DeerMaximum / Technische-Alternative-CoE

Custom Home Assistant integration to read data from a C.M.I. via CoE
MIT License
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Digital input via HA over CMI to TA controller #47

Closed marst444 closed 5 months ago

marst444 commented 5 months ago

It is great to be able to pull data from the Controller via the CMI interface as made possible by this HACS integration.

If it also would be possible to Send inpit back to the controller over the interface, it would be possible to integrate weatherforecast as a sensor in the TA controller and make give new controllpossibilities. fex. block the boiler/heatpump if Sun tomorrow when having a solar heat system.

I have considered constructing a separate sensor with HA USB input through an arduino connected to the TA controller, to get a digital input of this kind, but would be much sleeker to have this ability directly through the CMI interface.

DeerMaximum commented 5 months ago

With this integration it is possible to send data back to the C.M.I. You can set the entities to be sent via the integration options. The following domains are currently supported:

marst444 commented 5 months ago

Thankyou again for this HACS! I am sorry I did not read the "readme file" thoroughly enough. As you quote it clearly states the possibility to send data back to C.M.I.

I have no problem to extract the data from C.M.I to HA, but still could use a clarification about how to set up the "integration options" to send data back to a sensor from an output in HA.

romeocontrol commented 5 months ago

This really is a great piece of software that you have created here. And I always feel a bit guilty about criticizing it. But that's actually the whole point, isn't it? So: it works well for me, it also saves me money, because now I can send data from my KNX to the UVR via ha without an expensive separate interface and thus optimize the solar start - especially now in winter. And during testing, of course, entities were entered that I no longer need. Can I delete these again somewhere? Best regards RT

DeerMaximum commented 5 months ago

@marst444 Sure, no problem.

On the integration page, click on configure.

integration page

Then click on add exposed sensor.


Then you can enter the ID of the entity you want to transfer.

DeerMaximum commented 5 months ago

@romeocontrol Not yet, but is being planned. See #30.

romeocontrol commented 5 months ago

Thank you, i will stay tuned !

marst444 commented 5 months ago

Thank you for your friendly reply and support! Unfortunately i cannot make this integration work. Being comfortoble to TA but a total nube with HA I now realised I had installed the "wrong" integration, (your "Technische-Alternative-CMI" and through that integretaion the CMI reading works great, but the "options" are a bit different from posted picture above ofcourse.... Thats how I realised my mistake :) Well, unfortunately I am out of luck installing this current "Technische-Alternative-CoE" integration. I cannot manage to get past the first step. a) The IP adress is still the adress of the CMI? b) The Target CAN-IDs are the CMI CAN inputs? CMI outputs? c) Following the linked instructions in "" i can get the output all the way to the CMI CoE output. In the "FHEM wiki" you are in the last step supposed to send the output on to the FHEM IP adress as specified in the CoE output. Putting the HA IP instead here did not do the trick. Thanks in advance for your patient help!

romeocontrol commented 5 months ago

Hello marst444, I can gladly help you. Preferably online.

We can meet 'privately' online. I've just been through this and I'm sure I can help you with my settings. We technical alternative and homeassistant users have to stick together. Write to me:

Schreib mir

Best regards RT

marst444 commented 5 months ago

After the wonderful assistant from @romeocontrol i now have a fully bidirectional working integration with this splendid piece of software. Thank you so much for the great work!