{ "prefix": "CPE", "number": 532, "name": "VLSI Circuit Testing", "description": "Characterization, testing and documentation of custom-fabricated Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits. Use of specialized test equipment. 1 laboratory. Crosslisted as CPE/EE 532." }
Getting course information
Request: GET /subjects
curl -X 'GET' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
[ { "name": "Aerospace Engineering", "prefix": "AERO" }, { "name": "Agriculture", "prefix": "AG" }, { "name": "Agribusiness", "prefix": "AGB" }, { "name": "Agricultural Communication", "prefix": "AGC" }, { "name": "Agricultural Education", "prefix": "AGED" }, { "name": "Anthropology", "prefix": "ANT" }, { "name": "Architectural Engineering", "prefix": "ARCE" }, { "name": "Architecture", "prefix": "ARCH" }, { "name": "Art", "prefix": "ART" }, { "name": "Animal Science", "prefix": "ASCI" }, { "name": "Astronomy and Astrophysics", "prefix": "ASTR" }, { "name": "Biology", "prefix": "BIO" }, { "name": "Biomedical Engineering", "prefix": "BMED" }, { "name": "Botany", "prefix": "BOT" }, { "name": "BioResource and Agricultural Engineering", "prefix": "BRAE" }, { "name": "Business", "prefix": "BUS" }, { "name": "Child Development", "prefix": "CD" }, { "name": "Civil Engineering", "prefix": "CE" }, { "name": "Chemistry", "prefix": "CHEM" }, { "name": "Chinese", "prefix": "CHIN" }, { "name": "College of Liberal Arts", "prefix": "CLA" }, { "name": "Construction Management", "prefix": "CM" }, { "name": "Communication Studies", "prefix": "COMS" }, { "name": "Computer Engineering", "prefix": "CPE" }, { "name": "City and Regional Planning", "prefix": "CRP" }, { "name": "Computer Science", "prefix": "CSC" }, { "name": "Dance", "prefix": "DANC" }, { "name": "Data Science", "prefix": "DATA" }, { "name": "Dairy Science", "prefix": "DSCI" }, { "name": "Economics", "prefix": "ECON" }, { "name": "Environmental Design", "prefix": "EDES" }, { "name": "Education", "prefix": "EDUC" }, { "name": "Electrical Engineering", "prefix": "EE" }, { "name": "English", "prefix": "ENGL" }, { "name": "Engineering", "prefix": "ENGR" }, { "name": "Environmental Engineering", "prefix": "ENVE" }, { "name": "Earth Science", "prefix": "ERSC" }, { "name": "Ethnic Studies", "prefix": "ES" }, { "name": "Environmental Sciences", "prefix": "ESCI" }, { "name": "Early Start English", "prefix": "ESE" }, { "name": "Early Start Math", "prefix": "ESM" }, { "name": "Fire Protection Engineering", "prefix": "FPE" }, { "name": "French", "prefix": "FR" }, { "name": "Food Science and Nutrition", "prefix": "FSN" }, { "name": "Geography", "prefix": "GEOG" }, { "name": "Geology", "prefix": "GEOL" }, { "name": "German", "prefix": "GER" }, { "name": "Graphic Communication", "prefix": "GRC" }, { "name": "Graduate Studies", "prefix": "GS" }, { "name": "Graduate Studies-Accounting", "prefix": "GSA" }, { "name": "Graduate Studies-Business", "prefix": "GSB" }, { "name": "Graduate Studies-Economics", "prefix": "GSE" }, { "name": "Graduate Studies-Packaging", "prefix": "GSP" }, { "name": "History", "prefix": "HIST" }, { "name": "Health", "prefix": "HLTH" }, { "name": "Honors Contract", "prefix": "HNRC" }, { "name": "Honors", "prefix": "HNRS" }, { "name": "Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering", "prefix": "IME" }, { "name": "Interdisciplinary Studies in Liberal Arts", "prefix": "ISLA" }, { "name": "Italian", "prefix": "ITAL" }, { "name": "Industrial Technology and Packaging", "prefix": "ITP" }, { "name": "Journalism", "prefix": "JOUR" }, { "name": "Japanese", "prefix": "JPNS" }, { "name": "Kinesiology", "prefix": "KINE" }, { "name": "Landscape Architecture", "prefix": "LA" }, { "name": "Liberal Arts and Engineering Studies", "prefix": "LAES" }, { "name": "Liberal Studies", "prefix": "LS" }, { "name": "Materials Engineering", "prefix": "MATE" }, { "name": "Mathematics", "prefix": "MATH" }, { "name": "Microbiology", "prefix": "MCRO" }, { "name": "Mechanical Engineering", "prefix": "ME" }, { "name": "Marine Science", "prefix": "MSCI" }, { "name": "Military Science