Deivitto / auditor-docker
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Docker clock out-of-sync disallows package update and upgrade #19

Open luksgrin opened 1 year ago

luksgrin commented 1 year ago

So I wanted to install some stuff through apt-get and it crashed. It was a dependency issue. Thus, I executed

sudo apt-get update

And it crashed. Seemingly, the internal clock was out of sync.

Attemtped to use the fix propted in the readme (but for the docker image):

sudo date -s "$(curl -s --head | grep ^Date: | sed 's/Date: //g')"

Permission denied... After doing some research, my fix was

1. Stopping the docker container

docker stop devops199

2. Stashing a copy somewhere else

docker commit devops199 my_temporary_image

3. Making sure my local machine's clock was set properly

Because the docker image inherits the time from the machine

4. Deleting the old image

docker rm devops199

5. Re-running the image

docker run -it -d --name devops199 -e TZ=MyTimeZone my_temporary_image

Replace MyTimeZone by the appropriate one (i.e. America/New_York, Europe/Madrid ...).

The bad thing about this fix is that now I have some space occupied by my_temporary_image:

docker image list


REPOSITORY                         TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
my_temporary_image                 latest    3a9438defdaf   2 hours ago     5.7GB
whitehat-machine                   latest    82d98c925275   2 months ago    2.65GB
Deivitto commented 1 year ago

As far as I know these bug look related to the fact of the architecture your are using: windows -> wsl2 ubuntu -> docker ubuntu

Would be interesting to test the same architecture in another computer. Will set as low priority meanwhile, as your workaround works and probably most users just run windows / mac / linux distro -> docker