Deepu84 / Amazing_python_script

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Add python script of web scraping #2

Open Deepu84 opened 3 years ago

shivanshsinghal107 commented 3 years ago

I want to add a script which scrapes state-wise India's COVID-19 data

PranavMurali commented 3 years ago

What type of data are you looking to scrape?

shivanshsinghal107 commented 3 years ago

What type of data are you looking to scrape?

Total Active Cases, Recovered, Deaths all of this state-wise for India

PranavMurali commented 3 years ago

no i meant @Deepu84 . Do you have any requirements?. also @shivanshsinghal107 isn't that irrelevant due to widespread APIs, for example covidpy and some nice covid APIs on postman.

shivanshsinghal107 commented 3 years ago

Oh, that's why I was thinking that you are not a collaborator, contributor or owner of the repo, then why are you asking this. And to answer your question I didn't know about all these things you mentioned, and I just asked to do one of the things I can do.