Leadership", "prefix": "MSL" }, { "name": "Music", "prefix": "MU" }, { "name": "Natural Resources", "prefix": "NR" }, { "name": "Physical Education: Men", "prefix": "PEM" }, { "name": "Physical Education: Women", "prefix": "PEW" }, { "name": "Philosophy", "prefix": "PHIL" }, { "name": "Physics", "prefix": "PHYS" }, { "name": "Plant Sciences", "prefix": "PLSC" }, { "name": "Political Science", "prefix": "POLS" }, { "name": "Physical Science", "prefix": "PSC" }, { "name": "Psychology", "prefix": "PSY" }, { "name": "Religious Studies", "prefix": "RELS" }, { "name": "Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration", "prefix": "RPTA" }, { "name": "Science and Mathematics", "prefix": "SCM" }, { "name": "Sociology", "prefix": "SOC" }, { "name": "Spanish", "prefix": "SPAN" }, { "name": "Special Education", "prefix": "SPED" }, { "name": "Soil Science", "prefix": "SS" }, { "name": "Statistics", "prefix": "STAT" }, { "name": "Theatre", "prefix": "TH" }, { "name": "University Studies", "prefix": "UNIV" }, { "name": "Women's, Gender and Queer Studies", "prefix": "WGQS" }, { "name": "World Languages and Cultures", "prefix": "WLC" }, { "name": "Wine and Viticulture", "prefix": "WVIT" } ]
Request: GET /subjects/{subjectsId}/course
curl -X 'GET' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
[ { "courseId": 1218, "courseName": "Computer Engineering Orientation", "courseNumber": 100 }, { "courseId": 1219, "courseName": "Fundamentals of Computer Science", "courseNumber": 101 }, { "courseId": 1220, "courseName": "Introduction to Computing", "courseNumber": 123 }, { "courseId": 1221, "courseName": "Digital Design", "courseNumber": 133 }, { "courseId": 1222, "courseName": "Special Problems for Undergraduates", "courseNumber": 200 }, { "courseId": 1223, "courseName": "Data Structures", "courseNumber": 202 }, { "courseId": 1224, "courseName": "Project-Based Object-Oriented Programming and Design", "courseNumber": 203 }, { "courseId": 1225, "courseName": "Introduction to Computer Organization", "courseNumber": 225 }, { "courseId": 1226, "courseName": "Computer Design and Assembly Language Programming", "courseNumber": 233 }, { "courseId": 1227, "courseName": "Selected Topics", "courseNumber": 290 }, { "courseId": 1228, "courseName": "Computer Architecture", "courseNumber": 315 }, { "courseId": 1229, "courseName": "Microcontrollers and Embedded Applications", "courseNumber": 316 }, { "courseId": 1230, "courseName": "Introduction to Computer Security", "courseNumber": 321 }, { "courseId": 1231, "courseName": "Digital Signals and Systems", "courseNumber": 327 }, { "courseId": 1232, "courseName": "Discrete Time Signals and Systems", "courseNumber": 328 }, { "courseId": 1233, "courseName": "Microcontroller-Based Systems Design", "courseNumber": 329 }, { "courseId": 1234, "courseName": "Computer Hardware Architecture and Design", "courseNumber": 333 }, { "courseId": 1235, "courseName": "Microprocessor System Design", "courseNumber": 336 }, { "courseId": 1236, "courseName": "Quantum Computing", "courseNumber": 345 }, { "courseId": 1237, "courseName": "Capstone I", "courseNumber": 350 }, { "courseId": 1238, "courseName": "Systems Programming", "courseNumber": 357 }, { "courseId": 1239, "courseName": "Digital Signals and Systems Laboratory", "courseNumber": 367 }, { "courseId": 1240, "courseName": "Signals and Systems Laboratory", "courseNumber": 368 }, { "courseId": 1241, "courseName": "Special Problems for Undergraduates", "courseNumber": 400 }, { "courseId": 1242, "courseName": "Robotic Systems Integration", "courseNumber": 414 }, { "courseId": 1243, "courseName": "Autonomous Mobile Robotics", "courseNumber": 416 }, { "courseId": 1244, "courseName": "Applied Parallel Computing", "courseNumber": 419 }, { "courseId": 1245, "courseName": "Network Security", "courseNumber": 422 }, { "courseId": 1246, "courseName": "Wireless Security", "courseNumber": 425 }, { "courseId": 1247, "courseName": "Introduction to Hardware Security", "courseNumber": 426 }, { "courseId": 1248, "courseName": "Computer Vision", "courseNumber": 428 }, { "courseId": 1249, "courseName": "Compiler