Closed DefTruth closed 6 months ago采用了尽可能解耦的方式来管理代码,基于不同的推理引擎的实现是相互独立的,比如ONNXRuntime版本的YOLOX和MNN版本的YOLOX是相互独立的,他们的代码分别管理在不同的目录下,你可以只编译ONNXRuntime版本的实现。为方便的用户添加自己的模型,这里简单介绍下的代码布局。
# --------------------------- 这部分是管理整理工程的代码 被下游的各个模块依赖 ----------------------------------
├── backend.h # 宏处理 决定基础的推理引擎 目前必须是ONNXRuntime
├── config.h # 宏处理
├── # cmake编译时宏处理
├── # 宏处理
├── # 引入基础依赖库
├── lite.h # 引入项目的基础对外的模块
├── pipeline # 暂时没用
├── pipeline.h # 暂时没用
├── types.h # 基础类型,很重要,会被下游模块复用,比如实际上ort::types是types的alias
├── utils.cpp # 基础功能函数实现,很重要,会被下游模块复用
└── utils.h # 基础功能函数头文件
├── models.h # 模型整体的命名空间管理,很重要,所有被实现的模型需要在这里被导出
... ├── mnn │ ├── core # MNN基础父类和特定功能的实现,必须要阅读 │ │ ├── mnn_config.h │ │ ├── mnn_core.h # MNN模型命名空间管理,实现一个类前,现在这里添加签名 │ │ ├── mnn_defs.h │ │ ├── mnn_handler.cpp # 基础父类实现,必须阅读 │ │ ├── mnn_handler.h │ │ ├── mnn_types.h │ │ ├── mnn_utils.cpp │ │ └── mnn_utils.h │ └── cv # 各个模型的具体实现,会引用core中实现的父类和功能函数 │ ├── mnn_age_googlenet.cpp │ ├── mnn_age_googlenet.h │ ├── mnn_cava_combined_face.cpp ... ├── ncnn │ ├── core # NCNN基础父类和特定功能的实现,必须要阅读 │ │ ├── ncnn_config.h │ │ ├── ncnn_core.h # NCNN模型命名空间管理,实现一个类前,现在这里添加签名 │ │ ├── ncnn_custom.cpp │ │ ├── ncnn_custom.h │ │ ├── ncnn_defs.h │ │ ├── ncnn_handler.cpp # 基础父类实现,必须阅读 │ │ ├── ncnn_handler.h │ │ ├── ncnn_types.h │ │ ├── ncnn_utils.cpp │ │ └── ncnn_utils.h │ └── cv # 各个模型的具体实现,会引用core中实现的父类和功能函数 │ ├── ncnn_age_googlenet.cpp │ ├── ncnn_age_googlenet.h │ ├── ncnn_cava_combined_face.cpp │ ├── ncnn_cava_combined_face.h │ ├── ncnn_cava_ghost_arcface.cpp ... ├── ort │ ├── core # ONNXRuntime基础父类和特定功能的实现,必须要阅读 │ │ ├── ort_config.h │ │ ├── ort_core.h # ONNXRuntime模型命名空间管理,实现一个类前,现在这里添加签名 │ │ ├── ort_defs.h │ │ ├── ort_handler.cpp # 基础父类实现,必须阅读 │ │ ├── ort_handler.h │ │ ├── ort_types.h │ │ ├── ort_utils.cpp │ │ └── ort_utils.h │ └── cv # 各个模型的具体实现,会引用core中实现的父类和功能函数 │ ├── age_googlenet.cpp │ ├── age_googlenet.h │ ├── cava_combined_face.cpp │ ├── cava_combined_face.h │ ├── cava_ghost_arcface.cpp │ ├── cava_ghost_arcface.h ... ├── tnn │ ├── core # TNN基础父类和特定功能的实现,必须要阅读 │ │ ├── tnn_config.h │ │ ├── tnn_core.h # TNN模型命名空间管理,实现一个类前,现在这里添加签名 │ │ ├── tnn_defs.h │ │ ├── tnn_handler.cpp # 基础父类实现,必须阅读 │ │ ├── tnn_handler.h │ │ ├── tnn_types.h │ │ ├── tnn_utils.cpp │ │ └── tnn_utils.h │ └── cv # 各个模型的具体实现,会引用core中实现的父类和功能函数 │ ├── tnn_age_googlenet.cpp │ ├── tnn_age_googlenet.h │ ├── tnn_cava_combined_face.cpp │ ├── tnn_cava_combined_face.h │ ├── tnn_cava_ghost_arcface.cpp │ ├── tnn_cava_ghost_arcface.h │ ├── tnn_center_loss_face.cpp
## 添加模型的步骤
以下以添加YOLOX的ONNXRuntime C++版本为例,讲解如何添加一个新模型。
* 第一步: 在 lite/ort/core/ort_core.h 中添加YoloX函数签名,如果是其他推理引擎则还需要加具体的推理引擎作为前缀,如MNNYoloX.
