Delfayne / ThaumicEnergistics

A bridge between Thaumcraft and Applied Energistics.
MIT License
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Issues with terminals in versions 2.3.0/.1 #42

Open xJon opened 1 month ago

xJon commented 1 month ago

Originally reported over

Since updating to 1.6.1 my thaumic energistics arcane and essentia terminals no longer function as they did on 1.5.6, the arcane terminal's ordering button simply doesn't work the first time around, and will reset back to A-Z every time you reopen the terminal, I also had an issue that stopped me from taking any items out of it at one point but that has since stopped and i dont know what caused it. 2024-06-03_20 59 57 2024-06-03_21 00 00 The essentia terminal no longer allows you to extract essentia with phials or jars making it quite problematic for setting up filters and research components 2024-06-03_20 59 49 2024-06-03_21 00 13

This appears reproducible outside the modpack environment with a minimal set of mods.

Version Information

Delfayne commented 2 days ago

Expecting fixed by

xJon commented 2 days ago

@Delfayne See