anchore/syft (anchore/syft)
### [`v1.11.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added Features
- Added the SWI Prolog (swipl) ecosystem \[[#3076]( [@LaurentGoderre](]
##### Bug Fixes
- Empty version field on some dependencies when reading pom.xml \[[#1129]( [#2769]( [@GijsCalis](]
- Support Maven multi-level configuration file / parent POM \[[#2017]( [#2769]( [@GijsCalis](]
- DependencyManagement ignored in pom.xml \[[#1813]( [#2769]( [@GijsCalis](]
- Version parsing regression for Go binaries \[[#3086]( [#3087]( [@spiffcs](]
##### Additional Changes
- rather than have a hard max recursive depth - syft should detect parent pom cycles \[[#2284]( [#2769]( [@GijsCalis](]
- increase java purl generation test coverage \[[#3110]( [@westonsteimel](]
- Updated PackageSupplier to type Organization for JAR files \[[#3093]( [@harippriyas](]
- Ensure accurate java main artifact name retrieval for multi-JARs and refine fallback approach \[[#3054]( [@dor-hayun](]
**[(Full Changelog)](**
### [`v1.10.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added Features
- Detect go main module from partial package builds \[[#3060]( [@wagoodman](]
- Support traefik in linux/arm/v6, linux/riscv64 \[[#3038]( [#3077]( [@witchcraze](]
- Catalog TiDB binary \[[#2763](]
- Generate a Maven friendly CPE \[[#3042]( [#3045]( [@kzantow](]
##### Bug Fixes
- Only match ldflag version if it matches the main module or targets main.version \[[#3062]( [@LaurentGoderre](]
- python requirements.txt cataloger: allow dots in python package names \[[#3070]( [@Mikcl](]
- SPDX output performance with many relationships \[[#3053]( [@kzantow](]
- Order CPEs deterministically for SBOM reproducibility \[[#2967]( [#3085]( [@kzantow](]
- Python packages: name normalization \[[#3064]( [#3069]( [@Mikcl](]
- Syft report panics with the golang cataloger \[[#3037]( [#3043]( [@willmurphyscode](]
##### Additional Changes
- add debug logging for errors reading RPM files \[[#3051]( [@kzantow](]
**[(Full Changelog)](**
### [`v1.9.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added Features
- Add detection of Erlang in Alpine linux \[[#2996]( [@LaurentGoderre](]
- Add version 3 support for swift package manager of the resolved files \[[#3001]( [@4ell0](]
- Map the downloadLocation field for PHP Composer packages \[[#3011]( [@LaurentGoderre](]
##### Bug Fixes
- Infer the package type from ELF package notes \[[#3008]( [@wagoodman](]
- Order CPEs deterministically for SBOM reproducibility \[[#2967]( [#3009]( [@spiffcs](]
**[(Full Changelog)](**
### [`v1.8.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added Features
- Add CycloneDX 1.6 Support \[[#2974]( [#2978]( [@ragaskar](]
##### Bug Fixes
- Fixed the detection of arangodb 3.12 \[[#2979]( [@LaurentGoderre](]
- Syft tries to create the cache directory at a location that has no permission \[[#2984]( [#2985]( [@kzantow](]
**[(Full Changelog)](**
### [`v1.7.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added Features
- index known CPEs for wordpress plugins and themes \[[#2963]( [@westonsteimel](]
- Consider `Author` field for wordpress plugins when generating CPEs \[[#2946]( [@wagoodman](]
##### Bug Fixes
- improve version extraction from ldflags for pingcap TiDB \[[#2962]( [@westonsteimel](]
- Trim whitespace from wordpress values \[[#2945]( [@wagoodman](]
- Issue scanning Poetry Project with Syft 1.6 and cataloger=python-package-cataloger \[[#2954]( [#2965]( [@spiffcs](]
- Poetry's multiple constraints seems to break the parser \[[#2947]( [#2965]( [@spiffcs](]
- Golang: Search remote licenses not working in a CI pipeline when scanning Docker image \[[#2798]( [#2852]( [@kzantow](]
**[(Full Changelog)](**
### [`v1.6.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Added Features
- Add relationships for go binary packages \[[#2912]( [@wagoodman](]
- Add classifier for util-linux \[[#2933]( [@LaurentGoderre](]
- Lua: Add support for more advanced syntax \[[#2908]( [@LaurentGoderre](]
- add license field to ELF binary package metadata \[[#2890]( [@brian-ebarb](]
- check checksums file's signature \[[#2884]( [#2941]( [@wagoodman](]
- Detect ELF package notes from fedora binaries \[[#2713]( [#2939]( [@wagoodman](]
##### Bug Fixes
- Use redhat as namespace for redhat rpms \[[#2914]( [@ralphbean](]
- Close sqlite driver after testing sqlite availability \[[#2922]( [@ttc0419](]
- syft does not find anything in archives if /tmp is a tmpfs \[[#2894]( [#2918]( [@willmurphyscode](]
- Scanning a git repository folder present in /tmp produce an empty sbom \[[#2847]( [#2918]( [@willmurphyscode](]
##### Additional Changes
- update unit tests to use pinned patch version \[[#2932]( [@spiffcs](]
- fix comments and spelling \[[#2920]( [@dufucun](]
**[(Full Changelog)](**
aquaproj/aqua-registry (aquaproj/aqua-registry)
### [`v4.212.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#25676]( [FeLvi-zzz/tentez]( Tentez helps you switching traffic
[#25708]( [alcideio/rbac-tool]( Rapid7 | insightCloudSec | Kubernetes RBAC Power Toys - Visualize, Analyze, Generate & Query
[#25706]( [cloudposse/github-commenter]( Command line utility for creating GitHub comments on Commits, Pull Request Reviews or Issues
[#25704]( [cloudposse/slack-notifier]( Command line utility to send messages with attachments to Slack channels via Incoming Webhooks
[#25709]( [cloverstd/tcping]( ping over a tcp connection
[#25712]( [gruntwork-io/fetch]( Download files, folders, and release assets from a specific git commit, branch, or tag of public and private GitHub repos
[#25713]( [jwilder/dockerize]( Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers
[#25714]( [kahing/goofys]( a high-performance, POSIX-ish Amazon S3 file system written in Go
[#25715]( [krallin/tini]( A tiny but valid `init` for containers
[#25719]( [legal90/awscurl]( cURL with AWS request signing
[#25720]( [lewispeckover/consulator]( Import and synchronize your Consul KV data from JSON and YAML
### [`v4.211.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
##### 🎉 New Packages
[#25637]( [suzuki-shunsuke/ghomfc]( GitHub Organization Members' Followers Counter
[#25608]( [dimo414/bkt]( a subprocess caching utility, available as a command line binary and a Rust library [@sheldonhull](
##### Fixes
[#25620]( Rename the package `MichaelMure/git-bug` to [git-bug/git-bug](
The GitHub repository was transferred.