Construction", "courseNumber": 431 }, { "courseId": 1250, "courseName": "Digital Control Systems", "courseNumber": 432 }, { "courseId": 1251, "courseName": "Introduction to Real-Time 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"courseName": "Introduction to Computer Networks", "courseNumber": 464 }, { "courseId": 1263, "courseName": "Advanced Computer Networks", "courseNumber": 465 }, { "courseId": 1264, "courseName": "Distributed Systems", "courseNumber": 469 }, { "courseId": 1265, "courseName": "Selected Advanced Topics", "courseNumber": 470 }, { "courseId": 1266, "courseName": "Introduction to Computer Graphics", "courseNumber": 471 }, { "courseId": 1267, "courseName": "Digital Control Systems Laboratory", "courseNumber": 472 }, { "courseId": 1268, "courseName": "Real-Time 3D Computer Graphics Software", "courseNumber": 476 }, { "courseId": 1269, "courseName": "Selected Advanced Laboratory", "courseNumber": 479 }, { "courseId": 1270, "courseName": "Microelectronics and Electronics Packaging", "courseNumber": 488 }, { "courseId": 1271, "courseName": "Cooperative Education Experience", "courseNumber": 493 }, { "courseId": 1272, "courseName": "Cooperative Education Experience", "courseNumber": 494 }, { "courseId": 1273, "courseName": "Cooperative Education Experience", "courseNumber": 495 }, { "courseId": 1274, "courseName": "Computer Architecture", "courseNumber": 515 }, { "courseId": 1275, "courseName": "Computer Systems", "courseNumber": 521 }, { "courseId": 1276, "courseName": "Advanced Real-Time Operating Systems Design", "courseNumber": 522 }, { "courseId": 1277, "courseName": "Digital Systems Design", "courseNumber": 523 }, { "courseId": 1278, "courseName": "VLSI Circuit Testing", "courseNumber": 532 }, { "courseId": 1279, "courseName": "Advanced VLSI Design", "courseNumber": 541 }, { "courseId": 1280, "courseName": "Advanced Real Time Embedded Systems", "courseNumber": 542 }, { "courseId": 1281, "courseName": "Computer Networks: Research Topics", "courseNumber": 564 }, { "courseId": 1282, "courseName": "Distributed Computing", "courseNumber": 569 } ]
Request: GET /course/{course_id}/
curl -X 'GET' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
{ "prefix": "CPE", "number": 532, "name": "VLSI Circuit Testing", "description": "Characterization, testing and documentation of custom-fabricated Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits. Use of specialized test equipment. 1 laboratory. Crosslisted as CPE/EE 532." }
Using a plan
Request: POST /plans/
curl -X 'POST' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkhKSGVQbWhqMk5iS3BFOS8iLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.uwFzflqtBXZx2agy_4NxC84iAZKho36HjdZHL9UD87k' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "programId": 24, "concentrationId": 24, "graduationDate": "2026-06-30" }'
{ "planId": 21 }
Request: PUT /users/history/{courseId}
curl -X 'PUT' \ '' \ -H 'accept: */*' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkhKSGVQbWhqMk5iS3BFOS8iLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.uwFzflqtBXZx2agy_4NxC84iAZKho36HjdZHL9UD87k' R
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Request: DELETE /users/history/{courseId}
curl -X 'DELETE' \ '' \ -H 'accept: */*' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkhKSGVQbWhqMk5iS3BFOS8iLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.uwFzflqtBXZx2agy_4NxC84iAZKho36HjdZHL9UD87k'
Response: ` <!DOCTYPE html>
Request: DELETE /plans/{planId}/
curl -X 'DELETE' \ '' \ -H 'accept: */*' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkhKSGVQbWhqMk5iS3BFOS8iLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.uwFzflqtBXZx2agy_4NxC84iAZKho36HjdZHL9UD87k'
Error: response status is 403
Selecting program Request: GET /departments/
curl -X 'GET' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
