DefineX-Studios / MasjidBuddy

Application that provides a platform for local masjids to provide services online.
MIT License
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Audio Player Screen #31

Open electr0de opened 6 months ago

electr0de commented 6 months ago

Common Setup

Live audio player component:

electr0de commented 3 months ago
electr0de commented 3 months ago

Implement an audio player using react native sound player and play the audio with the stream link. Update: React-native track player supports various streaming protocols including live streaming, will use it going forward.

React native sound player, react native audio and expo audio don't support streaming natively. react-native-track seems to be the last hope, if not, a system built from scratch is necessary, using expo audio. Advantages of scratch build: Video can be considered from get-go. Disadvantages: WIll take a long time.

electr0de commented 3 months ago
electr0de commented 1 month ago

Will continue after backend is finished