### [`v4.210.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
##### 🎉 New Packages
[#25562]( [siderolabs/omni/omni]( SaaS-simple deployment of Kubernetes - on your own hardware
[#25562]( [siderolabs/omni/omnictl]( A CLI for accessing Omni API
### [`v4.209.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#25546]( [mrjackwills/oxker]( A simple tui to view & control docker containers
#### Fixes
[#25549]( fix(electric-saw/kafta): follow up changes of kafka v0.1.8
### [`v4.208.1`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### Fixes
[#25346]( junegunn/fzf: Follow up changes of fzf v0.54.2 for macOS
> Updated GoReleaser to 2.1.0 to simplify notarization of macOS binaries
> macOS archives will be in tar.gz format instead of zip format since we no longer notarize the zip files but binaries
### [`v4.208.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#25225]( [qdrant/qdrant]( High-performance, massive-scale Vector Database for the next generation of AI [@takumin](
[#25226]( [weaviate/weaviate]( Weaviate is an open-source vector database that stores both objects and vectors, allowing for the combination of vector search with structured filtering with the fault tolerance and scalability of a cloud-native database [@takumin](
#### Fixes
[#25228]( Rename the package `dagu-dev/dagu` to [daguflow/dagu](
### [`v4.207.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#25168]( [suzuki-shunsuke/ghproj]( Add GitHub Issues and Pull Requests to GitHub Projects
#### Fixes
[#25164]( rancher/rke: Regenerate the setting
### [`v4.206.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
##### 🎉 New Packages
[#25077]( [kattouf/ProgressLine]( Track commands progress in a compact one-line format
##### Fixes
[#25080]( aquaproj/aqua-registry-updater, aquaproj/registry-tool: Remove `cosign_experimental`
[#25123]( woodpecker ci/woodpecker/woodpecker-cli: Regenerate the setting
### [`v4.205.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#24983]( [fujiwara/iam-policy-finder]( iam-policy-finder is finder of AWS IAM Policies
[#24976]( [jubako/arx]( Store files and directory in an archive. Like tar, but faster and with direct random access [@NikitaCOEUR](
#### Fixes
[#24973]( theupdateframework/go-tuf/tuf
[#24974]( theupdateframework/go-tuf/tuf-client
They decided to leave go-tuf as a library only.
### [`v4.204.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#24940]( [eficode/wait-for]( ./wait-for is a script to wait for another service to become available [@YumaFuu](
#### Fixes
[#24935]( cyberark/kubeletctl: Regenerate the setting
[#24878]( Enter-tainer/typstyle: Follow up changes of typstyle v0.11.29
### [`v4.203.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#24827]( [axllent/mailpit]( An email and SMTP testing tool with API for developers [@YumaFuu](
### [`v4.202.1`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### Fixes
[#24709]( Songmu/ecschedule: Support windows [@laughk](
[#24743]( Songmu/ecschedule: Regenerate the setting
[#24685]( borgbackup/borg: fix asset mapping rules for borg >=1.4.0 [@reitzig](
[#24653]( Rename the package `Ph0enixKM/Amber` to `amber-lang/amber`
[#24715]( junegunn/fzf: Regenerate the setting
[#24719]( martinvonz/jj: Follow up changes of jj v0.19.0
[#24720]( orangekame3/stree: Regenerate the setting
### [`v4.202.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#24588]( [Owloops/updo]( Uptime monitoring CLI tool with alerting and advanced settings [@tmeijn](
[#24585]( [allyring/pvw]( A port viewer TUI made with BubbleTea in Go [@tmeijn](
[#24590]( [moncho/dry]( dry - A Docker manager for the terminal [@tmeijn](
[#24582]( [unfrl/dug]( A global DNS propagation checker that gives pretty output. Written in dotnet core [@tmeijn](
[#24589]( [vladimirvivien/ktop]( A top-like tool for your Kubernetes clusters [@tmeijn](
### [`v4.201.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#24498]( [dag-andersen/argocd-diff-preview]( Argo CD Diff Preview is a tool that renders the diff between two branches in a Git repository [@ponkio-o](
[#24478]( [dotenvx/dotenvx]( a better dotenv–from the creator of `dotenv`
[#24492]( [jedisct1/minisign]( A dead simple tool to sign files and verify digital signatures
#### Fix
[#24467]( mr-karan/doggo: Regenerate the setting
### [`v4.200.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#24415]( [kdheepak/taskwarrior-tui]( `taskwarrior-tui`: A terminal user interface for taskwarrior [@hituzi-no-sippo](
[#24423]( [pvolok/mprocs]( Run multiple commands in parallel [@hituzi-no-sippo](
#### Fix
[#24410]( numtide/treefmt: Regenerate the setting
[#24404]( nerdypepper/dijo: rename the package to oppiliappan/dijo
### [`v4.199.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#24382]( [suzuki-shunsuke/ghatm]( Set timeout-minutes to all GitHub Actions jobs
### [`v4.198.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#24320]( [handlename/let-rds-sleep]( Keep sleeping AWS RDS/Aurora Cluster [@ponkio-o](
[#24332]( [ned1313/terrahash]( Create and store a hash of the Terraform modules used by your configuration
[#24297]( [yassinebridi/serpl]( A simple terminal UI for search and replace, ala VS Code [@4513ECHO](
#### Fix
[#24373]( astral-sh/ruff: Follow up changes of ruff 0.5.0
> The released archives now include an extra level of nesting, which can be removed with --strip-components=1 when untarring.