[ { "id": 1, "name": "Agribusiness", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Agricultural Education and Communication", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 3, "name": "Animal Science", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 4, "name": "BioResource and Agricultural Engineering", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 5, "name": "Experience Industry Management", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 6, "name": "Food Science and Nutrition", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 7, "name": "Military Science", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 8, "name": "Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 9, "name": "Plant Sciences", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 10, "name": "Wine and Viticulture", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 11, "name": "Architectural Engineering", "college": "CAED" }, { "id": 12, "name": "Architecture", "college": "CAED" }, { "id": 13, "name": "City and Regional Planning", "college": "CAED" }, { "id": 14, "name": "Construction Management", "college": "CAED" }, { "id": 15, "name": "Landscape Architecture", "college": "CAED" }, { "id": 17, "name": "Aerospace Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 18, "name": "Biomedical Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 19, "name": "Civil and Environmental Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 20, "name": "Computer Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 21, "name": "Computer Science and Software Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 22, "name": "Electrical Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 23, "name": "General Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 24, "name": "Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 25, "name": "Materials Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 26, "name": "Mechanical Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 27, "name": "Art and Design", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 28, "name": "Communication Studies", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 29, "name": "English", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 30, "name": "Ethnic Studies", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 31, "name": "Graphic Communication", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 32, "name": "History", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 33, "name": "Interdisciplinary Studies in the Liberal Arts", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 34, "name": "Journalism", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 35, "name": "Music", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 36, "name": "Philosophy", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 37, "name": "Political Science", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 38, "name": "Psychology and Child Development", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 39, "name": "Social Sciences", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 40, "name": "Theatre and Dance", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 41, "name": "Women's, Gender and Queer Studies", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 42, "name": "World Languages and Cultures", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 43, "name": "Biological Sciences", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 44, "name": "Chemistry and Biochemistry", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 45, "name": "Kinesiology and Public Health", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 46, "name": "Liberal Studies", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 47, "name": "Mathematics", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 48, "name": "Physics", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 49, "name": "Statistics", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 50, "name": "School of Education", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 16, "name": "Orfalea College of Business", "college": "COB" } ]
Request: GET /departments/{departmentId}/programs
curl -X 'GET' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
Response: [ { "id": 22, "name": "Computer Engineering", "type": "BS" } ]
