Closed MahindiBoiro closed 1 year ago
I have pushed changes that add support for what you have requested. Please see the code/comments in the updated demo
Hi, Thanx for this.
I get the following error after taking a photo and clicking on the tick mark to "select" it:
Access violation at address BEC5ABA4, accessing address 00000000 At address: $BEC5ABA4 (Dw.Webchromeclient.Android.TWebChromeClientManager.MessageResultNotificationHandler(TObject, Messaging.TMessageBase) + 195) Call stack: $BE4AD58C Sysutils.RaiseExceptObject(TExceptionRecord) + 35 $BE47499E _RaiseAtExcept(TObject, Pointer) + 41 $BE48D302 Internal.Excutils.SignalConverter(NativeUInt, NativeUInt, NativeUInt) + 21 $BEC5ABA0 Dw.Webchromeclient.Android.TWebChromeClientManager.MessageResultNotificationHandler(TObject, Messaging.TMessageBase) + 191 $BE68EF84 Messaging.TMessageManager.TListenerList.IterateAndSend(TObject, Messaging.TMessageBase) + 107 $BE68EE74 Messaging.TMessageManager.TListenerList.SendMessage(TObject, Messaging.TMessageBase) + 195 $BE68B6C0 Messaging.TMessageManager.SendMessage(TObject, Messaging.TMessageBase, Boolean) + 67 $BE993D26 Fmx.Platform.Android.TFMXNativeActivityListener.onReceiveResult(Integer, Integer, Androidapi.Jni.Graphicscontentviewtext.JIntent) + 93 $00000000 $BE57D0C0 Rtti.RawInvoke(Pointer, Rtti.TParamBlock) + 3 $BE57524A Rtti.Invoke(Pointer, array of Rtti.TValue, Typinfo.TCallConv, Typinfo.TTypeInfo, Boolean, Boolean) + 569 $BE575C22 Rtti.TRttiInstanceMethodEx.DispatchInvoke(Rtti.TValue, Rtti.TValue const, Integer) + 997 $BE55B42A Rtti.TRttiMethod.Invoke(TObject, Rtti.TValue const*, Integer) + 53 $BE59BC64 Androidapi.Jnibridge.dispatchToNative(JNINativeInterface*, Androidapi.Jni._JNIObject, Androidapi.Jni._JNIObject, Androidapi.Jni._JNIObject, Int64) + 511
Android 11, 32bit Delphi 10.4.2
Very good, kastri is amazing. Is there a way to put the twebbrowser to respect the order z?
Very good, kastri is amazing
Is there a way to put the twebbrowser to respect the order z?
It's not so much TWebBrowser respecting Z order - it is more other FMX controls respecting it. I have some controls here that can be placed on top of TWebBrowser:
I get the following error after taking a photo and clicking on the tick mark to "select" it: Android 11, 32bit Delphi 10.4.2
Not sure whether it will work in Delphi 10.4.2. I highly suggest upgrading to Delphi 11.3
Great, the TNativeRectangle serves as a container for the controls. In the vcl is it possible to capture the click and call an action in the fmx is not possible with the TWebChromeClientManager it is possible?
I get the following error after taking a photo and clicking on the tick mark to "select" it: Android 11, 32bit Delphi 10.4.2
Not sure whether it will work in Delphi 10.4.2. I highly suggest upgrading to Delphi 11.3
Tried on Delphi 11.3, 32 bit android target platform, app crashes on start up: error is as below
Java type com/delphiworlds/kastri/DWWebChromeClientDelegate could not be found At address: $B9AEA1B3 (Androidapi.Jnibridge.GetClassSignature(Rtti.TRttiType, Boolean) + 174) Call stack: $B9A1244C Sysutils.RaiseExceptObject(TExceptionRecord) + 35 $B99D86CE _RaiseAtExcept(TObject, Pointer) + 41 $B99CF056 _RaiseAgain() + 49 $BA10739E Dw.Webchromeclient.TWebChromeClientManager.Create(Classes.TComponent) + 177 $BA2FFA4C Mbrowser64.NavigateToExternalWeb(String, String, String) + 915 $BA30E01C Mtradingactivate.TTradingActivateForm.PictureCameraPermissionResult(TObject, array of String, array of Permissions.TPermissionStatus) + 267 $BA03BD3E Android.Permissions.TAndroidPermissionsService.DoRequestPermissionsCallback(Android.Permissions.TRequestPermissionsCallbackPair, array of String, array of Permissions.TPermissionStatus) + 57 $BA03C1B6 Android.Permissions.TAndroidPermissionsService.InternalRequestPermissions(array of String, Android.Permissions.TRequestPermissionsCallbackPair, Android.Permissions.TDisplayRationaleCallbackPair) + 1029 $BB8AD550 Classes.RemoveDataModule + 4 $BA30D108 Mtradingactivate.TTradingActivateForm.btnLackCDSAccountClick(TObject) + 1003 $BB8ABBC0 VarToUStrProc + 0 $B9A8743E Classes.CheckSynchronize(Integer) + 473 $B9A8743E Classes.CheckSynchronize(Integer) + 473 $B9E6FA46 Fmx.Platform.Android.TPlatformAndroid.InternalProcessMessages() + 9 $B9E726CA Fmx.Platform.Android.TMainThreadWakeup_Create_ActRec._0_Body() + 13 $B9E6FBE4 + 31 $B9E6FBE4 + 31 $00000000 $B9AD422C Rtti.RawInvoke(Pointer, Rtti.TParamBlock) + 3 $B9ACBA1A Rtti.Invoke(Pointer, array of Rtti.TValue, Typinfo.TCallConv, Typinfo.TTypeInfo, Boolean, Boolean) + 569
It looks like you have not added dw-webchromeclient.jar
(which is in the Lib
folder of Kastri) to the project.
It looks like you have not added
(which is in theLib
folder of Kastri) to the project.
I certain I have. I added to the 64 bit platform as it has a nuance that precludes the addition of the jar to both the 64bit and 32bit platforms
It's not being compiled into the application. Please see:
It's not being compiled into the application. Please see:
Embarcadero will be the end of me!
We are now back to the error I had with Delphi 10.4.2
Hi, Thanx for this.
I get the following error after taking a photo and clicking on the tick mark to "select" it:
Access violation at address BEC5ABA4, accessing address 00000000 At address: $BEC5ABA4 (Dw.Webchromeclient.Android.TWebChromeClientManager.MessageResultNotificationHandler(TObject, Messaging.TMessageBase) + 195) Call stack: $BE4AD58C Sysutils.RaiseExceptObject(TExceptionRecord) + 35 $BE47499E _RaiseAtExcept(TObject, Pointer) + 41 $BE48D302 Internal.Excutils.SignalConverter(NativeUInt, NativeUInt, NativeUInt) + 21 $BEC5ABA0 Dw.Webchromeclient.Android.TWebChromeClientManager.MessageResultNotificationHandler(TObject, Messaging.TMessageBase) + 191 $BE68EF84 Messaging.TMessageManager.TListenerList.IterateAndSend(TObject, Messaging.TMessageBase) + 107 $BE68EE74 Messaging.TMessageManager.TListenerList.SendMessage(TObject, Messaging.TMessageBase) + 195 $BE68B6C0 Messaging.TMessageManager.SendMessage(TObject, Messaging.TMessageBase, Boolean) + 67 $BE993D26 Fmx.Platform.Android.TFMXNativeActivityListener.onReceiveResult(Integer, Integer, Androidapi.Jni.Graphicscontentviewtext.JIntent) + 93 $00000000 $BE57D0C0 Rtti.RawInvoke(Pointer, Rtti.TParamBlock) + 3 $BE57524A Rtti.Invoke(Pointer, array of Rtti.TValue, Typinfo.TCallConv, Typinfo.TTypeInfo, Boolean, Boolean) + 569 $BE575C22 Rtti.TRttiInstanceMethodEx.DispatchInvoke(Rtti.TValue, Rtti.TValue const, Integer) + 997 $BE55B42A Rtti.TRttiMethod.Invoke(TObject, Rtti.TValue const*, Integer) + 53 $BE59BC64 Androidapi.Jnibridge.dispatchToNative(JNINativeInterface*, Androidapi.Jni._JNIObject, Androidapi.Jni._JNIObject, Androidapi.Jni._JNIObject, Int64) + 511
Android 11, 32bit Delphi 10.4.2
Are you using a value for the FileCachePath property? If so, what is it?
Can you change the code in the DW.WebChromeClient.Android
unit to add this to the implementation uses clause:
and change MessageResultNotificationHandler
procedure TWebChromeClientManager.MessageResultNotificationHandler(const Sender: TObject; const M: TMessage);
LResult: TMessageResultNotification;
LResult := TMessageResultNotification(M);
if LResult.Value <> nil then
if (LResult.RequestCode = cFileChooserRequestCodeDefault) or (LResult.RequestCode = cFileChooserRequestCodeCamera) then
if LResult.RequestCode = cFileChooserRequestCodeCamera then
FWebChromeClient.handleFileChooserResult(LResult.Value, LResult.ResultCode);
TToast.Make('LResult.Value = nil!!!', True);
..and try again? This is just to check what is going on...
Can you change the code in the
unit to add this to the implementation uses clause:DW.Toast.Android
and change
to:procedure TWebChromeClientManager.MessageResultNotificationHandler(const Sender: TObject; const M: TMessage); var LResult: TMessageResultNotification; begin LResult := TMessageResultNotification(M); if LResult.Value <> nil then begin if (LResult.RequestCode = cFileChooserRequestCodeDefault) or (LResult.RequestCode = cFileChooserRequestCodeCamera) then begin if LResult.RequestCode = cFileChooserRequestCodeCamera then begin LResult.Value.setData(FImageUri); LResult.Value.setFlags(TJIntent.JavaClass.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION); end; FWebChromeClient.handleFileChooserResult(LResult.Value, LResult.ResultCode); end; end else TToast.Make('LResult.Value = nil!!!', True); end;
..and try again? This is just to check what is going on...