// lite/ort/core/ort_core.h 中
namespace ortcv
// ...
class LITE_EXPORTS YoloX; // [56] * reference:
// lite/mnn/core/mnn_core.h 中
namespace mnncv
// ...
class LITE_EXPORTS MNNYoloX; // [3] * reference:
├── ort
│ ├── core # ONNXRuntime基础父类和特定功能的实现,必须要阅读
│ │ ├── ort_config.h
│ │ └── ort_utils.h
│ └── cv # 各个模型的具体实现,会引用core中实现的父类和功能函数
│ ├── yolox.cpp
│ ├── yolox.h
namespace ortcv { class LITE_EXPORTS YoloX : public BasicOrtHandler { public: explicit YoloX(const std::string &_onnx_path, unsigned int _num_threads = 1) : BasicOrtHandler(_onnx_path, _num_threads) {};
~YoloX() override = default;
private: // nested classes typedef struct GridAndStride { int grid0; int grid1; int stride; } YoloXAnchor;
typedef struct
float r;
int dw;
int dh;
int new_unpad_w;
int new_unpad_h;
bool flag;
} YoloXScaleParams;
private: const float mean_vals[3] = {255.f 0.485f, 255.f 0.456, 255.f 0.406f}; const float scale_vals[3] = {1 / (255.f 0.229f), 1 / (255.f 0.224f), 1 / (255.f 0.225f)};
const char *class_names[80] = {
"person", "bicycle", "car", "motorcycle", "airplane", "bus", "train", "truck", "boat", "traffic light",
"fire hydrant", "stop sign", "parking meter", "bench", "bird", "cat", "dog", "horse", "sheep", "cow",
"elephant", "bear", "zebra", "giraffe", "backpack", "umbrella", "handbag", "tie", "suitcase", "frisbee",
"skis", "snowboard", "sports ball", "kite", "baseball bat", "baseball glove", "skateboard", "surfboard",
"tennis racket", "bottle", "wine glass", "cup", "fork", "knife", "spoon", "bowl", "banana", "apple",
"sandwich", "orange", "broccoli", "carrot", "hot dog", "pizza", "donut", "cake", "chair", "couch",
"potted plant", "bed", "dining table", "toilet", "tv", "laptop", "mouse", "remote", "keyboard",
"cell phone", "microwave", "oven", "toaster", "sink", "refrigerator", "book", "clock", "vase",
"scissors", "teddy bear", "hair drier", "toothbrush"
enum NMS
HARD = 0, BLEND = 1, OFFSET = 2
static constexpr const unsigned int max_nms = 30000;
private: // 需要被重写的方法 Ort::Value transform(const cv::Mat &mat_rs) override; // without resize
void resize_unscale(const cv::Mat &mat,
cv::Mat &mat_rs,
int target_height,
int target_width,
YoloXScaleParams &scale_params);
void generate_anchors(const int target_height,
const int target_width,
std::vector<int> &strides,
std::vector<YoloXAnchor> &anchors);
void generate_bboxes(const YoloXScaleParams &scale_params,
std::vector<types::Boxf> &bbox_collection,
std::vector<Ort::Value> &output_tensors,
float score_threshold, int img_height,
int img_width); // rescale & exclude
void nms(std::vector<types::Boxf> &input, std::vector<types::Boxf> &output,
float iou_threshold, unsigned int topk, unsigned int nms_type);
// 请保持detect、detect_video等的命名规范,detect是图片级别的检测接口,detect_video是视频级别的检测接口
void detect(const cv::Mat &mat, std::vector
}; }