Request: GET /programs/{programId}/concentrations
curl -X 'GET' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
Request: PUT /plans/{planId}
curl -X 'PUT' \ '' \ -H 'accept: */*' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkhKSGVQbWhqMk5iS3BFOS8iLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.uwFzflqtBXZx2agy_4NxC84iAZKho36HjdZHL9UD87k' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "programId": 22, "concentrationId": 22, "graduationDate": "2026-06-30" }'
Error: response status is 403
Getting a plan
curl -X 'GET' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkhKSGVQbWhqMk5iS3BFOS8iLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.uwFzflqtBXZx2agy_4NxC84iAZKho36HjdZHL9UD87k' Request URL https://degree-prerequisite-
Viewing departments
curl -X 'GET' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
[ { "id": 1, "name": "Agribusiness", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Agricultural Education and Communication", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 3, "name": "Animal Science", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 4, "name": "BioResource and Agricultural Engineering", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 5, "name": "Experience Industry Management", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 6, "name": "Food Science and Nutrition", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 7, "name": "Military Science", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 8, "name": "Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 9, "name": "Plant Sciences", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 10, "name": "Wine and Viticulture", "college": "CAFES" }, { "id": 11, "name": "Architectural Engineering", "college": "CAED" }, { "id": 12, "name": "Architecture", "college": "CAED" }, { "id": 13, "name": "City and Regional Planning", "college": "CAED" }, { "id": 14, "name": "Construction Management", "college": "CAED" }, { "id": 15, "name": "Landscape Architecture", "college": "CAED" }, { "id": 17, "name": "Aerospace Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 18, "name": "Biomedical Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 19, "name": "Civil and Environmental Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 20, "name": "Computer Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 21, "name": "Computer Science and Software Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 22, "name": "Electrical Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 23, "name": "General Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 24, "name": "Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 25, "name": "Materials Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 26, "name": "Mechanical Engineering", "college": "CENG" }, { "id": 27, "name": "Art and Design", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 28, "name": "Communication Studies", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 29, "name": "English", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 30, "name": "Ethnic Studies", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 31, "name": "Graphic Communication", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 32, "name": "History", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 33, "name": "Interdisciplinary Studies in the Liberal Arts", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 34, "name": "Journalism", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 35, "name": "Music", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 36, "name": "Philosophy", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 37, "name": "Political Science", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 38, "name": "Psychology and Child Development", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 39, "name": "Social Sciences", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 40, "name": "Theatre and Dance", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 41, "name": "Women's, Gender and Queer Studies", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 