Degenerate-Ape-Academy / the-daoo

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Vote-4-DegenService #40

Open DegenService opened 3 years ago

DegenService commented 3 years ago

My discord name is: DegenService#0133

You can view my apes at this address: BvRcaZYyZCR4i4jgtR2oSSiM2xQ5muv1gPAma7U25pYJ

You should vote for me because:

I will focus on community engagement, brand awareness, and preserving the Degen Culture. I started this journey on minting day, both of them, managed to mint 8, then after some time I bought a beer hat for 33 sol and then I doubled down and bought Ape#5685 which I nicknamed the “McManager” for 350 Sol. I already had 8 apes, why did I need to make another big purchase? Because of an idea and culture that was growing in the 90 Degen Service Apes. I was invited to the private discord, and I discovered a group of cool people who had great ideas. I was inspired to take it even further. So I bought McManager to double down on my commitment, started the twitter page: for the group, changed my twitter to: to give McManager a twitter home, and created the website: (ps. I wrote most of the profiles on there haha) I started making memes, videos, engaging with everyone to anticipate the needs of my community and create a space everyone felt welcomed, respected, and most importantly engaged. Why did I do this? Nobody asked me, I was inspired by the micro community that McDegens was turning into, and I saw the value in creating a dynamic derivative cult community of collaborators all with the same purpose: to have fun, create, and bring people together. Most people underestimate the value of community. Sure, we can focus on “maintaining value” but increased value is but a symptom of a thriving community. A community that works together to keep founders accountable, but at the same time becomes a support network for all Degen Apes to uplift the entire community through various events, mini community projects, meet ups, etc. etc. There are many examples of NFT projects whose value is predominantly appraised based on the power of the community. We build it, they will come. This is why I took on a leadership role in McDegens, and it is by that same inspiration that I present myself here, to hopefully become a member on the student council. -What is a Degen? Lately I have seen mixed messages as to what a Degen is. Some have taken the term as endearing and have seen the humor in being a “Degen”. Then there are others who I have seen take the term Degen as a title that gives them excuse to be disrespectful towards others. It is possible to joke around and be respectful at the same time. But this brings me back to what is a Degen? This is what being a “Degen” means to me: Google will tell you the technical definition of a Degen or Degenerate is: “lacking some property, order, or distinctness of structure previously or usually present.” Or we look to the etymology of the word Degenus, “De” meaning away from, “Genus” meaning “race, kind”. These then evolved to Degener -> Degenerare -> degeneratus -> and then settled on Degenerate in the late 15th century. This word has evolved to describing something that is “no longer of its kind”. I believed this rings true for all of us. We are on the precipice of changing the way our world works at a foundational level with blockchain technology. Another example of “degens” from German history: a term coined by the Nazi Party, “degenerate art” this term was used to describe art that strayed too far from the norm. What we would today call modern art. Humans have longer feared change, and while it will be a struggle and a process to bring new technology to the world, it is our responsibilities as true Degens to walk the path not yet taken. To ignore the comments of those who say “why are you wasting so much money on jpegs?” It’s simple. “Because I am a Degen, and I believe in straying from the norm in order to bring about change in the world. I will uplift others and guide them in becoming Degens so that we may all build a new world together. Hand in hand. 1 Ape at a time.” -Who am I? At my core, I am a creator and storyteller. I have a degree in Personality Psychology, I sing, I act, I run my own business, I can make videos, I can write stories, I can write plays, I can arrange music to an orchestra, I voice act, I can write you a fricking musical or help you the paperwork to start a corporation. In essence I can do a lot of stuff, because I live by a simple motto, “Improvise, Adapt, Overcome”. If I don’t know how to do something, I learn it, if that will that take to much time, no problem I have the capacity to delegate tasks and be a project leader.

If I'm elected, I will:

-Work with project founders to develop/support in creating a fleshed-out mission statement, origin story, basically provide my support and ideas in the creation of the Degen Ape Universe. -KEEP PEOPLE INFORMED ON PROGRESS. Even if progress is small, it is always a good idea to keep the community up to date on progress. It keeps the community engaged and could inspire community driven projects within the academy! -Community meetings, Twitter Spaces, IRL meet ups, Contests, Scavenger hunts, Metaverse building, Etc. (anything to keep the community engaged, and all our Degens supported!) -Create officially sponsored onboarding tutorials with Degen Ape Academy, for anyone interested in becoming part of the Degen Ape World. -Propose the idea to build a Marketplace with the Ethos of “Degens”, where NFT projects who stray from the norm, and individual artists who stray from the norm are welcomed into the NFT space in Solana. This could lead to many ways of kicking back benefits to Degen Ape Holders through the possibility of revenue sharing, or a launchpad of sorts. This would be to capitalize on the inefficiency of the onboarding of less tech savvy artists who are looking to start creating on Solana. -Hear the community, truly hear what they need, and be able to accurately relay the communities’ thoughts and ideas with the rest of the Student Council and the Founders. -Be open to community ideas and be an organizer so that our Degen Apes can work together efficiently if they chose to collaborate on something for the Degen Ape community. -Work with community and founders to create discord channels that community members want, so that people come to the discord not just to check announcements, and floor bot, but to hang out, share ideas, music, art, and connect with their ape homies across the globe!

I McManager, a Degen Service Ape, will to the best of my ability commit myself to being an engaged and active Student Council Member for the Degen Ape Academy. It would be and honor to serve this community.