Defaultplayer001 / Deus-Ex-Universe-Community-Update-

Community Update for Deus Ex
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Redsun 2020 Discord issue dump #30

Open Defaultplayer001 opened 6 months ago

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

From WCC: someone get him hooked up with "remove double actors" btw. The tunnels where you set the 2 TNT sequences to go to the hidden city has duplicated inventory items for some reason. Additionally, there's duplicate path nodes in the kabuki cho, which causes crashes any time an NPC actually tries to path there. the latter I assume he knew, but didn't know how to fix, because none of the AI in the map try to do anything

in that map with the TNT sequences, there's also a bug where some gas grenades don't have proper properties and explode as grenades on map start also, there's a broken teleporter link on a certain map. Lemme dig up my VMD fix for it

            case "22_KUROKUMA_HIDEOUT":
                //Oops. Improper Map URL.
                forEach AllActors(class'MapExit', MapEx)
                    if (MapEx != None)
                            case 2:
                                MapEx.DestMap = "22_Kurokuma_Base2#Base2ExitElevator";

don't fix it like this, please, but MapExit2 in the map 22_Kurokuma_Hideout has a bad URL that'll bug the player if they walk into it

-22_Kurokuma_Base1.AugmentationCannister1 is empty and has no augs. -22_Kurokuma_Hideout.AugmentationCannister 0 and 2 are both blank (I believe one is a duplicate, please check). -21_TMG_Complex and 21_Hibiya_Towers have turrets that are on by default (usually a mapper error) -22_Kurokuma_Base1.WeaponPistol0 has a silencer when that's normally impossible. If intentional, keep it.

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago if you look up in this spot leading up to the resturant it'll cull stuff that shouldn't be

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

npc reactions seem weird in the city like I can kill guards with other gaurds watching and they just dont give af Beni Hana npc typo, "maybe going somewhere" should be "may be going somewhere" Logic issue, second floor shop npc refers to a first visit when you go to see her boss, even if you never did before going to beni hana

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

you can skip an important trigger for the convo with ken in the warehouse if you just jump down from the stairway like a badass superhero

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

OMG I need to set the cats in the pet shop to immortal they will freakin' run over eachother and eventually like half of them will die or maybe just reduce their number to the safe amount where they stop trampling eachother

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

convo typo in the infolink that triggers if ken is dead "Go THE Beni Hana" should be "Go TO Beni Hana"

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

ken post dead / unconscious infolink says he's dead even if he isnt

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

also, during JC talking to himself with JR admin (and the talk to dead dude in otemachi labs 2) it's possible to step on the invisible conversation actors, blowing them up and making the conversation unplayable. 2/3 bugs listed here (all except the convo triggering early on spiderbot route) can be fixed with simple UED tweaks

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

door by TMG has the default bubble texture

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

OK, so, it's a bit basic in design - but going through that shopping center with a dts is just fun af and the area just looks freakin' fantastic on the steam deck too Like I'd make a few tweaks if I had the editing skills, some better stealth options, maybe a hidden secret or two, remove that weird dead end, add some bathrooms but I mean overall it's tite

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

game needs more biocells tho

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

OK, so it's not something I did This cutscene uses a JC Model for the player instead of Paul I never even noticed before

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

floating ciggie machine in towers

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

possible to get soft locked in elevator room by dropping in from vent

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

Hmm, well that ain't right also, the gaurd mentions needing a pass to get in, buuut i just clicked on the door and it let me in?

WCC playing with DXT by chance? Or just vanilla? DXT models in particular I had that issue in VMD, I could've sworn after changing to DXT models, but maybe it's a baseline issue

Mrpoke — Today at 11:47 PM you can just walk close to the door and it'll teleport you. I think the map trigger is too big

Defaultplayer001 commented 6 months ago

I'm pretty sure newspaper piles are larger then as designed in DXT / RF Some bigass piles of like six to a dozen here, but then in ermac's vid im seeing piles of just like 3 Wait are there just invisible spawners for them? Maybe it's literally just cause I've left the mod open and running while I type and research stuff? They just spawned a fuck ton one way to find out, time to open vanilla nad leave it open an hour or two in vanilla they seem to dissappear after just like 30 seconds? probably an increased despawn timer in DXT / RF?

Defaultplayer001 commented 5 months ago

There's a random friendly attack dog in the lost city, behind crates? [2:00 AM] idk if a mistake or not but I wanna make it follow the player when found [2:00 AM] also the nanokey on the boss's desk? What the fuck is that for? [2:00 AM] just unlocks the front door? [2:00 AM] I thought maybe it was implied to be the sewer key, maybe it is but it doesn't actually do anything [2:01 AM] there's also this building I can't figure out how your supposed to unlock it's front door [2:01 AM] But you can shimmy you way into it by stacking stuff in a way im 95% sure is unintended

Defaultplayer001 commented 5 months ago

Some guards in the TMG complex got like, at least a dozen assault rifles each? Didn't DXT add the "automatically drop on the ground if it doesn't fit in players inv" thing? Maybe it wasn't noticeable before Either way ya click on one of their bodies now and the game pauses for a sec and then spits out a whole fuckton of rifles also they try to run through a retinal scanner locked door when you try to attack them

Defaultplayer001 commented 5 months ago

uh, all the gaurds in the tiny town act like im invisible until attacked? the crosshair still displays them as red

Rubber Ducky WCCC — Today at 7:41 PM might be bad reaction variables

Defaultplayer001 commented 5 months ago

this never activated in my run

Rubber Ducky WCCC — Today at 8:57 PM I've never seen it either