LResult.Value is indeed nil as execution comes to this line "TToast.Make('LResult.Value = nil!!!', True);"
Additionally, once we have gone through with this, pressing the html element does nothing, one has to recreate the TWebBrowser for the element to function again
Both of those results are very odd. It works OK for me using the URL in the demo, including tapping the HTML element again. Are you using the same URL, or a different one? Regardless, I'll take a look into what might be causing it
Very good, kastri is amazing
Is there a way to put the twebbrowser to respect the order z?
It's not so much TWebBrowser respecting Z order - it is more other FMX controls respecting it. I have some controls here that can be placed on top of TWebBrowser:
Delphi controls are not being drawn inside the TNativeRectangle. I put controls like TLayout (native) and TSKSVG, TSkLabel (skia) and not drawing inside my tnativerectangle.
Delphi controls are not being drawn inside the TNativeRectangle
That's correct.. you can use only "native" controls inside of native controls
I put controls like TLayout (native)
What native TLayout are you referring to?
Incidentally, this discussion is off-topic for this issue. If you are having trouble with the native controls, please file a new issue
keep-alive ping :)
Thanks :-)
Can you attach the .apk that is generated by Delphi for you? Also it might help to know what device you have.
`unit Unit1;
uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants,
FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.WebBrowser;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
WebBrowser1: TWebBrowser;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
FManager: TWebChromeClientManager;
procedure ManagerFileChooserHandler(Sender: TObject; const AMimeTypes: TArray
var Form1: TForm1;
uses System.IOUtils, Androidapi.JNI.Webkit, DW.Androidapi.JNI.DWWebChromeClient;
{$R *.fmx}
{ TForm1 }
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FManager := TWebChromeClientManager.Create(WebBrowser1); // FileCachePath is a folder where files of photos that are taken are stored. // If no path is specified, the camera roll area is used // Using a value for FileCachePath gives an opportunity to control // whether photos that are uploaded can be easily deleted FManager.FileCachePath := TPath.Combine(TPath.GetTempPath, 'Blank'); ForceDirectories(FManager.FileCachePath); FManager.OnFileChooser := ManagerFileChooserHandler; WebBrowser1.Navigate(''); end;
procedure TForm1.ManagerFileChooserHandler(Sender: TObject; const AMimeTypes: TArray
end.` (rename from .zip to .apk)
Your project does not have the Secure File Sharing option checked in the Entitlements List in the Project Options:
Having said that, there does also appear to be an issue with tapping an upload link after cancelling. Looking into it.. You still need to fix your project options
Now pushed a fix for the "stops working after cancelling" issue.
Now pushed a fix for the "stops working after cancelling" issue.
I can confirm this is resolved
Secure File Sharing option checked
This was an oversight on my part when putting together a minimum viable project to reproduce the error
Hi Dave,
Sorry for the late response, unfortunately this still seems to have an issue. Compiled the demo app as-is, the app opens and loads the page fine. on selecting "Use camera for image types" one is able to take a photo but the photo does not get selected in the file input control
Can you attach an .apk to this issue, or put it somewhere it can be downloaded from?
Attached is a .apk renamed to .zip
It's working OK here:
What kind of device are you using, and what version of Android? If you can, please use a logcat viewer like Device Lens to check for error messages etc in the logs
What kind of device are you using,
Redmi 10A 2202233L2G (32 bit) and Redmi 12C 22120RN86G (64 bit)
what version of Android? Android 11 and Android 12 respectively
Since I don't have either of those devices, either yourself or someone else will need to check the messages in the logs, as I described in an earlier comment
logcat produces a ton of messages, what do i look out for/filter for?
Are you filtering by application name? In the case of the demo it'll be: com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo
If you're using Device Lens: when the app is running, before you select the photo, click the trash can icon to remove all the existing messages, then select the photo. Check the new messages for errors/warnings
command: logcat *:W -v color|grep -i "com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo"
06-05 09:46:31.674 918 1015 E BufferQueueDebug: [com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity#0](this:0xb400007d68d658e0,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) id info cannot be read from 'com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity#0'
06-05 09:46:31.677 1441 5875 W WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{aacd4b6 u0 com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} displayId=0
06-05 09:46:31.685 918 1014 E BufferQueueDebug: [SurfaceView[com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity](BLAST)#0](this:0xb400007d6ebbc8e0,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) id info cannot be read from 'SurfaceView[com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity](BLAST)#0'
06-05 09:46:31.689 15153 15153 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView[com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity]#2(BLAST Consumer)2](id:3b3100000003,api:0,p:-1,c:15153) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-05 09:46:31.711 1441 1473 W ActivityRecord{711863f u0 com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity t400}
06-05 09:46:31.736 4082 4330 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask taskInfo=TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=400 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=2882176107 supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow=false supportsMultiWindow=false resizeMode=0 isResizeable=false token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@bc256ab} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=PictureInPictureParams( aspectRatio=null sourceRectHint=null hasSetActions=false isAutoPipEnabled=false isSeamlessResizeEnabled=true) displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 49 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{b693108 com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true topActivityInSizeCompat=false locusId= null windowMode=0}
06-05 09:46:31.736 4082 4330 W RecentsModel: getTaskInfoIgnoreHomeAndFreeform taskInfo=ComponentInfo{com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity}
06-05 09:46:31.746 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: taskId=400 userId=0 baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity }
You may have to leave out the filter on the app name, as there does not seem to be sufficient information to go on
06-06 00:07:10.031 861 890 E libPowerHal: Could not open '/proc/4992/comm'
06-06 00:07:10.029 861 861 W mtkPowerService: type=1400 audit(0.0:140330): avc: denied { search } for name="4992" dev="proc" ino=41814161 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-06 00:07:10.037 4992 6023 E CAM_CameraUtil: modify screen light ramp rate failed, so screen light will rise slowly!
06-06 00:07:10.040 4992 4992 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.aod.brightness.cust"
06-06 00:07:10.046 4992 4992 E CAM_AlgoConnector: getLocalBinder: failed to get LocalParallelService!
06-06 00:07:10.051 1441 3767 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_868 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 00:07:10.059 861 951 E UxUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL
06-06 00:07:10.059 1441 5848 W WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{294ae94 u0} to null displayId=0
06-06 00:07:10.062 1441 1472 W ProcessStats: Tracking association SourceState{2a657bb com.miui.daemon/1000 BTopFgs #1661232} whose proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{1f77d6c com.miui.securitycenter.remote/1000 pkg=com.miui.securitycenter} proc state 3 (147 skipped)
06-06 00:07:10.073 1441 4895 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast thermalManagerCurrentActivity from system 8768:com.miui.powerkeeper/1000 pkg com.miui.powerkeeper. Callers=
06-06 00:07:10.073 1441 4895 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast thermalManagerCurrentActivity from system 8768:com.miui.powerkeeper/1000 pkg com.miui.powerkeeper. Callers=
06-06 00:07:10.082 430 430 E lowmemorykiller: Received unknown command code 20
06-06 00:07:10.082 430 430 E lowmemorykiller: Received unknown command code 20
06-06 00:07:10.084 1137 5488 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 00:07:10.094 918 1014 E BufferQueueDebug: [PopupWindow:87e3ec3#0](this:0xb400007d6f5428e0,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) id info cannot be read from 'PopupWindow:87e3ec3#0'
06-06 00:07:10.115 1137 5561 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 00:07:10.144 1137 5488 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 00:07:10.172 4082 4330 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask
06-06 00:07:10.174 4082 4082 W RecentsImpl: onResumed className=com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity mIsInAnotherPro=false isKeyguardLocked=false
06-06 00:07:10.175 4082 4330 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask taskInfo=TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=400 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=2933814547 supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow=false supportsMultiWindow=false resizeMode=0 isResizeable=false token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@93b2ca6} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=PictureInPictureParams( aspectRatio=null sourceRectHint=null hasSetActions=false isAutoPipEnabled=false isSeamlessResizeEnabled=true) displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 49 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{430c6e7 com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=false isVisible=true topActivityInSizeCompat=false locusId= null windowMode=0}
06-06 00:07:10.175 4082 4330 W RecentsModel: getTaskInfoIgnoreHomeAndFreeform taskInfo=ComponentInfo{com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity}
06-06 00:07:10.177 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: get all recent tasks force including 400
06-06 00:07:10.180 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: size=5
06-06 00:07:10.180 918 1015 E BufferQueueDebug: [com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity#0](this:0xb400007d68d8c8e0,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) id info cannot be read from 'com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity#0'
06-06 00:07:10.180 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: taskId=400 userId=0 baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity }
06-06 00:07:10.180 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: taskId=391 userId=0 baseIntent=Intent { act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 }
06-06 00:07:10.181 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: taskId=401 userId=0 baseIntent=Intent { act=android.settings.APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS dat=package:com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo flg=0x10008000 }
06-06 00:07:10.181 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: taskId=399 userId=0 baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 }
06-06 00:07:10.182 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: taskId=390 userId=0 baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content:// typ=application/gmail-ls flg=0x1000c000 }
06-06 00:07:10.185 1441 5848 W WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{aacd4b6 u0 com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} displayId=0
06-06 00:07:10.197 918 1014 E BufferQueueDebug: [SurfaceView[com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity](BLAST)#0](this:0xb400007d6ed378e0,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) id info cannot be read from 'SurfaceView[com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity](BLAST)#0'
06-06 00:07:10.204 15153 15153 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView[com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity]#21(BLAST Consumer)21](id:3b3100000016,api:0,p:-1,c:15153) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-06 00:07:10.204 15153 15153 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xd0d23008 disconnect failed
06-06 00:07:10.204 1137 5488 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 00:07:10.225 1441 1473 W ActivityRecord{711863f u0 com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity t400}
06-06 00:07:10.266 1137 5488 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 00:07:10.316 1137 5561 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 00:07:10.325 1137 5488 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 00:07:10.350 15153 15187 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 00:07:10.350 15153 15187 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 00:07:10.350 15153 15187 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 00:07:10.350 15153 15187 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 00:07:10.350 15153 15187 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 00:07:10.350 15153 15187 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 00:07:10.350 15153 15187 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 00:07:10.350 15153 15187 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 00:07:10.351 15153 15187 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 00:07:10.366 1441 1472 W PreloadController: no need to preload,return in PreloadController.notify
06-06 00:07:10.367 1441 1472 W PreloadController: no need to preload,return in PreloadController.notify
06-06 00:07:10.367 1441 1472 W PreloadController: no need to preload,return in PreloadController.notify
06-06 00:07:10.384 1137 5488 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 00:07:10.444 1137 5488 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 00:07:10.505 1137 5488 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 00:07:10.516 1137 5561 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 00:07:10.564 1137 5488 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 00:07:10.624 1137 5488 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 00:07:10.684 1137 5488 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 00:07:10.716 1137 5561 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 00:07:10.745 1441 1472 W PreloadController: no need to preload,return in PreloadController.notify
06-06 00:07:10.745 1137 5488 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 00:07:10.750 4992 5470 E OpenGLRenderer: EglManager::makeCurrent mED = 0xb400006fa0a26700, surface = 0x0, mEC = 0xb400006f11fcb280, error = EGL_SUCCESS
06-06 00:07:10.761 861 861 W mtkPowerService: type=1400 audit(0.0:140331): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/4992" dev="proc" ino=41817382 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-06 00:07:10.761 861 861 W mtkPowerService: type=1400 audit(0.0:140332): avc: denied { search } for name="4992" dev="proc" ino=41817382 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-06 00:07:10.763 861 890 E libPowerHal: Could not open '/proc/4992/comm'
06-06 00:07:10.764 4992 4992 W CAM_CRE_RenderEngine: setSurfaceTextureDataSpaceTranslator: null
06-06 00:07:10.769 4992 5474 E CAM_AlgoConnector: getLocalBinder: failed to get LocalParallelService!
