DefGuard / deployment

Deployment files for defguard service
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I see the Gateway has an option to install via a Binary. Do the other components? #18

Open bmullan opened 9 months ago

bmullan commented 9 months ago

I use Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and LXD for my VMs and unprivileged "system" containers of which I use many.

Although, I can run Docker on my Ubuntu systems and I can run Docker "nested" in "unprivileged" LXD containers I try to minimize it because its just adding overhead & functionality I can do in LXD containers.

I saw that the Gateway has the option to install via a Binary.

Do the other components have the option to install via Binary also?

thanks for any info about this.

teon commented 9 months ago

We will add the binary build tomorrow - and will add some documentation how to spin out/deploy and configure the core with binary, so it will be easier for you to deploy by hand in your favourable fashion ;-)

We should also prepare packages and support configuration with config (and not just ENV variables) but that requires more work - so will go to the ,backlog' for next release.

bmullan commented 9 months ago

thanks... brian

On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 1:58 PM Robert Olejnik @.***> wrote:

We will add the binary build tomorrow - and will add some documentation how to spin out/deploy and configure the core with binary, so it will be easier for you to deploy by hand in your favourable fashion ;-)

We should also prepare packages and support configuration with config (and not just ENV variables) but that requires more work - so will go to the ,backlog' for next release.

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