Dejvino / pinephone-sway-poc

Sway UI configured for PinePhone (Proof Of Concept)
Apache License 2.0
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Blank screen with blinking cursor after install steps #4

Open klundry opened 4 years ago

klundry commented 4 years ago

What I did:

  1. Install postmarketos with pmbootstrap.
  2. Boot the pinephone with the postmarketos sd card
  3. SSH into the pinephone and run all the install commands
  4. Reboot

Everything completed without errors as far as I could tell and I can still ssh into the phone. On the Pinephone screen however I only get a blank screen with blinking cursor in the top left after rebooting. I've started from scratch twice with the same result.

Dejvino commented 4 years ago

I had the same result when trying this on a newer postmarketos installation and I expect this is due to issue #3

lazmol commented 3 years ago

Hello, I think I have similar issue but on arch. I have installed Danctnix arch linux (flashed archlinux-pinephone-phosh-20210331.img) Then installed dependencies: sudo pacman -S sway waybar bemenu swaylock swayidle squeekboard bash dialog tzdata sudo pacman -S networkmanager htop pavucontrol sudo pacman -S git make meson ninja cargo linux-headers libinput libevdev

Then ran the make commands (had some warnings after the install_system). Then sudo systemctl disable phosh Then changed to HandlePowerKey=suspend in /etc/systemd/logind.conf and rebooted. I am stuck with the arch penguin and the spinning loader. Mounted the system and did the change recommended in #3 to no avail.

Do you have an idea what might have gone wrong or where to look for logs to debug this? I really find this sway on pinephone a nice idea and would like to try it since I use sway on desktop too.

Artturin commented 3 years ago

Redirect the output of sway to a file

lazmol commented 3 years ago

Redirect the output of sway to a file

How to do that? I've extended the sway.desktop with a redirect to a log file: Exec=dbus-run-session /usr/bin/sway > /var/log/sway.log But after a reboot, then checking again the emmc contents, I have not found /var/log/sway.log. Is it possible that phosh has to be deactivated other than sudo systemctl disable phosh? What about a login manager? Is there one with the phosh images? How do a I go back to tty login from phosh? (Maybe I should ask these on the pinephone arch telegram...)

Dejvino commented 3 years ago

On Arch you have to enable sway.service in systemd: sudo systemctl enable --now sway.service This should add a link from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/sway.service.

In case /usr/lib/systemd/system/sway.service is not part of the distribution, just copy it over from /usr/lib/systemd/system/phosh.service and replace ExecStart=/usr/bin/phosh with ExecStart=/usr/bin/sway.

Dejvino commented 3 years ago

One little improvement worth doing on Arch: Add EnvironmentFile=/etc/systemd/system/sway.env under the ExecStart line into the sway.service file, the referenced sway.env file should have this content:


This improves Firefox performance a lot.