06-06 00:07:10.770 4992 5474 E CAM_Camera2Module: (onPause)mIsNeedNightHDR: false
06-06 00:07:10.781 1441 5841 W PreloadController: no need to preload,return in PreloadController.notify
06-06 00:07:10.782 1137 1436 W ifunc_cam_buf: [_disable] WARNING: [0x0]:BUF_CTRL_AAO:disable FBC at streaming
06-06 00:07:10.782 1137 1436 W ifunc_cam_buf: [_disable] WARNING: [0x0]:BUF_CTRL_AFO:disable FBC at streaming
06-06 00:07:10.782 1137 1436 W ifunc_cam_buf: [_disable] WARNING: [0x0]:BUF_CTRL_PSO:disable FBC at streaming
06-06 00:07:10.783 1137 5583 E pdo_buf_mgr: [dequeueHwBuf] dev(1), PD data path(2), camsvSttPipe is not exist!! (dequeueHwBuf){#772:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/aaa/source/isp_40/buf_mgr/PDOBufMgr.cpp}
06-06 00:07:10.784 1137 1436 W aaa_hal_sttCtrl: [resume]
06-06 00:07:10.789 861 861 W mtkPowerService: type=1400 audit(0.0:140333): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/4992" dev="proc" ino=41817382 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-06 00:07:10.792 861 890 E libPowerHal: Could not open '/proc/4992/comm'
06-06 00:07:10.789 861 861 W mtkPowerService: type=1400 audit(0.0:140334): avc: denied { search } for name="4992" dev="proc" ino=41817382 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-06 00:07:10.805 1137 5553 W TwinMgr_buf: [deque] WARNING: [deque]waitBufRdy: VF_EN=0, dma(0x1)
06-06 00:07:10.805 1137 5553 W NormalPipe: [ispDequeThread] WARNING: deqThread leave:dequeResponse already stopped
06-06 00:07:10.805 1137 5540 W NormalPipe: [deque] WARNING: N:0 dma:x0 deque, already stopped
06-06 00:07:10.805 1137 1436 W aaa_hal_sttCtrl: [abortDeque]
06-06 00:07:10.805 1137 5582 W sttiopipe: [dequeOutBuf] WARNING: waitBufRdy:VF_EN=0, dma(0x3)
06-06 00:07:10.805 1137 5584 W sttiopipe: [dequeOutBuf] WARNING: waitBufRdy:VF_EN=0, dma(0x4)
06-06 00:07:10.805 1137 5584 W StatisticPipe: [deque] WARNING: TG1 deque port_13:already stopped
06-06 00:07:10.805 1137 5582 W StatisticPipe: [deque] WARNING: TG1 deque port_12:already stopped
06-06 00:07:10.805 1137 5584 W TaskAFNormal: [destroy] +
06-06 00:07:10.806 1137 5584 W TaskAFNormal: [destroy] -
06-06 00:07:10.806 1137 5488 W TaskMgr : [sendEvent] TaskEvent:PreivewEnd
06-06 00:07:10.806 1137 5488 W Task3APv: [destroy] +
06-06 00:07:10.807 1137 5488 W Task3APv: [destroy] -
06-06 00:07:10.807 1137 5488 W TaskMgr : [sendEvent] Remove Task(0)
06-06 00:07:10.807 1137 5488 W aaa_hal_sttCtrl: [stopStt]
06-06 00:07:10.808 1137 5488 E StrobeDrvFlashlight: setOnOff(): failed to ioctl. (setOnOff){#521:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/aaa/source/isp_40/../common/strobe/strobe_drv_flashlight.cpp}
06-06 00:07:10.822 1137 1436 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_GET failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
06-06 00:07:10.824 1137 1436 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_SET failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
06-06 00:07:10.828 4992 5493 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView[]#1(BLAST Consumer)1](id:138000000004,api:0,p:-1,c:4992) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-06 00:07:10.828 4992 5493 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xb400006f1bf28010 disconnect failed
06-06 00:07:10.843 1137 5550 W MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [onDequeRequest] [exitPending] mRequestQueue.size:0
06-06 00:07:10.852 1137 5712 W SWNRPlugin: (5712)[onDequeRequest] [flush] mvFutures.size:0
06-06 00:07:10.868 1441 5841 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '294ae94 (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
06-06 00:07:10.887 1137 1436 E StrobeDrvFlashlight: setOnOff(): failed to ioctl. (setOnOff){#521:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/aaa/source/isp_40/../common/strobe/strobe_drv_flashlight.cpp}
06-06 00:07:10.890 1441 1919 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 00:07:10.891 1137 1436 W mtkcam-devicesessionpolicy: [0:DeviceSessionPolicy::destroy] not implement yet.
06-06 00:07:10.891 1137 1436 W mtkcam-dev3-utils: [destroy] AppConfigUtil::destroy
06-06 00:07:10.892 1137 1436 W mtkcam-dev3: [0-session-cmd::~CommandHandler] dtor
06-06 00:07:10.916 4992 5012 E CAM_MiCamera2: onClosed: id=1 sessionId=0
06-06 00:07:10.917 4992 5474 E CAM_AlgoConnector: getLocalBinder: failed to get LocalParallelService!
06-06 00:07:11.897 1441 1919 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 00:07:12.086 861 951 E UxUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL
06-06 00:07:12.530 1441 3438 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1198) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
06-06 00:07:12.903 1441 1919 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 00:07:13.084 861 951 E UxUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL
06-06 00:07:13.909 1441 1919 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
Still doesn't seem to help. Just to confirm: there's no filename showing next to the Choose file
button, like in my screenshot?
there's no filename showing next to the Choose file button, like in my screenshot?
Can you try this: uncomment the line in TForm1.Create
that looks like this:
FManager.FileCachePath := TPath.Combine(TPath.GetTempPath, 'Cache');
Same behavior
06-06 01:45:05.957 5209 5209 E VendorTagDescriptor: lookupTag: Tag name 'Ellc.mode' does not exist.
06-06 01:45:05.958 5209 5209 W VendorTagHelper: VTNF: xiaomi.Ellc.mode
06-06 01:45:05.958 5209 5209 E VendorTagDescriptor: lookupTag: Tag name 'ai.asd.asdExifInfo' does not exist.
06-06 01:45:05.958 5209 5209 W VendorTagHelper: VTNF:
06-06 01:45:05.959 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:05.964 5209 5209 E VendorTagDescriptor: lookupTag: Tag name 'ai.misd.motionCaptureType' does not exist.
06-06 01:45:05.965 5209 5209 W VendorTagHelper: VTNF:
06-06 01:45:05.973 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:05.979 5209 5209 W CAM_MiCamera2: captureStillV1
06-06 01:45:05.998 5209 5209 E VendorTagDescriptor: lookupTag: Tag name 'dyvideo.afRegion' does not exist.
06-06 01:45:05.998 5209 5209 E VendorTagDescriptor: lookupTag: Tag name 'dyvideo.aeRegion' does not exist.
06-06 01:45:05.999 5209 5209 E VendorTagDescriptor: lookupTag: Tag name 'objectTrackingConfig.cropRegion' does not exist.
06-06 01:45:06.001 5209 5209 E VendorTagDescriptor: lookupTag: Tag name 'pureView.enabled' does not exist.
06-06 01:45:06.004 5209 5209 W CAM_CaptureResultParser: isSwMfnrDisabled, tag not define
06-06 01:45:06.009 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.009 901 1159 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Base: getDevicesRoleForT invalid strategy 4294967295
06-06 01:45:06.011 901 1159 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Base: getDevicesRoleForT invalid strategy 4294967295
06-06 01:45:06.022 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.024 901 1159 E AudioFlinger_Threads: open /proc/5209/cmdline error
06-06 01:45:06.032 833 6352 E misound_arsi_query_param_buf_size_by_custom_info(), get param buf size 128 for enh mode SetAudioCustomScene=; from file /vendor/etc
06-06 01:45:06.032 833 6352 E misound_arsi_parsing_param_file_by_custom_info(), parsing file /vendor/etc, custom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=;, private buf 0x0
06-06 01:45:06.032 833 6352 E product info: key: platform, value: MT6768
06-06 01:45:06.032 833 6352 E product info: key: device, value: earth
06-06 01:45:06.032 833 6352 E product info: key: model, value: 22120RN86G
06-06 01:45:06.032 833 6352 E aurisys_lib_handler: arsi_parsing_param_file_by_custom_info fail, retval -22
06-06 01:45:06.049 833 833 W writer : type=1400 audit(0.0:140908): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=8540 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-06 01:45:06.053 833 6352 W libc : Access denied finding property "sipa.timer"
06-06 01:45:06.053 833 6352 E sixth_if_gift: property_check: sipa.timer is off, val:
06-06 01:45:06.054 833 6352 W libc : Access denied finding property ""
06-06 01:45:06.054 833 6352 E sixth_if_gift: property_check: is off, val:
06-06 01:45:06.049 833 833 W writer : type=1400 audit(0.0:140909): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=8540 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-06 01:45:06.054 833 6352 W libc : Access denied finding property "sipa.proc.time"
06-06 01:45:06.054 833 6352 E sixth_if_gift: property_check: sipa.proc.time is off, val:
06-06 01:45:06.053 833 833 W writer : type=1400 audit(0.0:140910): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=8540 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-06 01:45:06.054 833 6352 W libc : Access denied finding property "sipa.hal.debug"
06-06 01:45:06.054 833 6352 E sixth_if_gift: property_check: sipa.hal.debug is off, val:
06-06 01:45:06.053 833 833 W writer : type=1400 audit(0.0:140911): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=8540 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-06 01:45:06.058 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.067 833 6352 W aurisys_controller: lib_name misound, scene 0, no active handler!!
