Degenerate-Ape-Academy / the-daoo

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Vote-4-{Electro} #19

Open Eric-cell87 opened 3 years ago

Eric-cell87 commented 3 years ago

My discord name is: electro#3995

You can view my apes at this address: FfqNRUgrwrUbyHxZ6Ykmw27oKbpd1WFzHvoZ9eH8wdRo

You should vote for me because:

A little about my ape self:

  1. I've been Degen since day one; in elementary school my teachers didn't assign homework to me I assigned homework to them. As well, I dropped out of college to pursue surfing on a bus-boy and credit card budget, I feel this is a very Solana namesake thing to do.
  2. I work in grindy early stage start ups, I am a builder and get shit done with little resources and not a ton of pats on the back. I am going to bring my creativity, networking and hustle to the DAA!
  3. Degen Ape Academy is and will be seen as thee number 1 most historic Solana NFT project and with that providence I want to help build it to become even more of what it already is: the leading NFT project in the Solana space. BAYCs and other projects will be looking at us in envy and we will welcome them as they continue to come.
  4. I am an artist myself and have early experience with NFTs, now that we have Solana and the DAA I have found a platform that is sustainable to build long-term on, LFG!

If I'm elected, I will:

I know many of you can't read good so I apologize for the lengthy campaign messaging but I feel this is important, so TLDR: I will help cement the DAA brand as the leading NFT project on Solana through furthering partnerships with other projects and influencers, evolution of the art and organizing/hosting podcasts/live events.

I am here to listen and be the voice of the rational and good actors of the DAA. I am excited for our next chapter and evolution of the DAA. We are done with the Exiles, I wish them the best in whatever they pursue but the DAA does not owe them anything and it is best to cut any sort of ties with them immediately and completely, we can issue them a refund but that is all. I align with any other council members like Bardstocks that feel this way about exiles.

I strongly support the DAA's internal team from SondƩr-6935Ʃ0, Toasi, King, Rick, Seb, Forced & KB to of course Crasskity, Obo and Monoliff, all of them. I believe they have done an amazing job thus far and I will continue to look to their judgement on most matters, they created this and I see myself as a vessel helping to realize their vision and hopefully add a nice cherry on the top to what ever they have planned. That is all to say, yes I have strong opinions on certain things (cutting out Exiles) but I am a team player and want what is best for the 10K apes, if you have ideas I want to hear them! Another goal I will accomplish (if elected) will be to help build positivity within the broader Solana NFT eco system by building even more trust and friendship within the ape academy and being good friends to projects like Thug Birds, SMB and others at the forefront of the sol space with us. I will accomplish this by using social channels like discord and twitter as well as hosting podcasts discussing the DAA and the broader NFT space, I've already hosted a podcast with Anatoly. In closing, I greatly appreciate you for considering me as a candidate and truly look forward to working for you to achieve the highest possible outcome for all Ape hodlers.

PS I will also personally build a center for apes who can't read good as well as a recovery center for apes addicted to eating crayons. Vote for Electro!