> The release artifact's file name no longer includes the version tag. This enables users to install via /latest URLs on GitHub.
### [`v4.197.0`](
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[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 Reached 1,500 packages
Thank you all contributors!
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#24294]( [JFryy/qq]( jq inspired interoperable config format transcoder with interactive querying
[#24214]( [SuperCuber/dotter]( A dotfile manager and templater written in rust [@hituzi-no-sippo](
[#24270]( [nerdypepper/dijo]( scriptable, curses-based, digital habit tracker [@hituzi-no-sippo](
[#24266]( [reemus-dev/gitnr]( Create `.gitignore` files using one or more templates from TopTal, GitHub or your own collection [@hituzi-no-sippo](
### [`v4.196.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#24098]( [Enter-tainer/typstyle]( Beautiful and reliable typst code formatter [@4513ECHO](
[#24099]( [Myriad-Dreamin/tinymist]( Tinymist \[ˈtaɪni mɪst] is an integrated language service for Typst \[taɪpst] [@4513ECHO](
[#24106]( [mattn/longcat]( Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong cat [@4513ECHO](
[#24104]( [mrowa44/emojify]( Emoji on the command line :scream: [@4513ECHO](
### [`v4.195.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#24037]( [odanado/git-pr-release-go]( git-pr-release-go streamlines development by automating "Release Pull Requests" on GitHub [@takumin](
[#24008]( [suzuki-shunsuke/yodoc]( Test command results and embed them into document
#### Fix
[#24049]( container tools/spectrum: Regenerate the setting
[#24051]( apache/maven-mvnd: Follow up changes of apache/maven-mvnd 1.0.0
### [`v4.194.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#24004]( [nvarner/typst-lsp]( A brand-new language server for Typst, plus a VS Code extension [@4513ECHO](
### [`v4.193.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#23872]( [igor-petruk/scriptisto]( A language-agnostic "shebang interpreter" that enables you to write scripts in compiled languages [@CrystalMethod](
[#23845]( [borgbackup/borg]( Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption [@reitzig](
#### Fixes
[#23914]( Ph0enixKM/Amber: Follow up changes of Amber 0.3.2-alpha
[#23810]( atuinsh/atuin: Follow up changes of atuin v18.3.0
[#23765]( kitabisa/teler: Rename the package to [teler-sh/teler](
### [`v4.192.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#23762]( [fujiwara/lamux]( Lamux is a HTTP multiplexer for AWS Lambda Function aliases [@ponkio-o](
[#23761]( [fujiwara/s3mover]( s3mover is an agent for moving local files to Amazon S3 [@ponkio-o](
#### Fixes
[#23740]( golangci/misspell: Follow up changes of misspell v0.6.0
[#23741]( oapi-codegen/oapi-codegen: Follow up the package name change
### [`v4.191.0`](
[Compare Source](
[Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( |
#### 🎉 New Packages
[#23639]( [duckdb/duckdb]( DuckDB is an analytical in-process SQL database management system [@nakatanakatana](
[#23727]( [laktak/zfind]( search for files (even inside tar/zip/7z/rar) using a SQL-WHERE filter
#### Fixes
[#23628]( Rename the package `deepmap/oapi-codegen` to [oapi-codegen/oapi-codegen](
The repository was transfferred.
charmbracelet/gum (charmbracelet/gum)
### [`v0.14.3`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixin’ more bugs
Hot on the heels of the last release (very hot, in fact), here’s one more quick point release to fix a regression in spinner.
Verifying the artifacts
First, download the [`checksums.txt` file](, for example, with `wget`:
wget ''
Then, verify it using [`cosign`](
cosign verify-blob \
--certificate-identity '' \
--certificate-oidc-issuer '' \
--cert '' \
--signature '' \
If the output is `Verified OK`, you can safely use it to verify the checksums of other artifacts you downloaded from the release using `sha256sum`:
sha256sum --ignore-missing -c checksums.txt
Done! You artifacts are now verified!
Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on [Twitter](, [The Fediverse](, or on [Discord](
### [`v0.14.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### Fixin’ bugs
This is a maintenance release to pull in various fixes from [huh]( upstream. As a bonus, macOS binaries are now also signed and notarized courtesy [@goreleaser](
Thanks for using Gum!
