Deivedux / Quote

Discontinued project. Check in on Quote-Bot/QuoteBot for a rewritten version.
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 9 forks source link

Is this bot dead? #46

Closed SmokePuddingEveryday closed 3 years ago

SmokePuddingEveryday commented 4 years ago

I've noticed that the bot seems to have left all servers, and all documentation on how to host it ourselves is gone. What happened?

Edit: Just read creator's Twitter post. Disregard this.

PatPeter commented 4 years ago

Take as much time off as you need Deivedux! We'll be here for you if you want to come back.

ghost commented 3 years ago

I've noticed that the bot seems to have left all servers, and all documentation on how to host it ourselves is gone. What happened?

Edit: Just read creator's Twitter post. Disregard this.

The reason the documentation is gone because Deive and I had a silly argument, which ended up with me leaving and taking docs with me.

PatPeter commented 3 years ago

I've been self-hosting the bot on my own server for almost a year now. I want it to be globally available again because this is easily the best Quote bot (much better than default functionality) and it should honestly be a standard for all large Discord servers to have it.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Wonderful to hear! However as Discord keeps on updating their API and adding new channel types every few months, the chance of the bot becoming deprecated is high. Now unless you know Python and can adapt with the changes, the bot will slowly die out. I agree that some aspects of the default quoting are bad and can be improved with Quote bot's quoting functionality. Unfortunately Deive has no intention of returning to the world of programming anytime soon. An alternative can be put in place however, such as a recode of the bot under a different repository but the details of that would have to be discussed.

PatPeter commented 3 years ago

I know Python but I'm up to my neck in C# programming right now. I might have a friend from university who would be willing to maintain it and a few other custom bots that I use.

ghost commented 3 years ago

I'll have to check in with Deive about that. I also main C#, like I've done for nearly 2 years now. I'll let you know what Deive says.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Rework is in planning.

ghost commented 3 years ago

@SmokePuddingEveryday @PatPeter This GitHub repository is getting nuked. A new one will be created where Quote will be made from scratch, fully open-source.

ghost commented 3 years ago

@SmokePuddingEveryday @PatPeter We're moving Quote to a new repository. We'll keep you updated there. This repository will get nuked sometime soon.

Deivedux commented 3 years ago

I came back from the dead

Apologies, if it was too much for the people that I have left. If only I had known that this project would become so essential to the Discord community, I would've tried harder to maintain something that I have created to be so successful.

I'm planning to come back to bot development, and as @kageroukw already said, while we are moving over to a new repository, I'm not going to nuke this one, I think it's only fair that I'm going to archive it instead since this project has been my most successful of all that I have done in the past.

And thank you @PatPeter for, not only showing interest in this project, but also the concern for me. The only reason why I left is because I couldn't handle the stress of how overwhelming this whole thing has been to me. Constant new Discord changes that we had to keep up with, making sure we keep a decent uptime even during major updates, and especially the fact that this bot was being added to so many servers that I wasn't even sure whether it's because of my terrible caching strategies or was it time to upgrade to a more expensive server to handle the ever-increasing number of resources needed to handle the load.

During me writing this comment, I'm currently rewriting the entire project's code, and it will be fully open-source and fully transparent. The downside here is that I haven't been doing any development during my free time that I have given myself. So, not only I have forgotten how programming works, but also how the wrapper is designed, and to keep up with their changes as well. So please give me some time while I subject myself to some flashbacks and teach myself how Python works, again.

I have already created a new Discord server that will be used as a Quote's support server, and possibly even an official community (if all goes as planned). I'll see you all there.