Degenerate-Ape-Academy / the-daoo

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Vote-4-OffshoreRa #71

Open OffshoreRa opened 3 years ago

OffshoreRa commented 3 years ago

My discord name is: Councilman OffshoreRa#4978

You can view my apes at this address: 86FWWaTffn7nf8S2gYzJcCyTwoPL5a21afBoEA3mr48s

You should vote for me because:

My fellow Apes, a vote for me is an investment in the future of DAA. I have been here from the beginning, providing hysterical banter before during and after the minting process. I have seen this amazing group grow from 1700 to our current 19,000+, all while establishing friendships and kinships along the way.

When I say a vote for me is a vote for the future, I mean it. I recently had a son, best pandemic DIY project ever. He is a human but he does eat crayons (iykyk). With the birth of my son came frantic new parent brain and long nights awake. During one of those long nights that turn into days, I started buying NFTs. Once I started, I started buying one for my son for every one that I bought myself. So you know what that means, 2 Apes for me 2 for him (mine are cooler, just saying). My father passed down baseball cards to me and here I am passing down holographic Pokemon cards and NFTs to my son.

I am committed to the development of this project not only for myself and my fellow Apes, but for the Apes to come and the generations after that. I am a voice of the people, any decision that needs to be made will reflect the input of my my fellow Apes first and foremost. At the end of the day, I am just a normal guy who found himself in the middle of a pandemic deep in the Google and YouTube trenches who stumbled on NFT’s and got hooked, probably like most of you.

I got into crypto 3 yrs ago and lost most of what I invested, left a terrible taste in my mouth. I crawled back out from under my rock at the end of 2020, got burned by ETH gas fees, licked my wounds, all to be born again on the Solana blockchain.

If I'm elected, I will:

First up, we have the decision of the Exiled Apes. There has been a ton of back and forth and I am open to a few of the options that have been thrown around in the candidate chat. Namely, I think they should, at the very least, obtain admission to the academy (website). However, any decisions after that should take into account the good of the whole community.

Secondly, I would like to eliminate paper handed pansies through an Ape buy-back program and a potential percentage of sales distributed to those that HODL. Of course I support the development of potential airdrops that could bring value to the hodlers as well.

Thirdly, I would love to be a part of the merch development group. I have a background in product development. Before I drank the chemicals at my IRL engineering job to become the Ice Ape you know and love, (we need back stories and story arcs developed), I actually owned a clothing line. I was responsible for landing store accounts and was a part of the design team. Anyway, I would love an opportunity to pivot back into that all while supporting my fellow Apes.

Please, my fellow Apes, allow me to provide you with the respect and class you deserve. Allow me the opportunity to officially stamp my name in the history off DAA... Otherwise I got to change it 🙃 .