##### Changelog
##### New
- sign and notarize macos binaries in [](
##### Changed
- use in-house utility packages in [](
##### Fixed
- drop left padding in choose in [](
- fix race conditon where spinner could mis-render in [](
- fix a bug where choose could crash when spacebar is pressed twice [](
- fix a bug where the foreground color could not be set in choose [](
- fix a bug where foreground could not be set in write [](
- fix a bug where keypresses could crash choose [](
- restore y/n keybindings to confirm [](
- restore centering to buttons in confirm [](
##### New Contributors
- [@csandeep]( made their first contribution in [](
- [@clysto]( made their first contribution in [](
**Full Changelog**:
Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on [Twitter](, [The Fediverse](, or [Discord](
gitleaks/gitleaks (gitleaks/gitleaks)
### [`v8.18.4`](
[Compare Source](
##### Changelog
- [`02808f4`]( Limit hashicorp-tf-password to .tf/.hcl files ([#1420](
- [`07e1c30`]( rm print
- [`db63fc1`]( reduce telegram... todo url and xml for later
- [`9a4538c`]( <3
- [`fe94ef9`]( Add NewRelic insert key detection ([#1417](
- [`bb4424d`]( Improved Telegram bot token rule regex and added more test cases ([#1404](
- [`575e923`]( Add intra42 client secret ([#1408](
Shout out to [@coderabbit]( for their sponsorship!
golang/go (golang/go)
### [`v1.22.6`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v1.22.5`](
[Compare Source](
golangci/golangci-lint (golangci/golangci-lint)
### [`v1.59.1`](
[Compare Source](
1. Updated linters
- `go-errorlint`: from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2
- `gomnd`: deprecated configuration compatibility
- `intrange`: add `style` preset
- `misspell`: from 0.5.1 to 0.6.0
- `sloglint`: from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1
- `testifylint`: from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1
- `unparam`: bump to HEAD
- `usestdlibvars`: from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0
2. Fixes
- SARIF: init empty result slice
- SARIF: issue column >= 1
3. Documentation
- update `revive` configuration
goreleaser/goreleaser (goreleaser/goreleaser)
### [`v2.1.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Changelog
##### New Features
- [`65a3e06`]( feat(archive): support `.tzst` suffix ([#4870]( ([@sorairolake](
- [`3e66300`]( feat(blob): allow to upload only extra_files ([#4925]( ([@caarlos0](
- [`34ba5b6`]( feat(build): use GOCACHEPROG if set ([#4941]( ([@caarlos0](
- [`ac40ce8`]( feat(chocolatey): allow template in copyright, provide ctx.ReleaseNotes ([#4858]( ([@bradenhilton](
- [`cc114fc`]( feat(nfpm): add support for ipk package format ([#4863]( ([@schmidtw](
- [`cefec7c`]( feat(nfpm): support arm in termux ([#4901]( ([@rsteube](
- [`2d54bf0`]( feat(notary): allow to sign without notarizing ([#4919]( ([@caarlos0](
- [`f3fce3d`]( feat: --skip=archive ([#4916]( ([@caarlos0](
- [`f5c4fce`]( feat: build --auto-snapshot ([#4917]( ([@caarlos0](
- [`675629e`]( feat: support extra_files in http upload and artifactories ([#4940]( ([@caarlos0](
##### Bug fixes
- [`afd92ff`]( fix(github): set discussion category on publish only ([@caarlos0](
- [`50a6a96`]( fix(gitlab): better handle CI_JOB_TOKEN and unavailable APIs ([#4918]( ([@caarlos0](
- [`2e9eefb`]( fix(snapcraft): set confinement to strict by default ([@caarlos0](
- [`9b6af9e`]( fix: actually respect changelog.abbrev ([#4942]( ([@caarlos0](
- [`212dbb3`]( fix: improve snapcraft configuration handling ([@caarlos0](
- [`9d51369`]( fix: make latest on drafts ([#4966]( ([@caarlos0](
- [`0d1e3c0`]( fix: moving some logs to debug ([@caarlos0](
- [`9fcfaf9`]( fix: revert unwanted change ([@caarlos0](
- [`f0b4db1`]( fix: snapcraft temporary directory + concurrency ([#4963]( ([@caarlos0](
- [`c36a797`]( fix: typo ([@caarlos0](
##### Dependency updates
- [`13ab484`]( chore(deps): bump golang to 1.22.5-alpine ([#4993]( ([@caarlos0](
- [`763f4a5`]( chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 4.1.6 to 4.1.7 ([#4933]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`b83ac8f`]( chore(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2 ([#4984]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`5386c84`]( chore(deps): bump anchore/sbom-action from 0.16.0 to 0.16.1 ([#4979]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`d25edd5`]( chore(deps): bump anchore/scan-action from 3 to 4 ([#4985]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`9ca52e4`]( chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.1 to 4.5.0 ([#4932]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`02c4f93`]( chore(deps): bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 ([#4973]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`9786269`]( chore(deps): bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 ([#4972]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`4d9cd0c`]( chore(deps): bump from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 ([#4928]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`f080c26`]( chore(deps): bump from 0.4.1 to 0.4.2 ([#4988]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`6be7b14`]( chore(deps): bump from 1.53.0 to 1.54.0 ([#4929]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`1892aa3`]( chore(deps): bump from 11.0.1 to 11.1.0 ([#4951]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`6548d4b`]( chore(deps): bump from 0.11.0 to 0.11.1 ([#4982]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`56529e1`]( chore(deps): bump from 0.0.0-20231010190216-1cb11efc897d to 0.1.0 ([#4948]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`81f4b65`]( chore(deps): bump from 3.0.0-alpha.1 to 3.0.0-beta.1 ([#4983]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`01f58f9`]( chore(deps): bump from 0.19.1 to 0.19.2 ([#4946]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`c79137c`]( chore(deps): bump from 0.19.2 to 0.20.0 ([#4978]( ([@dependabot](\[bot])
