-valid, cifar100, ImageNet16-120])
dataset = ['ImageNet16-120']
name = ['infer.tiny']
C = [16]
N = [5]

## following are the option choices for each node in the cell,
## each of them can be chosen from 0,1,2,3,4
op_1_0 = [0,1,2]
op_2_0 = [2,3,4]
op_2_1 = [0, 4]
op_3_0 = [4]
op_3_1 = [0,1]
op_3_2 = [1,2]

number_classes = [10]

## use optuna as the optimization algorithm
name = "optuna"
## should be set to false because zero-cost nas requires a mini-batch of training
eval_mode = false

## set to "zero_cost" to call the newly-defined zc runner that can return both the zero-cost proxies and the true accuracy values
name = "zero_cost"

# metric can be chosen from
# "grad_norm", "snip", "grasp", "fisher", "plain", "l2_norm", "naswot", "naswot_relu", "tenas", "zico"
# choose three of zero cost proxies
metrics = ["naswot_relu", "snip", "plain"]
data_loader = "val_dataloader"
num_samples = 512

n_jobs = 1

# change the number of trail here
n_trials = 5

timeout = 20000
sampler = "tpe"
# sum_scaled_metrics should be false for multi-objective optimization
sum_scaled_metrics = false # multi objective
# direction needs to be commented out for multi-objective optimization
# direction = "maximize"

### set the scale for the chosen zero cost proxy
# grad_norm.scale = 0.0
# grad_norm.direction = "maximize"
snip.scale = 1.0
snip.direction = "maximize"
# grasp.scale = 0.0
# grasp.direction = "maximize"
# fisher.scale = 0.0
# fisher.direction = "maximize"
# jacob_cov.scale = 1.0
# jacob_cov.direction = "maximize"
plain.scale = 1.0
plain.direction = "maximize"
# synflow.scale = 1.0
# synflow.direction = "maximize"
# l2_norm.scale = 0.0
# l2_norm.direction = "minimize"
# naswot.scale = 1.0
# naswot.direction = "maximize"
naswot_relu.scale = 1.0
naswot_relu.direction = "maximize"
# t_cet.scale = 1.0
# t_cet.direction = "maximize"
# tenas.scale = 1.0
# tenas.direction = "maximize"
# zen.scale = 1.0
# zen.direction = "maximize"
# zico.scale = 0.0
# zico.direction = "maximize"

NAS-Bench-201 Dataset Requirement

First download the NAS-Bench-201 .pth file. This file contains the dataset of pre-evaluated architectures for the zero-cost proxy evaluation process.

Download the file from the official NAS-Bench-201 repository or an alternative provided source. After downloading, place the .pth file in your project directory under mase/machop/third-party/NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth.

Setup Instructions

  1. Create and Activate a Python Virtual Environment:

    conda env create -f machop/environment.yml
    conda activate mase
    pip install -r machop/requirements.txt
  2. Install Required Dependencies:

    pip install torch pandas optuna nas-bench-201-api

    Then uncomment line 30, 53-55 of file /mase/machop/chop/actions/search/search_space/zero_cost/

  3. Next, install the nas-bench-201 pth file to this path: mase/machop/third-party/ using the following link: Google Drive NAS-Bench
  4. Configuration Check: Ensure that the configs/examples/search_zero_cost.toml configuration file points to the correct NAS-Bench-201 .pth file location and adjust other settings if necessary.

Project Execution

Execute the project by following command under mase/machop directory:

./ch search --config configs/examples/search_zero_cost.toml

This command triggers the search procedure that employs zero-cost proxies to evaluate and rank neural network architectures. The process includes the model and dataset initialization, search space construction, and the execution of the zero-cost proxy search strategy, followed by the logging and saving of results.

Expected Outputs

Upon successful completion, the project generates:

These outputs are crucial for assessing the performance of various architectures and the predictive accuracy of zero-cost proxies.

For instance, given the aforementioned configuration:

After 5 trails is done: the terminal will show the following information.

INFO     Building search space...
INFO     Search started...
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5/5 [08:09<00:00, 97.93s/it, 489.66/20000 seconds]
INFO     Best trial(s):
Best trial(s):
|    |   number | software_metrics                                          | hardware_metrics   | scaled_metrics                                            |
|  0 |        3 | {'naswot_relu': 402.299, 'snip': 127.374, 'plain': 0.175} | {}                 | {'naswot_relu': 402.299, 'plain': 0.175, 'snip': 127.374} |
INFO     Searching is completed

In addition, two extra .json files called zc_ensemble.json and zc_with_predivtive_and_true.json will be automatically saved to mase_output/[project_name]/sofware/search_ckpts.

zc_ensemble.json will save the ensemble weights for each of the selected zero cost proxies, showed as follows.


zc_with_predivtive_and_true.json will save the standardised zero cost proxies for each trail, the true accuracy retrived from the NAS-Bench-201, and the predictive accuracy by the regression model. A sample file is shown as below.



We finished all basic elements and one of the extensions for the project assignments.

The explanation documentation is under the machop/sphinx_docs/source/modules/documentation/tutorials/actions/search directory. NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth: