DeerMaximum / Technische-Alternative-CoE

Custom Home Assistant integration to read data from a C.M.I. via CoE
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Switching and reading (status off) binary outputs #42

Closed AceAl24 closed 6 months ago

AceAl24 commented 7 months ago


First of all thanks for all the work you put into this.

I am quite new to this and a little overwhelmed so here is my question: My Setup: I have a HA running on an RaspPi, 1x CMI and 1x UVR1611

I was able to setup the "TA C.M.I." Integration and am now able to pull analog values (like temperature) from it. I am not quite sure how to get a status like Binary Output 11 "ON/OFF/AUTO/HAND), I only saw analog values... CMI-HA-CAN00

Then I started experimenting with the "CoE to HTTP Server" add-on. I didn't get to select a not used CAN ID at first but now it's working


Also the "CoE TA" Integration seams to work but now I am stuck and have no clue how to set/reset Output values and find the proper IDs needed.


Thanks for your Tipps and Help

DeerMaximum commented 7 months ago

So if I have understood correctly, you were able to solve the problem with the binary output 11 with the help of CoE integration, right?

To send values to the C.M.I. via CoE, you create a helper in HA, e.g. an input_boolean. You then enter the ID of this helper in the integration options under "CoE Sensoren hinzufügen". The status of the helper is now sent to the C.M.I. when it changes. For information about the added sensors, see the attributes of the "CoE: Send value state" sensor.

DeerMaximum commented 6 months ago


AceAl24 commented 5 months ago

Sorry for not replying, I had little spare time for HA in the last few weeks.

.) I created a Helper Switch (input_boolean) called e.g. "CMI_Relais11" .) Now I am stuck at the Coe Config... HA-CMI-Integ01 I then added the new ID. But where do I configer what the CMI device should do?

AceAl24 commented 5 months ago

Can you please give some examples? e.g. Set an relais Output... HA-CMI-Integ02 OR Change the Setting of the Heatingsystem HA-CMI-Integ03 Thx for your work and help!

DeerMaximum commented 5 months ago

As we don't have the same device, I don't know whether the interface looks exactly the same on your system. But in my case, you can configure digital inputs under CAN settings.

can can-dig-input

Here is an example of a test input.


I can then simply use this input in functions.


I hope I was able to help you

AceAl24 commented 5 months ago

Thx for the tip I will try it next weekend