DefenderOfBasic / a-book

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Developing your personal taste is step zero to contributing to society #11

Open DefenderOfBasic opened 2 weeks ago

DefenderOfBasic commented 2 weeks ago

i think about the importance of aesthetic curation A LOT.

it has been one of my favorite changes about myself. discovering that i could form my own sense of taste that i actually enjoy, has created so much joy for me

This is largely what my whole "learning to think for myself" article is about, and I feel like I had been asleep my whole life until I learned this:

Learning to think for yourself isn't something that happens automatically. You might get to adulthood and never learn it. But it's also not too late. It's like, learning to cook for yourself? Or do your own laundry? You can live without it, but it'd be better for your & your community if you learned to do it?

DefenderOfBasic commented 2 weeks ago

I think it's also an important step in developing your sense of truth & beauty. I think this is what this book "soulcraft" is about?

Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work