06-06 01:45:06.067 833 6352 W aurisys_controller: lib_name misound, scene 0, no active handler!!
06-06 01:45:06.071 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.079 1137 1439 E Metadata2/ConvertM: convert(144):convert: Tag 0x10031 not found in Mtk Metadata. Shouldn't happened (convert){#144:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/utils/metadata/conversion/TypeConvert.mtkMetadata.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.080 1137 1439 E Metadata2/ConvertM: convert(144):convert: Tag 0x10032 not found in Mtk Metadata. Shouldn't happened (convert){#144:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/utils/metadata/conversion/TypeConvert.mtkMetadata.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.080 1137 1439 E Metadata2/ConvertM: convert(144):convert: Tag 0xd0019 not found in Mtk Metadata. Shouldn't happened (convert){#144:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/utils/metadata/conversion/TypeConvert.mtkMetadata.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.085 1137 1439 W MFNRPlugin: (1439)[negotiate] MFNR Capability is null, create new one
06-06 01:45:06.089 1137 1439 W MFNRPlugin: (1439)[negotiate] negotiate: cannot retrieve MTK_HAL_REQUEST_REMOSAIC_ENABLE from HAL additional metadata, assume it to 0
06-06 01:45:06.089 1137 1439 W MFNRPlugin: (1439)[setScenarioInfo] cannot get MTK_PIPELINE_UNIQUE_KEY
06-06 01:45:06.089 1137 1439 W MFNRPlugin: (1439)[setScenarioInfo] cannot get MTK_P1NODE_PROCESSOR_MAGICNUM
06-06 01:45:06.089 1137 1439 E MFNRPlugin: (1439)[operator()] return XIAOMI_MFB_MODE_MFLL (operator()){#1059:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/3rdparty/mtk/mfnr/MFNRImpl.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.093 1137 1439 W MFNRPlugin: (1439)[updatePerFrameMetadata] updatePerFrameMetadata: cannot retrieve MTK_FOCUS_PAUSE from HAL metadata, assume it to 0
06-06 01:45:06.093 1137 1439 W MFNRPlugin: (1439)[updatePerFrameMetadata] updatePerFrameMetadata: cannot retrieve MTK_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_HINT from HAL metadata, assume it to 0
06-06 01:45:06.093 1137 1439 W MFNRPlugin: (1439)[updatePerFrameMetadata] updatePerFrameMetadata: cannot retrieve MTK_FOCUS_PAUSE from HAL metadata, assume it to 0
06-06 01:45:06.093 1137 1439 W MFNRPlugin: (1439)[updatePerFrameMetadata] updatePerFrameMetadata: cannot retrieve MTK_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_HINT from HAL metadata, assume it to 0
06-06 01:45:06.093 1137 1439 W MFNRPlugin: (1439)[updatePerFrameMetadata] updatePerFrameMetadata: cannot retrieve MTK_FOCUS_PAUSE from HAL metadata, assume it to 0
06-06 01:45:06.094 1137 1439 W MFNRPlugin: (1439)[updatePerFrameMetadata] updatePerFrameMetadata: cannot retrieve MTK_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_HINT from HAL metadata, assume it to 0
06-06 01:45:06.094 1137 1439 W MFNRPlugin: (1439)[updatePerFrameMetadata] updatePerFrameMetadata: cannot retrieve MTK_FOCUS_PAUSE from HAL metadata, assume it to 0
06-06 01:45:06.094 1137 1439 W MFNRPlugin: (1439)[updatePerFrameMetadata] updatePerFrameMetadata: cannot retrieve MTK_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_HINT from HAL metadata, assume it to 0
06-06 01:45:06.094 1137 1439 W mtkcam-RequestSettingPolicyMediator: evaluateRequest@0 FeatureSettingPolicy::evaluateRequest (overtime > 10000000 ns) [start-->now: 10712 us][last-->now: 10600 us]
06-06 01:45:06.095 1137 1439 E MtkCam/ZslProc: [prepareFrames] skip (4,POSTDUMMY) (prepareFrames){#714:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/pipeline/model/zsl/ZslProcessor.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.095 1137 1439 E MtkCam/ZslProc: [prepareFrames] skip (5,POSTDUMMY) (prepareFrames){#714:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/pipeline/model/zsl/ZslProcessor.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.095 1137 1439 E MtkCam/ZslProc: [prepareFrames] skip (6,POSTDUMMY) (prepareFrames){#714:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/pipeline/model/zsl/ZslProcessor.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.096 1137 1439 E MtkCam/ZslProc: [isMatched] [isAESoftStable] tag(0xc0030017) not found! (isMatched){#192:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/pipeline/model/zsl/ZslProcessor.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.096 1137 1439 E MtkCam/ZslProc: [isMatched] [isAESoftStable] tag(0xc0030017) not found! (isMatched){#192:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/pipeline/model/zsl/ZslProcessor.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.096 1137 1439 E MtkCam/ZslProc: [isMatched] [isAESoftStable] tag(0xc0030017) not found! (isMatched){#192:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/pipeline/model/zsl/ZslProcessor.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.096 1137 1439 E MtkCam/ZslProc: [isMatched] [isAESoftStable] tag(0xc0030017) not found! (isMatched){#192:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/pipeline/model/zsl/ZslProcessor.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.105 1137 1439 W mtkcam-pipeline: [handleReleasedBuffers] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:263 nodeId:0x1 ] Cannot promote AppCallback
06-06 01:45:06.106 1137 1439 W mtkcam-pipeline: [handleReleasedBuffers] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:264 nodeId:0x1 ] Cannot promote AppCallback
06-06 01:45:06.106 1137 1439 W mtkcam-pipeline: [handleReleasedBuffers] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:265 nodeId:0x1 ] Cannot promote AppCallback
06-06 01:45:06.109 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.109 1137 1438 E Metadata2/ConvertM: convert(144):convert: Tag 0x10031 not found in Mtk Metadata. Shouldn't happened (convert){#144:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/utils/metadata/conversion/TypeConvert.mtkMetadata.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.109 1137 1438 E Metadata2/ConvertM: convert(144):convert: Tag 0x10032 not found in Mtk Metadata. Shouldn't happened (convert){#144:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/utils/metadata/conversion/TypeConvert.mtkMetadata.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.109 1137 1438 E Metadata2/ConvertM: convert(144):convert: Tag 0xd0019 not found in Mtk Metadata. Shouldn't happened (convert){#144:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/utils/metadata/conversion/TypeConvert.mtkMetadata.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.110 1137 9875 W MtkCam/streambuf: [haveAllUsersReleasedLocked] [subject:0 s0:d0:App:YCrCb_420_SP:0|HW_TEXTURE] NO_INIT
06-06 01:45:06.110 1137 9875 W MtkCam/streambuf: [haveAllUsersReleasedOrPreReleasedLocked] [subject:0 s0:d0:App:YCrCb_420_SP:0|HW_TEXTURE] NO_INIT
06-06 01:45:06.110 1137 9875 W MtkCam/streambuf: [haveAllUsersReleasedLocked] [subject:0 s0:d0:App:YCrCb_420_SP:0|HW_TEXTURE] NO_INIT
06-06 01:45:06.110 1137 9875 W MtkCam/streambuf: [haveAllUsersReleasedOrPreReleasedLocked] [subject:0 s0:d0:App:YCrCb_420_SP:0|HW_TEXTURE] NO_INIT
06-06 01:45:06.110 1137 9875 W MtkCam/streambuf: [haveAllUsersReleasedLocked] [subject:0 s0:d0:App:YCrCb_420_SP:0|HW_TEXTURE] NO_INIT
06-06 01:45:06.111 1137 9875 W MtkCam/streambuf: [haveAllUsersReleasedLocked] [subject:0 s0:d0:App:YCrCb_420_SP:0|HW_TEXTURE] NO_INIT
06-06 01:45:06.114 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.116 1137 9951 W MtkCam/P2/MWStream: [MWStream] P2C cam 0 MWFrame:#262 MWReq:#262, frame 262 : Acquire image(stream id:0x100000010, name:outJpegYUV) time too long: 10 ms(10834 us)
06-06 01:45:06.121 1137 9951 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/RootNode: [operator()]get MTK_FEATURE_MULTIFRAMENODE_BYPASSED failed, set to 0
06-06 01:45:06.122 1137 9951 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/RootNode: [operator()]get MTK_FEATURE_MULTIFRAMENODE_BYPASSED failed, set to 0
06-06 01:45:06.122 1137 9951 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/RootNode: [operator()]get MTK_FEATURE_MULTIFRAMENODE_BYPASSED failed, set to 0
06-06 01:45:06.123 1137 9951 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/RootNode: [operator()]get MTK_FEATURE_MULTIFRAMENODE_BYPASSED failed, set to 0
06-06 01:45:06.128 1137 9943 E BssCore : (9943)[retrieveGmvInfo] retrieveGmvInfo: entry is not a valid LMV_REGION, size = 0 (retrieveGmvInfo){#521:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/feature/bsscore/1.3/BssCore.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.128 1137 9943 E BssCore : (9943)[retrieveGmvInfo] retrieveGmvInfo: entry is not a valid LMV_REGION, size = 0 (retrieveGmvInfo){#521:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/feature/bsscore/1.3/BssCore.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.128 1137 9943 E BssCore : (9943)[retrieveGmvInfo] retrieveGmvInfo: entry is not a valid LMV_REGION, size = 0 (retrieveGmvInfo){#521:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/feature/bsscore/1.3/BssCore.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.128 1137 9943 E BssCore : (9943)[retrieveGmvInfo] retrieveGmvInfo: entry is not a valid LMV_REGION, size = 0 (retrieveGmvInfo){#521:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/feature/bsscore/1.3/BssCore.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.128 1137 9943 W BssCore : (9943)[appendBSSInput] failed to create instance, can not get tag MTK_CONTROL_CAPTURE_HINT_FOR_ISP_TUNING from metadata, addr:0xb40000756fead268
06-06 01:45:06.133 1137 9943 E mtkcam-AppStreamMgr: [updateAvailableMetaResult] Cannot find af_state in earlyCb, Update af_state failed. (updateAvailableMetaResult){#731:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/main/hal/device/3.x/app/AppStreamMgr.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] map size is 91
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (0): Key = 0x1, value = RGBA8888
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (1): Key = 0x2, value = RGBX8888
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (2): Key = 0x3, value = RGB888
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (3): Key = 0x4, value = RGB565
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (4): Key = 0x5, value = BGRA8888
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (5): Key = 0x10, value = NV16
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (6): Key = 0x11, value = NV21
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (7): Key = 0x14, value = YUY2
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (8): Key = 0x20, value = RAW16
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (9): Key = 0x21, value = BLOB
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (10): Key = 0x36, value = YUV_P010
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (11): Key = 0x111, value = CAMERA_OPAQUE
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (12): Key = 0x1000, value = NV12