* 第四步: 在 yolox.cpp 中实现 YoloX 类的所有方法,并可能会引用全局的 lite/utils.h 进行复用,这基本是唯一的全局依赖了。
#include "yolox.h"
#include "lite/ort/core/ort_utils.h" // 引入onnxruntime特定的自定义功能函数,依赖于推理引擎
#include "lite/utils.h" // 引入全局定义的功能函数,不依赖推理引擎,如NMS
using ortcv::YoloX;
Ort::Value YoloX::transform(const cv::Mat &mat_rs)
cv::Mat canvas;
cv::cvtColor(mat_rs, canvas, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
// resize without padding, (Done): add padding as the official Python implementation.
// cv::resize(canva, canva, cv::Size(,
// (1,3,640,640) 1xCXHXW
ortcv::utils::transform::normalize_inplace(canvas, mean_vals, scale_vals); // float32
// Note !!!: Comment out this line if you use the newest YOLOX model.
// There is no normalization for the newest official C++ implementation
// using ncnn. Reference:
// [1]
// ortcv::utils::transform::normalize_inplace(canva, mean_vals, scale_vals); // float32
return ortcv::utils::transform::create_tensor(
canvas, input_node_dims, memory_info_handler,
input_values_handler, ortcv::utils::transform::CHW);
void YoloX::resize_unscale(const cv::Mat &mat, cv::Mat &mat_rs,
int target_height, int target_width,
YoloXScaleParams &scale_params)
if (mat.empty()) return;
int img_height = static_cast<int>(mat.rows);
int img_width = static_cast<int>(mat.cols);
mat_rs = cv::Mat(target_height, target_width, CV_8UC3,
cv::Scalar(114, 114, 114));
// scale ratio (new / old) new_shape(h,w)
float w_r = (float) target_width / (float) img_width;
float h_r = (float) target_height / (float) img_height;
float r = std::min(w_r, h_r);
// compute padding
int new_unpad_w = static_cast<int>((float) img_width * r); // floor
int new_unpad_h = static_cast<int>((float) img_height * r); // floor
int pad_w = target_width - new_unpad_w; // >=0
int pad_h = target_height - new_unpad_h; // >=0
int dw = pad_w / 2;
int dh = pad_h / 2;
// resize with unscaling
cv::Mat new_unpad_mat = mat.clone();
cv::resize(new_unpad_mat, new_unpad_mat, cv::Size(new_unpad_w, new_unpad_h));
new_unpad_mat.copyTo(mat_rs(cv::Rect(dw, dh, new_unpad_w, new_unpad_h)));
// record scale params.
scale_params.r = r;
scale_params.dw = dw;
scale_params.dh = dh;
scale_params.new_unpad_w = new_unpad_w;
scale_params.new_unpad_h = new_unpad_h;
scale_params.flag = true;
void YoloX::detect(const cv::Mat &mat, std::vector<types::Boxf> &detected_boxes,
float score_threshold, float iou_threshold,
unsigned int topk, unsigned int nms_type)
if (mat.empty()) return;
const int input_height =;
const int input_width =;
int img_height = static_cast<int>(mat.rows);
int img_width = static_cast<int>(mat.cols);
// resize & unscale
cv::Mat mat_rs;
YoloXScaleParams scale_params;
this->resize_unscale(mat, mat_rs, input_height, input_width, scale_params);
// 1. make input tensor
Ort::Value input_tensor = this->transform(mat_rs);
// 2. inference scores & boxes.
