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更易操作的用户管理 #219

Open TerLand0berver opened 1 week ago

TerLand0berver commented 1 week ago

首先,用户显示应该是从后往前,新注册的显示在前 对用户实现更多分类,例如是否订阅筛选,付费金额筛选,注册日期筛选

Issues-translate-bot commented 1 week ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

Title: Easier user management

First of all, users should be displayed from back to front, with newly registered users displayed in front. Implement more classifications for users, such as filtering whether to subscribe, filtering payment amount, and filtering registration date

TerLand0berver commented 1 week ago


Issues-translate-bot commented 1 week ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

Backend management is easier to operate. For example, in the channel settings subdirectory, click Channel Settings to return to the channel settings main directory.