- [`72fcfc6`](
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This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
anchore/syft (anchore/syft)
### [`v1.11.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added Features - Added the SWI Prolog (swipl) ecosystem \[[#3076]( [@LaurentGoderre](] ##### Bug Fixes - Empty version field on some dependencies when reading pom.xml \[[#1129]( [#2769]( [@GijsCalis](] - Support Maven multi-level configuration file / parent POM \[[#2017]( [#2769]( [@GijsCalis](] - DependencyManagement ignored in pom.xml \[[#1813]( [#2769]( [@GijsCalis](] - Version parsing regression for Go binaries \[[#3086]( [#3087]( [@spiffcs](] ##### Additional Changes - rather than have a hard max recursive depth - syft should detect parent pom cycles \[[#2284]( [#2769]( [@GijsCalis](] - increase java purl generation test coverage \[[#3110]( [@westonsteimel](] - Updated PackageSupplier to type Organization for JAR files \[[#3093]( [@harippriyas](] - Ensure accurate java main artifact name retrieval for multi-JARs and refine fallback approach \[[#3054]( [@dor-hayun](] **[(Full Changelog)](** ### [`v1.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added Features - Detect go main module from partial package builds \[[#3060]( [@wagoodman](] - Support traefik in linux/arm/v6, linux/riscv64 \[[#3038]( [#3077]( [@witchcraze](] - Catalog TiDB binary \[[#2763](] - Generate a Maven friendly CPE \[[#3042]( [#3045]( [@kzantow](] ##### Bug Fixes - Only match ldflag version if it matches the main module or targets main.version \[[#3062]( [@LaurentGoderre](] - python requirements.txt cataloger: allow dots in python package names \[[#3070]( [@Mikcl](] - SPDX output performance with many relationships \[[#3053]( [@kzantow](] - Order CPEs deterministically for SBOM reproducibility \[[#2967]( [#3085]( [@kzantow](] - Python packages: name normalization \[[#3064]( [#3069]( [@Mikcl](] - Syft report panics with the golang cataloger \[[#3037]( [#3043]( [@willmurphyscode](] ##### Additional Changes - add debug logging for errors reading RPM files \[[#3051]( [@kzantow](] **[(Full Changelog)](** ### [`v1.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added Features - Add detection of Erlang in Alpine linux \[[#2996]( [@LaurentGoderre](] - Add version 3 support for swift package manager of the resolved files \[[#3001]( [@4ell0](] - Map the downloadLocation field for PHP Composer packages \[[#3011]( [@LaurentGoderre](] ##### Bug Fixes - Infer the package type from ELF package notes \[[#3008]( [@wagoodman](] - Order CPEs deterministically for SBOM reproducibility \[[#2967]( [#3009]( [@spiffcs](] **[(Full Changelog)](** ### [`v1.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added Features - Add CycloneDX 1.6 Support \[[#2974]( [#2978]( [@ragaskar](] ##### Bug Fixes - Fixed the detection of arangodb 3.12 \[[#2979]( [@LaurentGoderre](] - Syft tries to create the cache directory at a location that has no permission \[[#2984]( [#2985]( [@kzantow](] **[(Full Changelog)](** ### [`v1.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added Features - index known CPEs for wordpress plugins and themes \[[#2963]( [@westonsteimel](] - Consider `Author` field for wordpress plugins when generating CPEs \[[#2946]( [@wagoodman](] ##### Bug Fixes - improve version extraction from ldflags for pingcap TiDB \[[#2962]( [@westonsteimel](] - Trim whitespace from wordpress values \[[#2945]( [@wagoodman](] - Issue scanning Poetry Project with Syft 1.6 and cataloger=python-package-cataloger \[[#2954]( [#2965]( [@spiffcs](] - Poetry's multiple constraints seems to break the parser \[[#2947]( [#2965]( [@spiffcs](] - Golang: Search remote licenses not working in a CI pipeline when scanning Docker image \[[#2798]( [#2852]( [@kzantow](] **[(Full Changelog)](** ### [`v1.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Added Features - Add relationships for go binary packages \[[#2912]( [@wagoodman](] - Add classifier for util-linux \[[#2933]( [@LaurentGoderre](] - Lua: Add support for more advanced syntax \[[#2908]( [@LaurentGoderre](] - add license field to ELF binary package metadata \[[#2890]( [@brian-ebarb](] - check checksums file's signature \[[#2884]( [#2941]( [@wagoodman](] - Detect ELF package notes from fedora binaries \[[#2713]( [#2939]( [@wagoodman](] ##### Bug Fixes - Use redhat as namespace for redhat rpms \[[#2914]( [@ralphbean](] - Close sqlite driver after testing sqlite availability \[[#2922]( [@ttc0419](] - syft does not find anything in archives if /tmp is a tmpfs \[[#2894]( [#2918]( [@willmurphyscode](] - Scanning a git repository folder present in /tmp produce an empty sbom \[[#2847]( [#2918]( [@willmurphyscode](] ##### Additional Changes - update unit tests to use pinned patch version \[[#2932]( [@spiffcs](] - fix comments and spelling \[[#2920]( [@dufucun](] **[(Full Changelog)](**aquaproj/aqua-registry (aquaproj/aqua-registry)
### [`v4.212.