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (13): Key = 0x2000, value = YVYU
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (14): Key = 0x2001, value = UYVY
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (15): Key = 0x2002, value = VYUY
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (16): Key = 0x2003, value = NV61
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (17): Key = 0x2004, value = NV12_BLK
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (18): Key = 0x2005, value = NV21_BLK
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (19): Key = 0x2006, value = YV16
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (20): Key = 0x2007, value = I420
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (21): Key = 0x2008, value = I422
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (22): Key = 0x2009, value = YUYV_Y210
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (23): Key = 0x200a, value = YVYU_Y210
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (24): Key = 0x200b, value = UYVY_Y210
06-06 01:45:06.134 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (25): Key = 0x200c, value = VYUY_Y210
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (26): Key = 0x200d, value = YUV_P210
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (27): Key = 0x200e, value = YVU_P210
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (28): Key = 0x200f, value = YUV_P210_3PLANE
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (29): Key = 0x2010, value = YVU_P010
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (30): Key = 0x2011, value = YUV_P010_3PLANE
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (31): Key = 0x2012, value = MTK_YUYV_Y210
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (32): Key = 0x2013, value = MTK_YVYU_Y210
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (33): Key = 0x2014, value = MTK_UYVY_Y210
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (34): Key = 0x2015, value = MTK_VYUY_Y210
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (35): Key = 0x2016, value = MTK_YUV_P210
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (36): Key = 0x2017, value = MTK_YVU_P210
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (37): Key = 0x2018, value = MTK_YUV_P210_3PLANE
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (38): Key = 0x2019, value = MTK_YUV_P010
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (39): Key = 0x201a, value = MTK_YVU_P010
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (40): Key = 0x201b, value = MTK_YUV_P010_3PLANE
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (41): Key = 0x201c, value = YUV_P012
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (42): Key = 0x201d, value = YVU_P012
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (43): Key = 0x201e, value = MTK_YUV_P012
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (44): Key = 0x201f, value = MTK_YVU_P012
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (45): Key = 0x2024, value = UFBC_NV12
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (46): Key = 0x2025, value = UFBC_NV21
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (47): Key = 0x2026, value = UFBC_MTK_YUV_P010
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (48): Key = 0x2027, value = UFBC_MTK_YVU_P010
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (49): Key = 0x2100, value = ARGB8888
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (50): Key = 0x2101, value = RGB48
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (51): Key = 0x2200, value = BAYER8
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (52): Key = 0x2201, value = BAYER10
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (53): Key = 0x2202, value = BAYER12
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (54): Key = 0x2203, value = BAYER14
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (55): Key = 0x2204, value = FG_BAYER8
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (56): Key = 0x2205, value = FG_BAYER10
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (57): Key = 0x2206, value = FG_BAYER12
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (58): Key = 0x2207, value = FG_BAYER14
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (59): Key = 0x2208, value = UFO_BAYER8
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (60): Key = 0x2209, value = UFO_BAYER10
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (61): Key = 0x220a, value = UFO_BAYER12
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (62): Key = 0x220b, value = UFO_BAYER14
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (63): Key = 0x220c, value = UFO_FG_BAYER8
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (64): Key = 0x220d, value = UFO_FG_BAYER10
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (65): Key = 0x220e, value = UFO_FG_BAYER12
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (66): Key = 0x220f, value = UFO_FG_BAYER14
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (67): Key = 0x2210, value = UFO_FG
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (68): Key = 0x2211, value = BAYER10_MIPI
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (69): Key = 0x2212, value = BAYER8_UNPAK
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (70): Key = 0x2213, value = BAYER10_UNPAK
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (71): Key = 0x2214, value = BAYER12_UNPAK
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (72): Key = 0x2215, value = BAYER14_UNPAK
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (73): Key = 0x2216, value = BAYER15_UNPAK
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (74): Key = 0x2217, value = BAYER16_APPLY_LSC
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (75): Key = 0x2218, value = BAYER22_PAK
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (76): Key = 0x2219, value = WARP_1PLANE
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (77): Key = 0x221a, value = WARP_2PLANE
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (78): Key = 0x221b, value = WARP_3PLANE
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (79): Key = 0x2300, value = JPEG
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (80): Key = 0x2303, value = ISP_TUING
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (81): Key = 0x2304, value = JPEG_APP_SEGMENT
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (82): Key = 0x2305, value = HEIF
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (83): Key = 0x2400, value = STA_BYTE
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (84): Key = 0x2401, value = STA_2BYTE
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (85): Key = 0x2402, value = STA_4BYTE
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (86): Key = 0x2403, value = STA_10BIT
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (87): Key = 0x2404, value = STA_12BIT
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (88): Key = 0x20203859, value = Y8
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (89): Key = 0x20363159, value = Y16
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [dumpMapInformation] Index (90): Key = 0x32315659, value = YV12
06-06 01:45:06.135 1137 9943 W MtkCam/Utils: [queryPlaneBitsPerPixel] Unsupported Image Format: 0
06-06 01:45:06.136 1137 9943 E mtkcam-AppStreamMgr: [updateAvailableMetaResult] Cannot find af_state in earlyCb, Update af_state failed. (updateAvailableMetaResult){#731:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/main/hal/device/3.x/app/AppStreamMgr.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.147 901 1159 E AudioFlinger_Threads: open /proc/5209/cmdline error
06-06 01:45:06.159 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.170 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.175 1137 9947 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Output:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.209 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.214 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.216 901 1149 W AudioPolicyManagerCustomImpl: [MTK_APM_Route]setOutputDevices() mIoHandle 13 mId 1 device (0x2)(0x1 , 0x2 , 0x4 , 0x8 , 0x10 , 0x20 , 0x40 , 0x400 , 0x800 , 0x1000 , 0x4000 , 0x100000 , 0x4000000) delayMs 84 force 0 size 4
06-06 01:45:06.218 901 1149 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Base: getDevicesRoleForT invalid strategy 4294967295
06-06 01:45:06.219 901 1149 E APM::AudioPolicyEngine/Base: getDevicesRoleForT invalid strategy 4294967295
06-06 01:45:06.230 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0x61801a40, src 46 ms, 0, 0, 0, 0
06-06 01:45:06.233 1137 9945 W MFNRPlugin: (9945)[process] cannot get capture hint for ISP tuning
06-06 01:45:06.233 1137 9945 E MFNRPlugin: (9945)[process] TODO: please fix it. <initMfnrCore timing> (process){#591:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/3rdparty/mtk/mfnr/MFNRImpl.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.241 1137 9947 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Output:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.248 1137 9945 E MFNRProvider: (9945)[retrieveGmvInfo] retrieveGmvInfo: entry is not a valid LMV_REGION, size = 0 (retrieveGmvInfo){#170:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/3rdparty/mtk/mfnr/MFNRShotInfo.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.258 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.261 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.278 1137 9947 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Output:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.296 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0x61801a40, src 41 ms, 0, 0, 0, 0
06-06 01:45:06.296 1137 10197 W mtkcam-pipeline: [handleReleasedBuffers] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:264 nodeId:0x14 ] Cannot promote AppCallback
06-06 01:45:06.297 1137 9945 W MFNRPlugin: (9945)[process] cannot get capture hint for ISP tuning
06-06 01:45:06.297 1137 9945 E MFNRProvider: (9945)[retrieveGmvInfo] retrieveGmvInfo: entry is not a valid LMV_REGION, size = 0 (retrieveGmvInfo){#170:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/3rdparty/mtk/mfnr/MFNRShotInfo.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.308 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.310 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.336 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.336 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.336 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.336 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.359 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.364 1137 10226 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.364 1137 10226 W Hal3Av3 : [setIsp] [-No Lcso Buffer ]