42, "name": "World Languages and Cultures", "college": "CLA" }, { "id": 43, "name": "Biological Sciences", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 44, "name": "Chemistry and Biochemistry", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 45, "name": "Kinesiology and Public Health", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 46, "name": "Liberal Studies", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 47, "name": "Mathematics", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 48, "name": "Physics", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 49, "name": "Statistics", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 50, "name": "School of Education", "college": "COSAM" }, { "id": 16, "name": "Orfalea College of Business", "college": "COB" } ]
Getting all subjects
curl -X 'GET' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
[ { "name": "Aerospace Engineering", "prefix": "AERO" }, { "name": "Agriculture", "prefix": "AG" }, { "name": "Agribusiness", "prefix": "AGB" }, { "name": "Agricultural Communication", "prefix": "AGC" }, { "name": "Agricultural Education", "prefix": "AGED" }, { "name": "Anthropology", "prefix": "ANT" }, { "name": "Architectural Engineering", "prefix": "ARCE" }, { "name": "Architecture", "prefix": "ARCH" }, { "name": "Art", "prefix": "ART" }, { "name": "Animal Science", "prefix": "ASCI" }, { "name": "Astronomy and Astrophysics", "prefix": "ASTR" }, { "name": "Biology", "prefix": "BIO" }, { "name": "Biomedical Engineering", "prefix": "BMED" }, { "name": "Botany", "prefix": "BOT" }, { "name": "BioResource and Agricultural Engineering", "prefix": "BRAE" }, { "name": "Business", "prefix": "BUS" }, { "name": "Child Development", "prefix": "CD" }, { "name": "Civil Engineering", "prefix": "CE" }, { "name": "Chemistry", "prefix": "CHEM" }, { "name": "Chinese", "prefix": "CHIN" }, { "name": "College of Liberal Arts", "prefix": "CLA" }, { "name": "Construction Management", "prefix": "CM" }, { "name": "Communication Studies", "prefix": "COMS" }, { "name": "Computer Engineering", "prefix": "CPE" }, { "name": "City and Regional Planning", "prefix": "CRP" }, { "name": "Computer Science", "prefix": "CSC" }, { "name": "Dance", "prefix": "DANC" }, { "name": "Data Science", "prefix": "DATA" }, { "name": "Dairy Science", "prefix": "DSCI" }, { "name": "Economics", "prefix": "ECON" }, { "name": "Environmental Design", "prefix": "EDES" }, { "name": "Education", "prefix": "EDUC" }, { "name": "Electrical Engineering", "prefix": "EE" }, { "name": "English", "prefix": "ENGL" }, { "name": "Engineering", "prefix": "ENGR" }, { "name": "Environmental Engineering", "prefix": "ENVE" }, { "name": "Earth Science", "prefix": "ERSC" }, { "name": "Ethnic Studies", "prefix": "ES" }, { "name": "Environmental Sciences", "prefix": "ESCI" }, { "name": "Early Start English", "prefix": "ESE" }, { "name": "Early Start Math", "prefix": "ESM" }, { "name": "Fire Protection Engineering", "prefix": "FPE" }, { "name": "French", "prefix": "FR" }, { "name": "Food Science and Nutrition", "prefix": "FSN" }, { "name": "Geography", "prefix": "GEOG" }, { "name": "Geology", "prefix": "GEOL" }, { "name": "German", "prefix": "GER" }, { "name": "Graphic Communication", "prefix": "GRC" }, { "name": "Graduate Studies", "prefix": "GS" }, { "name": "Graduate Studies-Accounting", "prefix": "GSA" }, { "name": "Graduate Studies-Business", "prefix": "GSB" }, { "name": "Graduate Studies-Economics", "prefix": "GSE" }, { "name": "Graduate Studies-Packaging", "prefix": "GSP" }, { "name": "History", "prefix": "HIST" }, { "name": "Health", "prefix": "HLTH" }, { "name": "Honors Contract", "prefix": "HNRC" }, { "name": "Honors", "prefix": "HNRS" }, { "name": "Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering", "prefix": "IME" }, { "name": "Interdisciplinary Studies in Liberal Arts", "prefix": "ISLA" }, { "name": "Italian", "prefix": "ITAL" }, { "name": "Industrial Technology and Packaging", "prefix": "ITP" }, { "name": "Journalism", "prefix": "JOUR" }, { "name": "Japanese", "prefix": "JPNS" }, { "name": "Kinesiology", "prefix": "KINE" }, { "name": "Landscape