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#25676]( [FeLvi-zzz/tentez]( Tentez helps you switching traffic [#25708]( [alcideio/rbac-tool]( Rapid7 | insightCloudSec | Kubernetes RBAC Power Toys - Visualize, Analyze, Generate & Query [#25706]( [cloudposse/github-commenter]( Command line utility for creating GitHub comments on Commits, Pull Request Reviews or Issues [#25704]( [cloudposse/slack-notifier]( Command line utility to send messages with attachments to Slack channels via Incoming Webhooks [#25709]( [cloverstd/tcping]( ping over a tcp connection [#25712]( [gruntwork-io/fetch]( Download files, folders, and release assets from a specific git commit, branch, or tag of public and private GitHub repos [#25713]( [jwilder/dockerize]( Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers [#25714]( [kahing/goofys]( a high-performance, POSIX-ish Amazon S3 file system written in Go [#25715]( [krallin/tini]( A tiny but valid `init` for containers [#25719]( [legal90/awscurl]( cURL with AWS request signing [#25720]( [lewispeckover/consulator]( Import and synchronize your Consul KV data from JSON and YAML ### [`v4.211.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | ##### 🎉 New Packages [#25637]( [suzuki-shunsuke/ghomfc]( GitHub Organization Members' Followers Counter [#25608]( [dimo414/bkt]( a subprocess caching utility, available as a command line binary and a Rust library [@sheldonhull]( ##### Fixes [#25620]( Rename the package `MichaelMure/git-bug` to [git-bug/git-bug]( The GitHub repository was transferred. ### [`v4.210.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | ##### 🎉 New Packages [#25562]( [siderolabs/omni/omni]( SaaS-simple deployment of Kubernetes - on your own hardware [#25562]( [siderolabs/omni/omnictl]( A CLI for accessing Omni API ### [`v4.209.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#25546]( [mrjackwills/oxker]( A simple tui to view & control docker containers #### Fixes [#25549]( fix(electric-saw/kafta): follow up changes of kafka v0.1.8 ### [`v4.208.1`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### Fixes [#25346]( junegunn/fzf: Follow up changes of fzf v0.54.2 for macOS > Updated GoReleaser to 2.1.0 to simplify notarization of macOS binaries > macOS archives will be in tar.gz format instead of zip format since we no longer notarize the zip files but binaries ### [`v4.208.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#25225]( [qdrant/qdrant]( High-performance, massive-scale Vector Database for the next generation of AI [@takumin]( [#25226]( [weaviate/weaviate]( Weaviate is an open-source vector database that stores both objects and vectors, allowing for the combination of vector search with structured filtering with the fault tolerance and scalability of a cloud-native database [@takumin]( #### Fixes [#25228]( Rename the package `dagu-dev/dagu` to [daguflow/dagu]( ### [`v4.207.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#25168]( [suzuki-shunsuke/ghproj]( Add GitHub Issues and Pull Requests to GitHub Projects #### Fixes [#25164]( rancher/rke: Regenerate the setting ### [`v4.206.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | ##### 🎉 New Packages [#25077]( [kattouf/ProgressLine]( Track commands progress in a compact one-line format ##### Fixes [#25080]( aquaproj/aqua-registry-updater, aquaproj/registry-tool: Remove `cosign_experimental` [#25123]( woodpecker ci/woodpecker/woodpecker-cli: Regenerate the setting ### [`v4.205.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#24983]( [fujiwara/iam-policy-finder]( iam-policy-finder is finder of AWS IAM Policies [#24976]( [jubako/arx]( Store files and directory in an archive. Like tar, but faster and with direct random access [@NikitaCOEUR]( #### Fixes [#24973]( theupdateframework/go-tuf/tuf [#24974]( theupdateframework/go-tuf/tuf-client They decided to leave go-tuf as a library only. ### [`v4.204.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#24940]( [eficode/wait-for]( ./wait-for is a script to wait for another service to become available [@YumaFuu]( #### Fixes [#24935]( cyberark/kubeletctl: Regenerate the setting [#24878]( Enter-tainer/typstyle: Follow up changes of typstyle v0.11.29 ### [`v4.203.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#24827]( [axllent/mailpit]( An email and SMTP testing tool with API for developers [@YumaFuu]( ### [`v4.202.1`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### Fixes [#24709]( Songmu/ecschedule: Support windows [@laughk]( [#24743]( Songmu/ecschedule: Regenerate the setting [#24685]( borgbackup/borg: fix asset mapping rules for borg >=1.4.0 [@reitzig]( [#24653]( Rename the package `Ph0enixKM/Amber` to `amber-lang/amber` [#24715]( junegunn/fzf: Regenerate the setting [#24719]( martinvonz/jj: Follow up changes of jj v0.19.0 [#24720]( orangekame3/stree: Regenerate the setting ### [`v4.202.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#24588]( [Owloops/updo]( Uptime monitoring CLI tool with alerting and advanced settings [@tmeijn]( [#24585]( [allyring/pvw]( A port viewer TUI made with BubbleTea in Go [@tmeijn]( [#24590]( [moncho/dry]( dry - A Docker manager for the terminal [@tmeijn]( [#24582]( [unfrl/dug]( A global DNS propagation checker that gives pretty output. Written in dotnet core [@tmeijn]( [#24589]( [vladimirvivien/ktop]( A top-like tool for your Kubernetes clusters [@tmeijn]( ### [`v4.201.