Deke1604 / LC1-Assessment-DEKE

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Closed Deke1604 closed 1 year ago

Deke1604 commented 1 year ago

Let's say we want to find the username and balance for all users who have a balance greater than 100. We could write the following SQL query: SELECT username, balance FROM accounts WHERE balance > 100; This query would return a list of all users who have a balance greater than 100, along with their usernames and balances. Let's say we want to find the average balance for all accounts. We could write the following SQL query: SELECT AVG(balance) FROM accounts; This query would return the average balance for all accounts in the database. Let's say we want to find the most recent transaction for a specific account. We could write the following SQL query: SELECT MAX(timestamp) FROM transactions WHERE account_id = 1; This query would return the most recent transaction for the account with an account ID of 1. Let's say we want to find the total balance for all accounts. We could write the following SQL query: SELECT SUM(balance) FROM accounts; This query would return the total balance for all accounts in the database.