DefGuard / client

Best WireGuard desktop client with Multi-Factor Authentication
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Desktop client lacking feedback #221

Open Netherwhal opened 3 months ago

Netherwhal commented 3 months ago

Currently I can successfully add a defguard instance.

When I click on "connect" it just prompts for 2fa. After successfully entering there is zero feedback if it failed or succeeded.

No status indication, no change of colors, no change of text.

I assume it is not working, but it also does not tell me why not :)

To be more clear:

  1. Make Logs easily accessible
  2. Give clear feedback with error message after entering 2fa why connection is not working (or at least to make clear that connection failed)

Server logs indicate 2fa is being received:

2024-03-24T17:37:31.440129Z DEBUG http_request{method=POST path=/api/v1/client-mfa/start}: tower_http::trace::on_response: finished processing request latency=7 ms status=200
2024-03-24T17:37:38.499463Z DEBUG http_request{method=POST path=/api/v1/client-mfa/finish}: tower_http::trace::on_request: started processing request
2024-03-24T17:37:38.499643Z  INFO http_request{method=POST path=/api/v1/client-mfa/finish}: defguard_proxy::handlers::desktop_client_mfa: Finishing desktop client authorization
2024-03-24T17:37:38.504330Z DEBUG defguard_proxy: RPC message received CoreResponse { id: 46, payload: Some(ClientMfaFinish(ClientMfaFinishResponse { preshared_key: "gjHMXuW5UbldOdN6/IMeDjeS3tWpXUqYSA824J2ofS4=" })) }
2024-03-24T17:37:38.504403Z DEBUG http_request{method=POST path=/api/v1/client-mfa/finish}: tower_http::trace::on_response: finished processing request latency=4 ms status=200

I do see the following error:

2024-03-24T18:09:36.500162Z  INFO defguard::wireguard_peer_disconnect: Marking device [ID 3] foobar as not authorized to connect to location [ID 1] nl

but there is nothing indicating where that can be fixed.

teon commented 3 months ago

Of course there is feedback:

  1. The icon from orange turns green
  2. The connections states acrive
  3. There are statistics just after few seconds:
Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 18 59 35
Netherwhal commented 3 months ago

I'm color blind so I can not really tell.

but also why is this ticket being closed :P

it shows zero indication why its not working :/ - so I can maybe now "assume" its not working, but I can not say from client why.

please leave ticket open.

teon commented 3 months ago

@Netherwhal that's why I have pointed several other options then color of the connection. There is literally a please where it states that the connection is Active as well as there are statistics and logs. If the connection is not active and there is no error message please provide logs:

Netherwhal commented 3 months ago
{"timestamp":"2024-03-24T16:12:24.600404Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"Starting defguard interface management daemon"},"target":"defguard_client::service"}
{"timestamp":"2024-03-24T16:12:24.600443Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"defguard daemon listening on"},"target":"defguard_client::service"}
teon commented 3 months ago
  1. Please change in the client settings logs severity to DEBUG
  2. Connect again
  3. Provide all logs pointed on the support page.

Thank you!

Netherwhal commented 3 months ago

Is is already set to debug - do I need to restart something else? Because even if I completely restart tray service, no new logs are being written

teon commented 3 months ago

Yes you need to restart the client

Netherwhal commented 3 months ago

How do I do that :) - because as mentioned I did exactly that already ;)