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#24498]( [dag-andersen/argocd-diff-preview]( Argo CD Diff Preview is a tool that renders the diff between two branches in a Git repository [@ponkio-o]( [#24478]( [dotenvx/dotenvx]( a better dotenv–from the creator of `dotenv` [#24492]( [jedisct1/minisign]( A dead simple tool to sign files and verify digital signatures #### Fix [#24467]( mr-karan/doggo: Regenerate the setting ### [`v4.200.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#24415]( [kdheepak/taskwarrior-tui]( `taskwarrior-tui`: A terminal user interface for taskwarrior [@hituzi-no-sippo]( [#24423]( [pvolok/mprocs]( Run multiple commands in parallel [@hituzi-no-sippo]( #### Fix [#24410]( numtide/treefmt: Regenerate the setting [#24404]( nerdypepper/dijo: rename the package to oppiliappan/dijo ### [`v4.199.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#24382]( [suzuki-shunsuke/ghatm]( Set timeout-minutes to all GitHub Actions jobs ### [`v4.198.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#24320]( [handlename/let-rds-sleep]( Keep sleeping AWS RDS/Aurora Cluster [@ponkio-o]( [#24332]( [ned1313/terrahash]( Create and store a hash of the Terraform modules used by your configuration [#24297]( [yassinebridi/serpl]( A simple terminal UI for search and replace, ala VS Code [@4513ECHO]( #### Fix [#24373]( astral-sh/ruff: Follow up changes of ruff 0.5.0 > The released archives now include an extra level of nesting, which can be removed with --strip-components=1 when untarring. > The release artifact's file name no longer includes the version tag. This enables users to install via /latest URLs on GitHub. ### [`v4.197.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 Reached 1,500 packages Thank you all contributors! #### 🎉 New Packages [#24294]( [JFryy/qq]( jq inspired interoperable config format transcoder with interactive querying [#24214]( [SuperCuber/dotter]( A dotfile manager and templater written in rust [@hituzi-no-sippo]( [#24270]( [nerdypepper/dijo]( scriptable, curses-based, digital habit tracker [@hituzi-no-sippo]( [#24266]( [reemus-dev/gitnr]( Create `.gitignore` files using one or more templates from TopTal, GitHub or your own collection [@hituzi-no-sippo]( ### [`v4.196.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#24098]( [Enter-tainer/typstyle]( Beautiful and reliable typst code formatter [@4513ECHO]( [#24099]( [Myriad-Dreamin/tinymist]( Tinymist \[ˈtaɪni mɪst] is an integrated language service for Typst \[taɪpst] [@4513ECHO]( [#24106]( [mattn/longcat]( Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong cat [@4513ECHO]( [#24104]( [mrowa44/emojify]( Emoji on the command line :scream: [@4513ECHO]( ### [`v4.195.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#24037]( [odanado/git-pr-release-go]( git-pr-release-go streamlines development by automating "Release Pull Requests" on GitHub [@takumin]( [#24008]( [suzuki-shunsuke/yodoc]( Test command results and embed them into document #### Fix [#24049]( container tools/spectrum: Regenerate the setting [#24051]( apache/maven-mvnd: Follow up changes of apache/maven-mvnd 1.0.0 ### [`v4.194.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#24004]( [nvarner/typst-lsp]( A brand-new language server for Typst, plus a VS Code extension [@4513ECHO]( ### [`v4.193.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#23872]( [igor-petruk/scriptisto]( A language-agnostic "shebang interpreter" that enables you to write scripts in compiled languages [@CrystalMethod]( [#23845]( [borgbackup/borg]( Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption [@reitzig]( #### Fixes [#23914]( Ph0enixKM/Amber: Follow up changes of Amber 0.3.2-alpha [#23810]( atuinsh/atuin: Follow up changes of atuin v18.3.0 [#23765]( kitabisa/teler: Rename the package to [teler-sh/teler]( ### [`v4.192.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#23762]( [fujiwara/lamux]( Lamux is a HTTP multiplexer for AWS Lambda Function aliases [@ponkio-o]( [#23761]( [fujiwara/s3mover]( s3mover is an agent for moving local files to Amazon S3 [@ponkio-o]( #### Fixes [#23740]( golangci/misspell: Follow up changes of misspell v0.6.0 [#23741]( oapi-codegen/oapi-codegen: Follow up the package name change ### [`v4.191.0`]( [Compare Source]( [Issues]( | [Pull Requests]( | #### 🎉 New Packages [#23639]( [duckdb/duckdb]( DuckDB is an analytical in-process SQL database management system [@nakatanakatana]( [#23727]( [laktak/zfind]( search for files (even inside tar/zip/7z/rar) using a SQL-WHERE filter #### Fixes [#23628]( Rename the package `deepmap/oapi-codegen` to [oapi-codegen/oapi-codegen]( The repository was transfferred.charmbracelet/gum (charmbracelet/gum)
### [`v0.14.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Fixin’ more bugs Hot on the heels of the last release (very hot, in fact), here’s one more quick point release to fix a regression in spinner. ***Verifying the artifacts
First, download the [`checksums.txt` file](, for example, with `wget`: ```bash wget '' ``` Then, verify it using [`cosign`]( ```bash cosign verify-blob \ --certificate-identity '' \ --certificate-oidc-issuer '' \ --cert '' \ --signature '' \ ./checksums.txt ``` If the output is `Verified OK`, you can safely use it to verify the checksums of other artifacts you downloaded from the release using `sha256sum`: ```bash sha256sum --ignore-missing -c checksums.txt ``` Done! You artifacts are now verified!gitleaks/gitleaks (gitleaks/gitleaks)