06-06 01:45:06.365 1137 10226 E paramctrl_per_frame: [prepareHw_PerFrame_LCE] get LCE image buffer fail ! (prepareHw_PerFrame_LCE){#3651:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/aaa/source/isp_40/isp_tuning/paramctrl/paramctrl_per_frame.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.369 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.382 1137 9947 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Output:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.385 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0x61801a40, src 46 ms, 0, 0, 0, 0
06-06 01:45:06.386 1137 10197 W mtkcam-pipeline: [handleReleasedBuffers] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:263 nodeId:0x14 ] Cannot promote AppCallback
06-06 01:45:06.386 1137 9945 W MFNRPlugin: (9945)[process] cannot get capture hint for ISP tuning
06-06 01:45:06.386 1137 9945 E MFNRProvider: (9945)[retrieveGmvInfo] retrieveGmvInfo: entry is not a valid LMV_REGION, size = 0 (retrieveGmvInfo){#170:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/3rdparty/mtk/mfnr/MFNRShotInfo.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.409 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.418 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.421 1137 10226 W Hal3Av3 : [setIsp] [-No Lcso Buffer ]
06-06 01:45:06.422 1137 10226 E paramctrl_per_frame: [prepareHw_PerFrame_LCE] get LCE image buffer fail ! (prepareHw_PerFrame_LCE){#3651:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/aaa/source/isp_40/isp_tuning/paramctrl/paramctrl_per_frame.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.440 1137 10197 W mtkcam-pipeline: [handleReleasedBuffers] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:265 nodeId:0x14 ] Cannot promote AppCallback
06-06 01:45:06.442 1137 9945 W MFNRPlugin: (9945)[process] cannot get capture hint for ISP tuning
06-06 01:45:06.442 1137 9945 E MFNRProvider: (9945)[retrieveGmvInfo] retrieveGmvInfo: entry is not a valid LMV_REGION, size = 0 (retrieveGmvInfo){#170:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/3rdparty/mtk/mfnr/MFNRShotInfo.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.459 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.487 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0x61801a40, src 64 ms, 0, 0, 0, 0
06-06 01:45:06.489 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.509 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.514 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.558 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.559 1137 10228 W Hal3Av3 : [setIsp] [-No Lcso Buffer ]
06-06 01:45:06.560 1137 10228 E paramctrl_per_frame: [prepareHw_PerFrame_LCE] get LCE image buffer fail ! (prepareHw_PerFrame_LCE){#3651:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/aaa/source/isp_40/isp_tuning/paramctrl/paramctrl_per_frame.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.581 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.585 1441 3483 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 01:45:06.604 1137 9931 W MDP : DpDriver::waitFramedone takes 41ms
06-06 01:45:06.604 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0xb40000755af6edc0, scenario 8, waitComplete 42 ms, 0, 0, 42, 0
06-06 01:45:06.604 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0xb40000755af6edc0, scenario 8, dst3 42 ms, 0, 42, 42, 42
06-06 01:45:06.604 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0x5af6edc0, src 44 ms, 0, 0, 0, 0
06-06 01:45:06.605 1137 10228 W Hal3Av3 : [setIsp] [-No Lcso Buffer ]
06-06 01:45:06.605 1137 10228 E paramctrl_per_frame: [prepareHw_PerFrame_LCE] get LCE image buffer fail ! (prepareHw_PerFrame_LCE){#3651:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/aaa/source/isp_40/isp_tuning/paramctrl/paramctrl_per_frame.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.609 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.618 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.652 1137 9931 W MDP : DpDriver::waitFramedone takes 41ms
06-06 01:45:06.652 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0xb40000755afa0a40, scenario 8, waitComplete 42 ms, 0, 0, 42, 0
06-06 01:45:06.652 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0xb40000755afa0a40, scenario 8, dst3 42 ms, 0, 42, 42, 42
06-06 01:45:06.652 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0x5afa0a40, src 46 ms, 0, 0, 0, 0
06-06 01:45:06.653 1137 10228 W Hal3Av3 : [setIsp] [-No Lcso Buffer ]
06-06 01:45:06.653 1137 10228 E paramctrl_per_frame: [prepareHw_PerFrame_LCE] get LCE image buffer fail ! (prepareHw_PerFrame_LCE){#3651:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/aaa/source/isp_40/isp_tuning/paramctrl/paramctrl_per_frame.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.659 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.666 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.701 1137 9931 W MDP : DpDriver::waitFramedone takes 41ms
06-06 01:45:06.701 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0xb40000755afd7e80, scenario 8, waitComplete 42 ms, 0, 0, 42, 0
06-06 01:45:06.701 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0xb40000755afd7e80, scenario 8, dst3 42 ms, 0, 42, 42, 42
06-06 01:45:06.701 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0x5afd7e80, src 47 ms, 0, 0, 0, 0
06-06 01:45:06.701 1137 10228 W MfllCore: {Mfll}warning:do_Mixing: no thumbnail yuv
06-06 01:45:06.701 1137 10228 W Hal3Av3 : [setIsp] [-No Lcso Buffer ]
06-06 01:45:06.704 1137 10228 E paramctrl_per_frame: [prepareHw_PerFrame_LCE] get LCE image buffer fail ! (prepareHw_PerFrame_LCE){#3651:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/aaa/source/isp_40/isp_tuning/paramctrl/paramctrl_per_frame.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.709 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.715 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.759 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.759 1137 9931 W MDP : DpDriver::waitFramedone takes 52ms
06-06 01:45:06.759 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0xb40000755b0090c0, scenario 8, waitComplete 52 ms, 0, 0, 52, 0
06-06 01:45:06.759 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0xb40000755b0090c0, scenario 8, dst3 52 ms, 0, 52, 52, 52
06-06 01:45:06.759 1137 9931 W MDP : DpIsp: 0x5b0090c0, src 54 ms, 0, 0, 0, 0
06-06 01:45:06.760 1137 10225 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null
06-06 01:45:06.760 1137 10225 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked
06-06 01:45:06.761 1137 10225 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null
06-06 01:45:06.761 1137 10225 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked
06-06 01:45:06.761 1137 10225 W RefBase : CallStack::getCurrentInternal not linked, returning null
06-06 01:45:06.761 1137 10225 W RefBase : CallStack::logStackInternal not linked
06-06 01:45:06.768 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer:32
06-06 01:45:06.768 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer:33
06-06 01:45:06.769 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer:36
06-06 01:45:06.769 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:0
06-06 01:45:06.769 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:1
06-06 01:45:06.769 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:2
06-06 01:45:06.769 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:4
06-06 01:45:06.769 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer:32
06-06 01:45:06.769 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Input:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.769 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Input:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.769 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Input:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.769 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Input:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.769 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer:33
06-06 01:45:06.775 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:0
06-06 01:45:06.775 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:1
06-06 01:45:06.775 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:2
06-06 01:45:06.776 1137 9945 W mtkcam-pipeline: [handleReleasedBuffers] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:264 nodeId:0x14 ] Cannot promote AppCallback
06-06 01:45:06.776 1137 9945 W mtkcam-pipeline: [onLastStrongRef] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:264 ] Cannot promote AppCallback
06-06 01:45:06.776 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer:32
06-06 01:45:06.777 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer:33
06-06 01:45:06.778 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:0
06-06 01:45:06.778 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:1
06-06 01:45:06.779 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:2
06-06 01:45:06.779 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.779 1137 9945 W mtkcam-pipeline: [handleReleasedBuffers] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:263 nodeId:0x14 ] Cannot promote AppCallback
06-06 01:45:06.780 1137 9945 W mtkcam-pipeline: [onLastStrongRef] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:263 ] Cannot promote AppCallback
06-06 01:45:06.780 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer:32
06-06 01:45:06.780 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer:33
06-06 01:45:06.780 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:0
06-06 01:45:06.780 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:1
06-06 01:45:06.780 1137 9945 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:2
06-06 01:45:06.784 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.784 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.784 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.784 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.784 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.809 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.812 1137 9946 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.812 1137 9946 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.812 1137 9946 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.818 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.821 1137 9946 W nvbuf_util.cpp: [getInstance:408] getInstance, bInit(1)
06-06 01:45:06.822 1137 9946 W nvbuf_util.cpp: [getBufAndReadNoLock:709] ramId(0), sensorDev(1), p(0x0), bForceRead(0) +
06-06 01:45:06.824 1137 9946 E paramctrl_lifetime: open /proc/driver/thermal/clNR_status failed, disable NR cooler
06-06 01:45:06.824 1137 9946 E paramctrl_lifetime: (Paramctrl){#261:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/aaa/source/isp_40/isp_tuning/paramctrl/paramctrl_lifetime.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.824 1137 9946 W camerahalserver: Undefined scenario!!