Architecture", "prefix": "LA" }, { "name": "Liberal Arts and Engineering Studies", "prefix": "LAES" }, { "name": "Liberal Studies", "prefix": "LS" }, { "name": "Materials Engineering", "prefix": "MATE" }, { "name": "Mathematics", "prefix": "MATH" }, { "name": "Microbiology", "prefix": "MCRO" }, { "name": "Mechanical Engineering", "prefix": "ME" }, { "name": "Marine Science", "prefix": "MSCI" }, { "name": "Military Science Leadership", "prefix": "MSL" }, { "name": "Music", "prefix": "MU" }, { "name": "Natural Resources", "prefix": "NR" }, { "name": "Physical Education: Men", "prefix": "PEM" }, { "name": "Physical Education: Women", "prefix": "PEW" }, { "name": "Philosophy", "prefix": "PHIL" }, { "name": "Physics", "prefix": "PHYS" }, { "name": "Plant Sciences", "prefix": "PLSC" }, { "name": "Political Science", "prefix": "POLS" }, { "name": "Physical Science", "prefix": "PSC" }, { "name": "Psychology", "prefix": "PSY" }, { "name": "Religious Studies", "prefix": "RELS" }, { "name": "Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration", "prefix": "RPTA" }, { "name": "Science and Mathematics", "prefix": "SCM" }, { "name": "Sociology", "prefix": "SOC" }, { "name": "Spanish", "prefix": "SPAN" }, { "name": "Special Education", "prefix": "SPED" }, { "name": "Soil Science", "prefix": "SS" }, { "name": "Statistics", "prefix": "STAT" }, { "name": "Theatre", "prefix": "TH" }, { "name": "University Studies", "prefix": "UNIV" }, { "name": "Women's, Gender and Queer Studies", "prefix": "WGQS" }, { "name": "World Languages and Cultures", "prefix": "WLC" }, { "name": "Wine and Viticulture", "prefix": "WVIT" } ]
Searching for random class
curl -X 'GET' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
{ "prefix": "AERO", "number": 431, "name": "Aerospace Structural Analysis II", "description": "Basic equations of elasticity with applications to typical aerospace structures. Concepts studied include analysis of aircraft and aerospace structures; airworthiness and airframe loads; structural constraints; elementary aeroelasticity; structural instability; introduction to modern fatigue; fracture mechanics; and composite structures analysis. 4 lectures." }
Getting all CPE courses
curl -X 'GET' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
[ { "courseId": 1218, "courseName": "Computer Engineering Orientation", "courseNumber": 100 }, { "courseId": 1219, "courseName": "Fundamentals of Computer Science", "courseNumber": 101 }, { "courseId": 1220, "courseName": "Introduction to Computing", "courseNumber": 123 }, { "courseId": 1221, "courseName": "Digital Design", "courseNumber": 133 }, { "courseId": 1222, "courseName": "Special Problems for Undergraduates", "courseNumber": 200 }, { "courseId": 1223, "courseName": "Data Structures", "courseNumber": 202 }, { "courseId": 1224, "courseName": "Project-Based Object-Oriented Programming and Design", "courseNumber": 203 }, { "courseId": 1225, "courseName": "Introduction to Computer Organization", "courseNumber": 225 }, { "courseId": 1226, "courseName": "Computer Design and Assembly Language Programming", "courseNumber": 233 }, { "courseId": 1227, "courseName": "Selected Topics", "courseNumber": 290 }, { "courseId": 1228, "courseName": "Computer Architecture", "courseNumber": 315 }, { "courseId": 1229, "courseName": "Microcontrollers and Embedded Applications", "courseNumber": 316 }, { "courseId": 1230, "courseName": "Introduction to Computer Security", "courseNumber": 321 }, { "courseId": 1231, "courseName": "Digital Signals and Systems", "courseNumber": 327 }, { "courseId": 1232, "courseName": "Discrete Time Signals and Systems", "courseNumber": 328 }, { "courseId": 1233, "courseName": "Microcontroller-Based Systems Design", "courseNumber": 329 }, { "courseId": 1234, "courseName": "Computer Hardware Architecture and Design", "courseNumber": 333 }, { "courseId": 1235, "courseName": "Microprocessor System Design", "courseNumber": 336 }, { "courseId": 1236, "courseName": "Quantum Computing", "courseNumber": 345 }, { "courseId": 