DefenderOfBasic / works-in-progress

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the real theory of everything (merging spiritual & empirical ways of knowing) #3

Open DefenderOfBasic opened 3 months ago

DefenderOfBasic commented 3 months ago

eshear said:

The real Theory of Everything isn’t merging gravity and the standard model, it’s merging phenomenology and traditional empiricism tweet

I think about this a lot. I really believe this is (1) possible (2) already happening, we are making progress on it.

This issue is for collecting instances of this, examples, attempts at explanation etc.

recommendations from Park: - Henry Flynt tried to do this his whole life? - Bruno Latour attempted but didn't quite get there, but is famous? - this is what St Augestine's confessions is about?
DefenderOfBasic commented 3 months ago

"woo woo science in the mainstream"

every now and then I stumble on an instance of someone (successfully) connecting a "woo woo" / spiritual concept with hard empirical methods, and it being very mainstream, like on NPR

🌱 "light eaters" book author. this was a very important piece for me because she talked about how we had too much bullshit woo-woo:

In the 1960s and '70s, a series of questionable experiments claimed to prove that plants could behave like humans, that they had feelings, responded to music and could even take a polygraph test.

and that made people recoil from the whole thing. But now it feels like she is saying, SOME of it was true, a lot of it was bullshit. But we can test it. We can figure out what parts of it were true

🧠 from a "people I mostly admire" podcast, about how the "mind body" is one thing, how what we believe has physical effects on our body, including perception of time speeding up recovery??? huge if true??

blood sugar level follows "perceived time" ![image](
DefenderOfBasic commented 2 months ago


A lot of woo is actually true.

We just lack the mental capacity, the frameworks, the language, the ease of articulation, and the consistency of evidence to make it philosophically coherent and scientifically grounded.

DefenderOfBasic commented 2 months ago

sometimes the hippies are right, sometimes the hippies are wrong

this is 💯 it

all religions "point to the same thing" is true in a specific way. they are not all equivalent, but a lot of them contain things that are equivalent. Gnosticism IS a way of finding truth. we can do independent recreation of it.

the empirical doesn't need to adopt the ways of knowing of the spiritual. It can just take the truths found in the other realm, take them for granted, and see "if this were true, what else might be true?"

TODO: pluralism, from "is water H2O book".

we need a new brand of "empirical mysticism". those who can think & feel in equal measures. full cognition unlocked. the SACRED AND THE SCIENTIFIC

DefenderOfBasic commented 2 months ago

"is water h2o" talks about pluralism in science. this is already a radical idea that we don't have today

i think we can go slightly further: pluralism of ways of knowing.

DefenderOfBasic commented 1 month ago

Refactoring multiscale human coordination by making woo compatible with modern ontologies and injecting it into society in a span of ~5 years

DefenderOfBasic commented 1 month ago

The Flip is Kripal’s ambitious, visionary program for unifying the sciences and the humanities to expand our minds, open our hearts, and negotiate a peaceful resolution to the culture wars.

from Thomasdvasto