06-06 01:45:06.825 1137 9946 W nvbuf_util.cpp: [getInstance:408] getInstance, bInit(1)
06-06 01:45:06.825 1137 9946 W nvbuf_util.cpp: [getBufAndReadNoLock:709] ramId(10), sensorDev(1), p(0x0), bForceRead(0) +
06-06 01:45:06.825 1137 9946 W nvbuf_util.cpp: [getInstance:408] getInstance, bInit(1)
06-06 01:45:06.825 1137 9946 W nvbuf_util.cpp: [getBufAndReadNoLock:709] ramId(10), sensorDev(1), p(0x0), bForceRead(0) +
06-06 01:45:06.859 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.863 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.873 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginSmartBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer, name:INPUT_TID_MAN_FULL_YUV
06-06 01:45:06.873 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginSmartBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer, name:INPUT_TID_MAN_FULL_YUV
06-06 01:45:06.873 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Input:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.874 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.874 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.874 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.874 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.874 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.902 1137 9946 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.902 1137 9946 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.903 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:0
06-06 01:45:06.903 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:1
06-06 01:45:06.903 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:2
06-06 01:45:06.903 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:4
06-06 01:45:06.903 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Input:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.903 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Input:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.903 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Input:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.904 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Input:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.904 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/Request: [acquireBuffer]Input:man_full_yuv already acquired
06-06 01:45:06.904 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer:36
06-06 01:45:06.904 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginBufferHandle]did NOT release plugin buffer:36
06-06 01:45:06.904 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:0
06-06 01:45:06.904 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:1
06-06 01:45:06.904 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:2
06-06 01:45:06.904 1137 9946 W MtkCam/CapturePipe/PluginHandle: [~PluginMetadataHandle]did NOT release plugin metadata:3
06-06 01:45:06.909 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:06.909 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.915 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.915 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.915 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.915 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.915 1137 24705 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.959 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:06.968 1137 9950 W MDP : DpDriver::waitFramedone takes 52ms
06-06 01:45:06.968 1137 9950 W MDP : DpIsp: 0xb40000753671ed40, scenario 9, waitComplete 52 ms, 0, 0, 52, 0
06-06 01:45:06.968 1137 9950 W MDP : DpIsp: 0x3671ed40, src 59 ms, 0, 0, 52, 52
06-06 01:45:06.968 1137 9950 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.968 1137 9950 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.968 1137 9950 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.971 1137 9950 W mtkcam-pipeline: [handleReleasedBuffers] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:265 nodeId:0x14 ] Cannot promote AppCallback
06-06 01:45:06.972 1137 9950 W mtkcam-pipeline: [onLastStrongRef] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:265 ] Cannot promote AppCallback
06-06 01:45:06.973 1137 9923 W MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [operator()] cannot get meta: streamId 0x10000001e of frame 262
06-06 01:45:06.973 1137 9923 W MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [onProcessFrame] cannot get input YUV: streamId 0x100000013 of frame 262
06-06 01:45:06.973 1137 9923 W mtkcam-pipeline: [findSubjectUsersLocked] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:262 streamId:0x10000001e ] not found
06-06 01:45:06.973 1137 9923 W mtkcam-pipeline: [findSubjectUsersLocked] [ requestNo:262 frameNo:262 streamId:0x100000013 ] not found
06-06 01:45:06.975 1137 10241 W MtkCam/JpegNode: [getJpegParams] no tag: MTK_VSDOF_FEATURE_REFOCUS_CAPTURE_FLOW
06-06 01:45:06.975 1137 10241 E MtkCam/JpegNode: [prepareMeta] can't get XIAOMI_PRO_VIDEO_MOVIE_ENABLED: 0 (prepareMeta){#3294:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam3/pipeline/hwnode/JpegNode/v2.0/JpegNode.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.975 1137 10241 W MtkCam/JpegNode: [updateStdExifParam_3A] no tag: MTK_3A_EXIF_AE_BRIGHTNESS_VALUE
06-06 01:45:06.976 1137 10241 E MEXIF : [ifdExifIFDValInit] Unsupport tag!(0x8831) (ifdExifIFDValInit){#479:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/utils/exif/common/exif_ifdinit.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.976 1137 10241 E MEXIF : [exifErrPrint] Error in ifdExifIFDValInit() call, Unsupport tag!, err = fffff4fe
06-06 01:45:06.976 1137 10241 E MEXIF : (exifErrPrint){#365:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/utils/exif/common/exif_misc.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.976 1137 10241 E MEXIF : [ifdExifIFDValInit] Unsupport tag!(0x8833) (ifdExifIFDValInit){#479:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/utils/exif/common/exif_ifdinit.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.976 1137 10241 E MEXIF : [exifErrPrint] Error in ifdExifIFDValInit() call, Unsupport tag!, err = fffff4fe
06-06 01:45:06.976 1137 10241 E MEXIF : (exifErrPrint){#365:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/utils/exif/common/exif_misc.cpp}
06-06 01:45:06.976 1137 10241 W libc : Access denied finding property "jpeg.exif.icc.profile"
06-06 01:45:06.973 1137 1137 W Cam@Jpeg: type=1400 audit(0.0:140912): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=8540 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_camera:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-06 01:45:06.978 1137 10242 W MtkCam/JpegCodec: (10242)[encode] [encode] Ori (width, height) = (192, 144), Aligned (width, height) = (144, 192) u4Transform(4)
06-06 01:45:06.978 1137 24706 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.979 1137 24706 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.979 1137 10242 W MDP : DpMmuHandler::flushMemory flush all not support
06-06 01:45:06.981 1137 10241 W JpgEncHal: config: w c00, h ff0, pw c00, ph ff0, format 3, Q 3, Exif 1, dri 0!!
06-06 01:45:06.981 1137 10241 W JpgEncHal: config: 420 1, Src_Y 1f500000, Src_C 20100000, imgS c00, memS c00, DU 47b7f!!
06-06 01:45:06.981 1137 10241 W JpgEncHal: config: dst_base 1e207180, dst_of 7180, dst_ms 0, m4u 0!!
06-06 01:45:06.982 5209 6259 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null
06-06 01:45:07.000 1137 10241 E mtkcam/exif: [make] not support ICC profile 0 (make){#651:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/utils/exif/v3/StdExif.cpp}
06-06 01:45:07.001 1137 9920 W mtkcam-PreReleaseRequest: [notifyCaptureCompleted] mImgReaderID is -1
06-06 01:45:07.006 5209 5227 E VendorTagDescriptor: lookupTag: Tag name 'dyvideo.afRegion' does not exist.
06-06 01:45:07.006 5209 5227 E VendorTagDescriptor: lookupTag: Tag name 'dyvideo.aeRegion' does not exist.
06-06 01:45:07.006 5209 5227 E VendorTagDescriptor: lookupTag: Tag name 'objectTrackingConfig.cropRegion' does not exist.
06-06 01:45:07.007 5209 5227 E VendorTagDescriptor: lookupTag: Tag name 'pureView.enabled' does not exist.
06-06 01:45:07.008 5209 5227 E VendorTagDescriptor: lookupTag: Tag name 'capture.hint' does not exist.
06-06 01:45:07.011 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.014 5209 5227 W gralloc4: Could not find component description for FourCC value 0
06-06 01:45:07.059 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.110 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.159 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.211 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.212 1137 9923 W mtkcam-AppStreamMgr: [0-ResultHandler::enqueResult] requestNo:281 existed in mResultQueue[0] - hasLastPartial:0->1
06-06 01:45:07.260 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.309 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.358 1441 3536 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '987be33 PrivacyDotView (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
06-06 01:45:07.359 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.391 1441 3536 W InputDispatcher: 987be33 PrivacyDotView has FLAG_SLIPPERY. Please report this in b/157929241
06-06 01:45:07.409 1137 9937 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 01:45:07.410 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.459 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.512 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.560 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.596 1441 3483 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 01:45:07.609 1137 9937 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 01:45:07.611 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.660 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.712 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.761 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.810 1137 9937 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 01:45:07.811 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.831 1137 9961 W af_mgr_v3: pd result is not ready! statMagicNum(294)
06-06 01:45:07.861 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.911 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:07.961 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.011 1137 9937 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 01:45:08.011 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.062 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.111 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.161 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.209 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.211 1137 9937 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 01:45:08.259 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.309 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.349 1441 3438 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1198) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
06-06 01:45:08.361 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.411 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.412 1137 9937 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 01:45:08.425 4740 5722 W MediaProvider: isAppCloneUserPair for user 0: false
06-06 01:45:08.461 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.488 861 890 E libPowerHal: Could not open '/proc/5209/comm'
06-06 01:45:08.485 861 861 W mtkPowerService: type=1400 audit(0.0:140915): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/5209" dev="proc" ino=42206137 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-06 01:45:08.485 861 861 W mtkPowerService: type=1400 audit(0.0:140916): avc: denied { search } for name="5209" dev="proc" ino=42206137 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-06 01:45:08.496 5209 9870 E CAM_CameraUtil: modify screen light ramp rate failed, so screen light will rise slowly!
06-06 01:45:08.497 5209 5209 E CAM_AlgoConnector: getLocalBinder: failed to get LocalParallelService!
06-06 01:45:08.506 1441 3483 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_868 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 01:45:08.510 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.515 861 951 E UxUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL
06-06 01:45:08.517 1441 5843 W WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{b78dea7 u0} to null displayId=0
06-06 01:45:08.520 1441 1472 W ProcessStats: Tracking association SourceState{2a657bb com.miui.daemon/1000 BTopFgs #1673612} whose proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{1f77d6c com.miui.securitycenter.remote/1000 pkg=com.miui.securitycenter} proc state 3 (183 skipped)
06-06 01:45:08.534 1441 4892 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast thermalManagerCurrentActivity from system 8768:com.miui.powerkeeper/1000 pkg com.miui.powerkeeper. Callers=
06-06 01:45:08.534 1441 4892 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast thermalManagerCurrentActivity from system 8768:com.miui.powerkeeper/1000 pkg com.miui.powerkeeper. Callers=
06-06 01:45:08.543 430 430 E lowmemorykiller: Received unknown command code 20
06-06 01:45:08.543 430 430 E lowmemorykiller: Received unknown command code 20
06-06 01:45:08.559 918 4407 E BufferQueueDebug: [PopupWindow:697c728#0](this:0xb400007d68d658e0,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) id info cannot be read from 'PopupWindow:697c728#0'
