Defaultplayer001 / Deus-Ex-Universe-Community-Update-

Community Update for Deus Ex
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Any way to turn off the weird mouse acceleration with the default launcher? #9

Open esrevinue opened 2 years ago

esrevinue commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to put this, but I'm wondering what the correct way to remove the mouse acceleration without using the kentie launcher is.

Defaultplayer001 commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the slow response, but try this!

I've never had or perhaps just never noticed this issue on any comps myself, so problematic for me to test myself.

Also, the above fix would unfortunately be a major PITA to automate with the installer if possible at all.

I suppose I could just copy the readme into a description and create a tree of options....

Non-ideal though ofc.

If anyone else has suggestions for an easier fix for this I'd love to know!