Collect tests results even when some tests fail (or timeout)
Tricky case: when tests failed, some tests may have not been executed,
so tests results files may be missing.
We still want to collect them if possible, without raising extra error
if we cant.
We still want to fail when the collection failed when the tests
succeeded though.
Current solution: duplicate the tests results collections commands,
wrap tests, and individual collections, with try/catch/rethrow and
help messages.
Maybe a better way to handle that would be to have a "super cmd" that
takes the individual test results collections cmds, and handle the
error handling and duplication in generate_command_bash|pipeline()?
always store container id in txt files, even if tests failed
always late-collect cobertura reports.
We reach that point either via normal flow where we do want an error
if no file found, or via test error where we don't want an error if no
file found.
Luckily, inline part of cobertura will already have failed if file is
missing; with proper error handling: we can ignore all that here.
To test things, uncomment #- lets_fail_here in testweb/dmake.yml
Here is how it looks like when a test fails, with remaining tests results to collect (and DMAKE_DEBUG=1, it's less verbose in real life):
in classic logs: Failed in branch test @ dmake-test/test-web
in blue ocean:
Jenkins collect dmake self tests results even on error
Add color to dmake self tests output
quickfix escaping echo messages containing ;
We probably need more escaping: bash escaping, but the generate_bash
echo escaping is also wrong (it uses groovy string escaping, not bash
escaping...), so it's even between bash and jenkinsfile generation.
Add indentation to bash generated DMakefile, like it's already done for Jenkinsfile
closes #374
Collect tests results even when some tests fail (or timeout)
Tricky case: when tests failed, some tests may have not been executed, so tests results files may be missing. We still want to collect them if possible, without raising extra error if we cant. We still want to fail when the collection failed when the tests succeeded though.
Current solution: duplicate the tests results collections commands, wrap tests, and individual collections, with try/catch/rethrow and help messages.
On bash, use for try/catch.
Maybe a better way to handle that would be to have a "super cmd" that takes the individual test results collections cmds, and handle the error handling and duplication in generate_command_bash|pipeline()?
To test things, uncomment
#- lets_fail_here
in testweb/dmake.ymlResults Here is how it looks like when a test fails, with remaining tests results to collect (and DMAKE_DEBUG=1, it's less verbose in real life): in classic logs:
Failed in branch test @ dmake-test/test-web
in blue ocean:
We probably need more escaping: bash escaping, but the generate_bash echo escaping is also wrong (it uses groovy string escaping, not bash escaping...), so it's even between bash and jenkinsfile generation.