06-06 01:45:08.560 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.600 1441 3483 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 01:45:08.610 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.612 1137 9937 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 01:45:08.628 4082 4082 W RecentsImpl: onResumed className=com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity mIsInAnotherPro=false isKeyguardLocked=false
06-06 01:45:08.630 918 4407 E BufferQueueDebug: [com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity#0](this:0xb400007d68d878e0,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) id info cannot be read from 'com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity#0'
06-06 01:45:08.635 1441 5881 W WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{12c2ee0 u0 com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} displayId=0
06-06 01:45:08.641 4082 4330 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask
06-06 01:45:08.644 4082 4330 W RecentsModel: getRunningTask taskInfo=TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=417 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} numActivities=1 lastActiveTime=2939693017 supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow=false supportsMultiWindow=false resizeMode=0 isResizeable=false token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@fef47ac} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=PictureInPictureParams( aspectRatio=null sourceRectHint=null hasSetActions=false isAutoPipEnabled=false isSeamlessResizeEnabled=true) displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 49 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{bc01c75 com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity} launchCookies=[] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true topActivityInSizeCompat=false locusId= null windowMode=0}
06-06 01:45:08.644 4082 4330 W RecentsModel: getTaskInfoIgnoreHomeAndFreeform taskInfo=ComponentInfo{com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity}
06-06 01:45:08.646 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: get all recent tasks force including 417
06-06 01:45:08.648 918 4407 E BufferQueueDebug: [SurfaceView[com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity](BLAST)#0](this:0xb400007d68d8d8e0,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) id info cannot be read from 'SurfaceView[com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity](BLAST)#0'
06-06 01:45:08.648 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: size=4
06-06 01:45:08.648 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: taskId=417 userId=0 baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity }
06-06 01:45:08.649 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: taskId=415 userId=0 baseIntent=Intent { dat=ga:/data?tab_type=2&go_back_to_discover_feed_from_srp=true&ga_query_options=CgxKYW1lcyBNd2FuZ2kiLwoDdmVkEigwYWhVS0V3aWs4WlRENDZ6X0FoV093NWNJSGE5ZkNPSVF4cmNFQ0MwIhsKB25zb3VyY2USEGFuZC5ub3cubi50cC5zdHIifgoCc2kSeEFNbkJab0VwbHVudzJxRzhleTAyVzdJdzE5NW5MandTeHcwZUhHN0RaNzNYaC1ZMVQ3Qjd4T0VWOXItaldvemtQeWVaN0Iwc2s3RzdFdFBaaVhFZ0p3Q3JVOGdFaDlIcEhZaGF5V3lHT3Z0X2dsdmRhel9CRFh3PSgAWAFiMwoTCKTxlMPjrP8CFY7Dlwgdr18I4hIcc3Rvcmllcy5mOjB4OTk5NTBjYTU2YzQ1MjMyNQ== id=chime://-86266249 flg=0x10008000 }
06-06 01:45:08.649 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: taskId=404 userId=0 baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.embarcadero.Project1/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity }
06-06 01:45:08.649 4082 4330 E ActivityManagerWrapper: getRecentTasks: taskId=391 userId=0 baseIntent=Intent { act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 }
06-06 01:45:08.652 9694 9694 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView[com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity]#2(BLAST Consumer)2](id:25de00000003,api:0,p:-1,c:9694) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-06 01:45:08.652 9694 9694 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xd1b2e808 disconnect failed
06-06 01:45:08.660 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.674 1441 1473 W ActivityRecord{82f089a u0 com.embarcadero.WBFileChooserDemo/com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity t417}
06-06 01:45:08.711 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.760 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.790 9694 9718 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 01:45:08.790 9694 9718 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 01:45:08.790 9694 9718 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 01:45:08.790 9694 9718 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 01:45:08.790 9694 9718 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 01:45:08.790 9694 9718 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 01:45:08.791 9694 9718 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 01:45:08.791 9694 9718 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 01:45:08.791 9694 9718 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 01:45:08.791 9694 9718 E GPUAUX : [AUX]GuiExtAuxCheckAuxPath:670: Null anb
06-06 01:45:08.810 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.812 1137 9937 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 01:45:08.860 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.910 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:08.960 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:09.010 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:09.012 1137 9937 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 01:45:09.060 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:09.064 861 951 E UxUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL
06-06 01:45:09.110 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:09.158 833 1708 W libc : invalid pthread_t (0) passed to pthread_kill
06-06 01:45:09.160 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:09.203 5209 6191 E OpenGLRenderer: EglManager::makeCurrent mED = 0xb400006fa0a26700, surface = 0x0, mEC = 0xb400006f168bcf00, error = EGL_SUCCESS
06-06 01:45:09.211 1137 9879 W TuningMgr: TuningMgr[updateEngine] WARNING: [temp log] AF enable(1_0x100e02e0_0x808001e8)
06-06 01:45:09.213 1137 9937 W MtkCam/FeaturePipe/WaitHub: [waitCondition]waitCondition timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS(100)
06-06 01:45:09.214 861 890 E libPowerHal: Could not open '/proc/5209/comm'
06-06 01:45:09.213 861 861 W mtkPowerService: type=1400 audit(0.0:140917): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/5209" dev="proc" ino=42219081 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-06 01:45:09.213 861 861 W mtkPowerService: type=1400 audit(0.0:140918): avc: denied { search } for name="5209" dev="proc" ino=42219081 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-06 01:45:09.215 5209 5209 W CAM_CRE_RenderEngine: setSurfaceTextureDataSpaceTranslator: null
06-06 01:45:09.229 5209 6195 E CAM_AlgoConnector: getLocalBinder: failed to get LocalParallelService!
06-06 01:45:09.230 5209 6195 E CAM_Camera2Module: (onPause)mIsNeedNightHDR: false
06-06 01:45:09.233 861 890 E libPowerHal: Could not open '/proc/5209/comm'
06-06 01:45:09.229 861 861 W mtkPowerService: type=1400 audit(0.0:140919): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/5209" dev="proc" ino=42219081 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir permissive=0
06-06 01:45:09.241 1441 3536 W PreloadController: no need to preload,return in PreloadController.notify
06-06 01:45:09.246 1137 1438 W ifunc_cam_buf: [_disable] WARNING: [0x0]:BUF_CTRL_AAO:disable FBC at streaming
06-06 01:45:09.246 1137 1438 W ifunc_cam_buf: [_disable] WARNING: [0x0]:BUF_CTRL_AFO:disable FBC at streaming
06-06 01:45:09.246 1137 1438 W ifunc_cam_buf: [_disable] WARNING: [0x0]:BUF_CTRL_PSO:disable FBC at streaming
06-06 01:45:09.247 1137 1438 W aaa_hal_sttCtrl: [resume]
06-06 01:45:09.257 5209 9886 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView[]#9(BLAST Consumer)9](id:145900000018,api:0,p:-1,c:5209) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-06 01:45:09.257 5209 9886 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xb400006fada7f010 disconnect failed
06-06 01:45:09.261 1137 9926 W TwinMgr_buf: [deque] WARNING: [deque]waitBufRdy: VF_EN=0, dma(0x1)
06-06 01:45:09.261 1137 9926 W NormalPipe: [ispDequeThread] WARNING: deqThread leave:dequeResponse already stopped
06-06 01:45:09.261 1137 9919 W NormalPipe: [deque] WARNING: N:0 dma:x0 deque, already stopped
06-06 01:45:09.261 1137 1438 W aaa_hal_sttCtrl: [abortDeque]
06-06 01:45:09.262 1137 9959 W sttiopipe: [dequeOutBuf] WARNING: waitBufRdy:VF_EN=0, dma(0x3)
06-06 01:45:09.262 1137 9959 W StatisticPipe: [deque] WARNING: TG1 deque port_12:already stopped
06-06 01:45:09.262 1137 9961 W sttiopipe: [dequeOutBuf] WARNING: waitBufRdy:VF_EN=0, dma(0x4)
06-06 01:45:09.262 1137 9961 W StatisticPipe: [deque] WARNING: TG1 deque port_13:already stopped
06-06 01:45:09.262 1137 9961 W TaskAFNormal: [destroy] +
06-06 01:45:09.262 1137 9961 W TaskAFNormal: [destroy] -
06-06 01:45:09.262 1137 9879 W TaskMgr : [sendEvent] TaskEvent:PreivewEnd
06-06 01:45:09.262 1137 9879 W Task3APv: [destroy] +
06-06 01:45:09.262 1137 9879 W Task3APv: [destroy] -
06-06 01:45:09.262 1137 9879 W TaskMgr : [sendEvent] Remove Task(0)
06-06 01:45:09.262 1137 9879 W aaa_hal_sttCtrl: [stopStt]
06-06 01:45:09.263 1137 9879 E StrobeDrvFlashlight: setOnOff(): failed to ioctl. (setOnOff){#521:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/aaa/source/isp_40/../common/strobe/strobe_drv_flashlight.cpp}
06-06 01:45:09.274 1137 1438 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_GET failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
06-06 01:45:09.275 1137 1438 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_SET failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
06-06 01:45:09.291 1137 9923 W MtkCam/fdNodeImp: [onDequeRequest] [exitPending] mRequestQueue.size:0
06-06 01:45:09.297 1441 3536 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'b78dea7 (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
06-06 01:45:09.301 1137 10193 W SWNRPlugin: (10193)[onDequeRequest] [flush] mvFutures.size:0
06-06 01:45:09.333 1137 1438 E StrobeDrvFlashlight: setOnOff(): failed to ioctl. (setOnOff){#521:vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/mtkcam/aaa/source/isp_40/../common/strobe/strobe_drv_flashlight.cpp}
06-06 01:45:09.339 1137 1438 W mtkcam-devicesessionpolicy: [0:DeviceSessionPolicy::destroy] not implement yet.
06-06 01:45:09.339 1137 1438 W mtkcam-dev3-utils: [destroy] AppConfigUtil::destroy
06-06 01:45:09.340 1137 1438 W mtkcam-dev3: [0-session-cmd::~CommandHandler] dtor
06-06 01:45:09.376 5209 5227 E CAM_MiCamera2: onClosed: id=1 sessionId=0
06-06 01:45:09.377 5209 6195 E CAM_AlgoConnector: getLocalBinder: failed to get LocalParallelService!
06-06 01:45:09.602 1441 3483 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 01:45:10.017 1190 1283 E AAL : [ERROR] Kernel does not support AAL, please enable CONFIG_MTK_AAL_SUPPORT in kconfig.
06-06 01:45:10.608 1441 3483 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 01:45:11.066 861 951 E UxUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL
06-06 01:45:11.365 1441 3438 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1198) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
06-06 01:45:11.615 1441 3483 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 01:45:12.065 861 951 E UxUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL
06-06 01:45:12.621 1441 3483 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 01:45:13.631 1441 3483 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 01:45:14.381 1441 3438 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1198) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
06-06 01:45:14.638 1441 1919 E SensorService: CL_L VirtualAlspscanAccess packet:hidl_client_pid_1190 use Sensorname:camera_light_Sensor
06-06 01:45:15.018 1190 1283 E AAL : [ERROR] Kernel does not support AAL, please enable CONFIG_MTK_AAL_SUPPORT in kconfig.
Unless I had one of those devices to test with, I'm not sure I can help
could you provide your compiled apk, that I may try running it on my devices?
Please just rename the extension from .zip
to .apk
Behaves the same way.
I am looking at TWebChromeClientManager.MessageResultNotificationHandler
in unit DW.WebChromeClient.Android
and the if LResult.Value <> nil then
line always evaluates to false (LResult.Value is nil and LResult.ResultCode = -1)
It seems that happens only on your device(s), though. I've tested on Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 3a, and Nexus 5X - all work OK. I'm searching for someone locally that might have a suitable Redmi device
Same behaviour on a sumsung A11 (SM-A115F)
Happens on my Samsung Tab A 8, too.. I'm looking into it
Whereas this component sorts the deficiency in the stock TWebBrowser: ability to select files for file uploads , one cannot select to upload an image directly from the camera as you would with the regular chrome browser where the accept attribute is set to "image/jpeg" or "image/png".
if this is available, please point me in the right direction, I may have missed it, otherwise, great work.