auto output_tensors = ort_session->Run(
&input_tensor, 1,, num_outputs
// 3. rescale & exclude.
std::vector<types::Boxf> bbox_collection;
this->generate_bboxes(scale_params, bbox_collection, output_tensors, score_threshold, img_height, img_width);
// 4. hard|blend|offset nms with topk.
this->nms(bbox_collection, detected_boxes, iou_threshold, topk, nms_type);
void YoloX::generate_anchors(const int target_height,
const int target_width,
std::vector<int> &strides,
std::vector<YoloXAnchor> &anchors)
for (auto stride : strides)
int num_grid_w = target_width / stride;
int num_grid_h = target_height / stride;
for (int g1 = 0; g1 < num_grid_h; ++g1)
for (int g0 = 0; g0 < num_grid_w; ++g0)
#ifdef LITE_WIN32
YoloXAnchor anchor;
anchor.grid0 = g0;
anchor.grid1 = g1;
anchor.stride = stride;
anchors.push_back((YoloXAnchor) {g0, g1, stride});
void YoloX::generate_bboxes(const YoloXScaleParams &scale_params,
std::vector<types::Boxf> &bbox_collection,
std::vector<Ort::Value> &output_tensors,
float score_threshold, int img_height,
int img_width)
Ort::Value &pred =; // (1,n,85=5+80=cxcy+cwch+obj_conf+cls_conf)
auto pred_dims =; // (1,n,85)
const unsigned int num_anchors =; // n = ?
const unsigned int num_classes = - 5;
const float input_height = static_cast<float>(; // e.g 640
const float input_width = static_cast<float>(; // e.g 640
std::vector<YoloXAnchor> anchors;
std::vector<int> strides = {8, 16, 32}; // might have stride=64
this->generate_anchors(input_height, input_width, strides, anchors);
float r_ = scale_params.r;
int dw_ = scale_params.dw;
int dh_ = scale_params.dh;
unsigned int count = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_anchors; ++i)
float obj_conf = pred.At<float>({0, i, 4});
if (obj_conf < score_threshold) continue; // filter first.
float cls_conf = pred.At<float>({0, i, 5});
unsigned int label = 0;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_classes; ++j)
float tmp_conf = pred.At<float>({0, i, j + 5});
if (tmp_conf > cls_conf)
cls_conf = tmp_conf;
label = j;
} // argmax
float conf = obj_conf * cls_conf; // cls_conf (0.,1.)
if (conf < score_threshold) continue; // filter
const int grid0 =;
const int grid1 =;
const int stride =;
float dx = pred.At<float>({0, i, 0});
float dy = pred.At<float>({0, i, 1});
float dw = pred.At<float>({0, i, 2});
float dh = pred.At<float>({0, i, 3});
float cx = (dx + (float) grid0) * (float) stride;
float cy = (dy + (float) grid1) * (float) stride;
float w = std::exp(dw) * (float) stride;
float h = std::exp(dh) * (float) stride;
float x1 = ((cx - w / 2.f) - (float) dw_) / r_;
float y1 = ((cy - h / 2.f) - (float) dh_) / r_;
float x2 = ((cx + w / 2.f) - (float) dw_) / r_;
float y2 = ((cy + h / 2.f) - (float) dh_) / r_;
types::Boxf box;
box.x1 = std::max(0.f, x1);
box.y1 = std::max(0.f, y1);
box.x2 = std::min(x2, (float) img_width);
box.y2 = std::min(y2, (float) img_height);
box.score = conf;
box.label = label;
box.label_text = class_names[label];
box.flag = true;
count += 1; // limit boxes for nms.
if (count > max_nms)
std::cout << "detected num_anchors: " << num_anchors << "\n";
std::cout << "generate_bboxes num: " << bbox_collection.size() << "\n";
void YoloX::nms(std::vector<types::Boxf> &input, std::vector<types::Boxf> &output,
float iou_threshold, unsigned int topk, unsigned int nms_type)
if (nms_type == NMS::BLEND) lite::utils::blending_nms(input, output, iou_threshold, topk);
else if (nms_type == NMS::OFFSET) lite::utils::offset_nms(input, output, iou_threshold, topk);
else lite::utils::hard_nms(input, output, iou_threshold, topk);
// ...