### [`v8.18.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Changelog - [`02808f4`]( Limit hashicorp-tf-password to .tf/.hcl files ([#1420]( - [`07e1c30`]( rm print - [`db63fc1`]( reduce telegram... todo url and xml for later - [`9a4538c`]( <3 - [`fe94ef9`]( Add NewRelic insert key detection ([#1417]( - [`bb4424d`]( Improved Telegram bot token rule regex and added more test cases ([#1404]( - [`575e923`]( Add intra42 client secret ([#1408]( Shout out to [@coderabbit]( for their sponsorship!golang/go (golang/go)
### [`v1.22.6`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v1.22.5`]( [Compare Source]( (golangci/golangci-lint)
### [`v1.59.1`]( [Compare Source]( 1. Updated linters - `go-errorlint`: from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 - `gomnd`: deprecated configuration compatibility - `intrange`: add `style` preset - `misspell`: from 0.5.1 to 0.6.0 - `sloglint`: from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1 - `testifylint`: from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 - `unparam`: bump to HEAD - `usestdlibvars`: from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0 2. Fixes - SARIF: init empty result slice - SARIF: issue column >= 1 3. Documentation - update `revive` configurationgoreleaser/goreleaser (goreleaser/goreleaser)
### [`v2.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Changelog ##### New Features - [`65a3e06`]( feat(archive): support `.tzst` suffix ([#4870]( ([@sorairolake]( - [`3e66300`]( feat(blob): allow to upload only extra_files ([#4925]( ([@caarlos0]( - [`34ba5b6`]( feat(build): use GOCACHEPROG if set ([#4941]( ([@caarlos0]( - [`ac40ce8`]( feat(chocolatey): allow template in copyright, provide ctx.ReleaseNotes ([#4858]( ([@bradenhilton]( - [`cc114fc`]( feat(nfpm): add support for ipk package format ([#4863]( ([@schmidtw]( - [`cefec7c`]( feat(nfpm): support arm in termux ([#4901]( ([@rsteube]( - [`2d54bf0`]( feat(notary): allow to sign without notarizing ([#4919]( ([@caarlos0]( - [`f3fce3d`]( feat: --skip=archive ([#4916]( ([@caarlos0]( - [`f5c4fce`]( feat: build --auto-snapshot ([#4917]( ([@caarlos0]( - [`675629e`]( feat: support extra_files in http upload and artifactories ([#4940]( ([@caarlos0]( ##### Bug fixes - [`afd92ff`]( fix(github): set discussion category on publish only ([@caarlos0]( - [`50a6a96`]( fix(gitlab): better handle CI_JOB_TOKEN and unavailable APIs ([#4918]( ([@caarlos0]( - [`2e9eefb`]( fix(snapcraft): set confinement to strict by default ([@caarlos0]( - [`9b6af9e`]( fix: actually respect changelog.abbrev ([#4942]( ([@caarlos0]( - [`212dbb3`]( fix: improve snapcraft configuration handling ([@caarlos0]( - [`9d51369`]( fix: make latest on drafts ([#4966]( ([@caarlos0]( - [`0d1e3c0`]( fix: moving some logs to debug ([@caarlos0]( - [`9fcfaf9`]( fix: revert unwanted change ([@caarlos0]( - [`f0b4db1`]( fix: snapcraft temporary directory + concurrency ([#4963]( ([@caarlos0]( - [`c36a797`]( fix: typo ([@caarlos0]( ##### Dependency updates - [`13ab484`]( chore(deps): bump golang to 1.22.5-alpine ([#4993]( ([@caarlos0]( - [`763f4a5`]( chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 4.1.6 to 4.1.7 ([#4933]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`b83ac8f`]( chore(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2 ([#4984]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`5386c84`]( chore(deps): bump anchore/sbom-action from 0.16.0 to 0.16.1 ([#4979]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`d25edd5`]( chore(deps): bump anchore/scan-action from 3 to 4 ([#4985]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`9ca52e4`]( chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.1 to 4.5.0 ([#4932]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`02c4f93`]( chore(deps): bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 ([#4973]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`9786269`]( chore(deps): bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 ([#4972]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`4d9cd0c`]( chore(deps): bump from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 ([#4928]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`f080c26`]( chore(deps): bump from 0.4.1 to 0.4.2 ([#4988]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`6be7b14`]( chore(deps): bump from 1.53.0 to 1.54.0 ([#4929]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`1892aa3`]( chore(deps): bump from 11.0.1 to 11.1.0 ([#4951]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`6548d4b`]( chore(deps): bump from 0.11.0 to 0.11.1 ([#4982]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`56529e1`]( chore(deps): bump from 0.0.0-20231010190216-1cb11efc897d to 0.1.0 ([#4948]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`81f4b65`]( chore(deps): bump from 3.0.0-alpha.1 to 3.0.0-beta.1 ([#4983]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`01f58f9`]( chore(deps): bump from 0.19.1 to 0.19.2 ([#4946]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`c79137c`]( chore(deps): bump from 0.19.2 to 0.20.0 ([#4978]( ([@dependabot](\[bot]) - [`72fcfc6`](
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