DeerTears / GB-Studio-Community-Assets

A repository of user-submitted original assets usable in GB Studio, with no attribution required.
MIT License
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[Locher] resources included #7

Closed locherunderscore closed 4 years ago

locherunderscore commented 4 years ago

/Music/[Locher] Music Stash/...

/Sprites/Anim/bag.png /Sprites/Anim/generic_soul.png /Sprites/Anim/interactive.png /Sprites/Static/Utility/hex.png /Sprites/Static/Utility/weapon_upgrade.png


DeerTears commented 4 years ago

Hey this is pretty good, thanks for the sprite contributions! I kinda wish the music files were organized with the other folders, like fight music being in /Action or BGM being in /Overworld or something so people just have to browse by the genres, not by artist. Whichever song needs to go in certain places is up to you, but just so the # of folders doesn't increase too much in the music section.

I really wish there'd be an easier way to move those files since doing it on the website means doing a lot of deletes and re-uploading stuff carefully, but like, maybe either I can close this request and you can upload just the sprites, or you can figure out a way to delete the music stuff and figure that out as a different Pull Request.

Also sorry I'm pretty sure you sent me files directly but I just didn't upload them, at all 🙏 Things been busy and I apologize profusely

DeerTears commented 4 years ago

Closing this, Locher and I talked and both agreed it's for the best