#include "lite/ort/cv/yolox.h"
// 默认版本 namespace lite { namespace cv {
typedef ortcv::YoloX _YoloX;
} // 2. general object detection namespace detection {
typedef _YoloX YoloX;
} } // 还有个onnxruntime的命名空间也要添加 namespace lite { namespace onnxruntime { namespace cv { typedef ortcv::YoloX _ONNXYoloX; } // 2. general object detection namespace detection { typedef _ONNXYoloX YoloX; } } }
* 第六步: 编写测试工程 examples/lite/cv/test_lite_yolox.cpp
#include "lite/lite.h"
static void test_default()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/yolox_s.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_yolox_1.jpg";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_yolox_1.jpg";
// 1. Test Default Engine ONNXRuntime
lite::cv::detection::YoloX *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX(onnx_path); // default
std::vector<lite::types::Boxf> detected_boxes;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
yolox->detect(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
lite::utils::draw_boxes_inplace(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);
std::cout << "Default Version Detected Boxes Num: " << detected_boxes.size() << std::endl;
delete yolox;
static void test_onnxruntime()
std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/yolox_s.onnx";
std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_yolox_2.jpg";
std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_yolox_2.jpg";
// 2. Test Specific Engine ONNXRuntime
lite::onnxruntime::cv::detection::YoloX *yolox =
new lite::onnxruntime::cv::detection::YoloX(onnx_path);
std::vector<lite::types::Boxf> detected_boxes;
cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
yolox->detect(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
lite::utils::draw_boxes_inplace(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);
std::cout << "ONNXRuntime Version Detected Boxes Num: " << detected_boxes.size() << std::endl;
delete yolox;
static void test_mnn()
// ...
static void test_ncnn()
// ...
static void test_tnn()
// ...
static void test_lite()
int main(__unused int argc, __unused char *argv[])
return 0;
# ...
add_lite_executable(lite_yolox cv)
test_lite_xxx.cpp # 添加到CMakeLists时,使用add_lite_executable(lite_xxx, cv)
sh ./ && cd build/ && ./lite_yolox
如果上述步骤全部通过后,可以考虑提交 PR (请提交到dev分支),并且通过百度云盘或谷歌云盘共享你的模型文件。我会下载您的代码和模型,进行编译测试,通过后代码会合并到main分支。
例如MODNet这种是python 的,如何把他的训练转成本项目可以使用的onnx推理文件 这里有导出onnx rvm就是根据他的onnx接口来开发的 这个项目 他支持 SINet MODNet MediaPipe Selfie Segmentation rvm rvm测试了下同样cpu感觉比你这个流畅 MODNet 好像不稳定跑不起来 这个项目也时不时会报错不稳定
大佬,我的模型需要图像和 scale 比例两个作为输入,这种应该怎么办呢,以什么形式输入进去呢?(python 可以用字典)
我可以直接继承 BasicMultiOrtHandler 来写吗?
我可以直接继承 BasicMultiOrtHandler 来写吗?
我可以直接继承 BasicMultiOrtHandler 来写吗?
- BasicOrtHandle
大佬,我用继承 BasicMultiOrtHandler 编写发现能跑,但是结果总是有问题。后面我就参考 rvm.cpp 自己写了。结果完全正确。模型 PP-PicoDet (目标检测, 参数量 1M)
我只能说大佬中的大佬太强了 你代码写的真棒.jpg
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