Degenerate-Ape-Academy / the-daoo

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Vote-4-ThiccyThot #51

Open gaburipeach opened 3 years ago

gaburipeach commented 3 years ago

My discord name is: ThiccyThot2977

You can view my apes at these addresses:

7M6QyMUidX5DscWRyjrSxbk8dXbe52X3JbYsFiMaY72c 54Gwxksm31Uad7mmQG8S8mTNcnM99VJ5xNxPLagjzgbY BTyZN9tz1pG1XLbzGaGsdAYUi1knsQbAsurGM3Earise AsqDSBE23vDZZMVjMZyt7gPbk6dqiDEcpxWgM5mrnXFL FWSMjXXtoK14uwnrZpZFe6MyAfVxGVYjvS69tyMfJVpc

You should vote for me because:

I believe that members of our group are vulnerable to being taken advantage of by outside market participants. I believe that informing our the fair value of their apes will help them keep more of the profits of the collection to themselves and less of it to scalpers, grifters, and hedge funds. I believe I can help our members make more informed decisions and maximize profits for the academy. I believe this will lead to less paper handing and increase the value of the collection for all of its members.

I bring many technical skills to the table. I work as a trader at a large market maker and am skilled at analyzing price action, performing data analysis, and programming. I believe those skills would complement our existing DAA council in maximizing collection value, protecting our members from manipulative market trends, and positioning the academy to make the most profit from their investment.

I've posted a lot of insight to the chat about price movement, sales data, rarity analysis, large scale trends, and predictions for the future. Here are some of the examples of the analysis I do that I plan on sharing:

Price Movement Graph

I believe this information will help our members put longer term trends in perspective and make more informed decisions. efwa

Historical Premium of 3 trait apes over floor

I believe this kind of information will help our members visualize current trends and fairly value their apes and identify good spots to buy more apes. gewafwd

Sales data on specific traits

This information will help our members maximize the value of their own apes by not listing too low as well as identify spots to buy more apes at a good value. hergesrfg

Sales by time of day

This information will help our members identify the best times of day to trade and get liquidity, and not panic and paperhand when their listing hasn't sold in 4 hours when they try to sell in low volume hours without realizing it. gewfw

Daily biggest buyers and sellers

This information will help our users spot whales and identify buying patterns. image

If I'm elected, I will:

  1. Create a channel that has a discord bot populate it with daily/hourly statistics on price data, trend data, and visualizations. Whatever the community wants.
  2. Create a listing bot.
  3. Identify fair value discrepancies in the general chat
  4. Make sure our community stays informed as possible