Del-Norte-Farmers-Iowa-Hawkeyes-Fanclub / IHF-Frontend

Blogs and Issues for project Planning
Apache License 2.0
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CTE Issue #15

Open h4seeb-cmd opened 5 months ago

h4seeb-cmd commented 5 months ago


The project we have created is a combination of:

Key Features

Some key features of this project include:



This is the JS framework we used to create our educational farming platform, as it allows for intuitive development for game-esque frontend features. A key part of Phaser is the scenes that we must initialize when going to the next "game" screen, and using the preloader file (which loads all the assets specified on site launch), the scene will be populated with assets and the like.

Dynamic Tilemap:

Using the Phaser.js framework also allows us to work with dynamic tilemaps, which allow the user to interact with the game world and place things like dirt.

Planting + Growth logic

We have created a someone barebones demo which allows users to plant corn and grow it using the "week" button on the side. This then swaps the corn asset for a slightly more grown corn asset, and so on until enough weeks pass and the corn is fully grown. Then the user can hit the "save" button to send the data of the amount of corn the user has to localstorage, to be accessed in the shop


The shop allows users to sell their crop yields by accessing the localstorage to check for the corn stored in the previous feature. Then, the user can select the amount of corn they want to sell in comparison to the amount of corn they have, which is shown to them on the shop screen. The frontend also makes a request to a different API which allows for the user to see the current price of Corn Futures in the real world, and this will be how much their corn sells for per unit. The users can sell the amount of corn they desire, and so using the data from the localstorage along from the extrapolated data from the Corn Futures API, the amount of money given back to the player is calculated and sent to the backend.


Leaderboard function which accesses the backend database to allow the users to see the rankings for the top 5 or so players with the most money



Users can bet on their players, taking the money gained from the shop to bet. This is all done from one unified backend.


Users can draft players into their roster, which is stored on the backend as well. These are the players they can bet on in the games.

AI Prediction

An ML model for predicting NBA game outcomes analyzes historical data on factors like team performance, player stats, home-court advantage, and more to forecast the likely winner of a game. It uses algorithms to identify patterns and relationships between these variables, enabling it to make predictions on future games. The model's output typically includes the probability of each team winning, helping users make informed decisions for betting, fantasy sports, or strategic planning.


Scrum Board:

image Scrum Board

Team Roles

Farming Project

Establish Dynamic TileMap and planting logic, lock and pan camera system to different regions indicating effects of farming activity, animations to show increase in river turbidity, options to add fertilizers, pesticides, etc. Covering aspects of sustainable farming . Sreeja G. Haseeb B. Shreyas S. Tirth Thakkar

Unified Backend

Goals: Combine both elements present in the NBA Backend along with Farming Backend specifically with a core focus on the refactoring of the person object and login systems. Rohin Sood Vardan S. Tirth Thakkar

Frontend Launcher

Goals: Have a page that has two windows that can be minimized and maximized to showcase the different frontends and allow for the a viewer to be able to select between the two, similar to a video player. Akshat Vishnu Nikhil

Shop, Currency, & Sports Betting

Complete the unified currency system that can be used in both farming and NBA aspects of the project, complete and polish the shop system that is in place, along with completing the sports betting side of the project adding the needed elements to complete that functionality. With a core focus on having a story that ties these two projects together in a cohesive frontend style. Derrick Kaiden Vinay R. Ruanak


Git Branch Management

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Orlando-c commented 5 months ago


Not a lot to do with iowa... however now introducing farming and TV! Sports betting Farming feature, accessing leaderboard and actual game itself map rendering for game using json bet your farming cash, statistical simulations agile manifesto good communiction after a rough start, brainstorming, great collaboration



hsinaDitaM commented 5 months ago


Grow: -the map looks the sameinfinetly

AniCricKet commented 5 months ago

Very interesting project, I like how they integrated the 2 different projects. The farming of corn is very good and I like that they can use the currency from selling harvested corn and use that to bet on the sports. Some improvements are that the gambling frontend could be fixed, as it's hard to understand what team they are betting on. Also, the prediction model for who will win games is cool but needs to be integrated.

TayKimmy commented 5 months ago


NBA Betting System connected with farming project:



PaarasPurohit commented 5 months ago
Glow or Grow Explanation
Glow Working comments feature
Grow Presentation not coordinated enough
Glow Great farming game and system
Grow Relation to farming and NBA not clear enough to new users
Glow Standard API database functionality
Grow No work put in to optimize database fetching
Total Score 0.7
Emaad-Mir commented 5 months ago



DavidVasilev1 commented 5 months ago



jm1021 commented 5 months ago

Giggle Juice was somewhat organized in intro and story, but failed to show anything new. The 1st period was a one man discussion, but I noticed they stayed late for CTE guests and got some engagement. We ran out of time for my review during 3rd.

Glows. After review and reading above the only thing I noticed that was new was unifying currency and I remember seeing it in logs.

Grows. Almost everything is a grow. The writeup above and the one viewed presentations does not have depth to suggest growth. It seems like members of team know what needs to be done, but personalities always get in the way. I have tried to ask new scrum masters to step up, but I feel like I am pushing on a rope.