1237, "courseName": "Capstone I", "courseNumber": 350 }, { "courseId": 1238, "courseName": "Systems Programming", "courseNumber": 357 }, { "courseId": 1239, "courseName": "Digital Signals and Systems Laboratory", "courseNumber": 367 }, { "courseId": 1240, "courseName": "Signals and Systems Laboratory", "courseNumber": 368 }, { "courseId": 1241, "courseName": "Special Problems for Undergraduates", "courseNumber": 400 }, { "courseId": 1242, "courseName": "Robotic Systems Integration", "courseNumber": 414 }, { "courseId": 1243, "courseName": "Autonomous Mobile Robotics", "courseNumber": 416 }, { "courseId": 1244, "courseName": "Applied Parallel Computing", "courseNumber": 419 }, { "courseId": 1245, "courseName": "Network Security", "courseNumber": 422 }, { "courseId": 1246, "courseName": "Wireless Security", "courseNumber": 425 }, { "courseId": 1247, "courseName": "Introduction to Hardware Security", "courseNumber": 426 }, { "courseId": 1248, "courseName": "Computer Vision", "courseNumber": 428 }, { "courseId": 1249, "courseName": "Compiler Construction", "courseNumber": 431 }, { "courseId": 1250, "courseName": "Digital Control Systems", "courseNumber": 432 }, { "courseId": 1251, "courseName": "Introduction to Real-Time Operating Systems", "courseNumber": 439 }, { "courseId": 1252, "courseName": "Computer-Aided Design of VLSI Devices", "courseNumber": 441 }, { "courseId": 1253, "courseName": "Real Time Embedded Systems", "courseNumber": 442 }, { "courseId": 1254, "courseName": "Design of Fault-Tolerant Digital Systems", "courseNumber": 446 }, { "courseId": 1255, "courseName": "Stringed Musical Instrument Acoustics, Mechanics, and Transducer Design", "courseNumber": 447 }, { "courseId": 1256, "courseName": "Capstone II", "courseNumber": 450 }, { "courseId": 1257, "courseName": "Introduction to Operating Systems", "courseNumber": 453 }, { "courseId": 1258, "courseName": "Implementation of Operating Systems", "courseNumber": 454 }, { "courseId": 1259, "courseName": "Current Topics in Computer Systems", "courseNumber": 458 }, { "courseId": 1260, "courseName": "Senior Project I", "courseNumber": 461 }, { "courseId": 1261, "courseName": "Senior Project II", "courseNumber": 462 }, { "courseId": 1262, "courseName": "Introduction to Computer Networks", "courseNumber": 464 }, { "courseId": 1263, "courseName": "Advanced Computer Networks", "courseNumber": 465 }, { "courseId": 1264, "courseName": "Distributed Systems", "courseNumber": 469 }, { "courseId": 1265, "courseName": "Selected Advanced Topics", "courseNumber": 470 }, { "courseId": 1266, "courseName": "Introduction to Computer Graphics", "courseNumber": 471 }, { "courseId": 1267, "courseName": "Digital Control Systems Laboratory", "courseNumber": 472 }, { "courseId": 1268, "courseName": "Real-Time 3D Computer Graphics Software", "courseNumber": 476 }, { "courseId": 1269, "courseName": "Selected Advanced Laboratory", "courseNumber": 479 }, { "courseId": 1270, "courseName": "Microelectronics and Electronics Packaging", "courseNumber": 488 }, { "courseId": 1271, "courseName": "Cooperative Education Experience", "courseNumber": 493 }, { "courseId": 1272, "courseName": "Cooperative Education Experience", "courseNumber": 494 }, { "courseId": 1273, "courseName": "Cooperative Education Experience", "courseNumber": 495 }, { "courseId": 1274, "courseName": "Computer Architecture", "courseNumber": 515 }, { "courseId": 1275, "courseName": "Computer Systems", "courseNumber": 521 }, { "courseId": 1276, "courseName": "Advanced Real-Time Operating Systems Design", "courseNumber": 522 }, { "courseId": 1277, "courseName": "Digital Systems Design", "courseNumber": 523 }, { "courseId": 1278, "courseName": "VLSI Circuit Testing", "courseNumber": 532 }, { "courseId": 1279, "courseName": "Advanced VLSI Design", "courseNumber": 541 }, { "courseId": 1280, "courseName": "Advanced Real Time Embedded Systems", "courseNumber": 542 }, { "courseId": 1281, "courseName": "Computer Networks: Research Topics", "courseNumber": 564 }, { "courseId": 1282, "courseName": "Distributed Computing", "courseNumber": 569 } ]