DeiC-HPC / cotainr

cotainr - a user space Apptainer/Singularity container builder.
European Union Public License 1.2
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Explicit Miniforge license acceptance #40

Closed Chroxvi closed 10 months ago

Chroxvi commented 10 months ago

This PR makes it more explicit that the user has to accept the Miniforge license terms when using --conda-env with cotainr build as we use Miniforge to bootstrap the conda environment in the container. This PR includes:

Chroxvi commented 10 months ago

somewhere the link to the bsd-3 licens are missing. Maybe add a structure if we end up with other packages like mini-forge | bsd-3 | link other-tool | SOME LICENSE | link.

I have added a "Licensing Information" section to the README file and linked it as part of the copyright notice in the documentation footer (see left footer of