DefGuard / client

Best WireGuard desktop client with Multi-Factor Authentication
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Installation of DefGuard Client v0.2.1 on Windows 11 Fails #205

Open pauls-hf opened 4 months ago

pauls-hf commented 4 months ago

The installation of the DefGuard client software on a Windows 11 machine always fails.

Asset used is defguard-client_0.2.1_x64_en-US.exe. This is a fresh installation.

Other observations:

Found the below events from the Windows Application Error log, in order. All fall under the Informational level; all fall under the MsiInstaller source.

  1. Event ID 1040:
    Beginning a Windows Installer transaction: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{<REDACTED_UUID_VALUE>}v0.2.1\defguard-client_0.2.1_x64_en-US.msi. Client Process Id: 16808.
  2. Event ID 11708:
    Product: defguard-client -- Installation failed.
  3. Event ID 1033:
    Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: defguard-client. Product Version: 0.2.1. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: defguard. Installation success or error status: 1603.
  4. Event ID 1042:
    Ending a Windows Installer transaction: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{<REDACTED_UUID_VALUE>}v0.2.1\defguard-client_0.2.1_x64_en-US.msi. Client Process Id: 16808.

Also found the below event from the Windows System Error log. Level = Informational; Source = Service Control Manager; Event ID = 7045

A service was installed in the system.

Service Name:  Defguard Service
Service File Name:  "C:\Program Files\defguard-client\defguard-service.exe"
Service Type:  user mode service
Service Start Type:  auto start
Service Account:  LocalSystem