Delphier / dumpbin

dumpbin.exe - Microsoft COFF Binary File Dumper: Extract from Visual Studio MSVC Tools
14 stars 1 forks source link

File Type: DLL LINK : fatal error LNK1171: unable to load mspdbcore.dll (error code: 126) #1

Open andreyilych opened 2 months ago

andreyilych commented 2 months ago

An error appears then using dumbin.exe /exports: File Type: DLL LINK : fatal error LNK1171: unable to load mspdbcore.dll (error code: 126)

Delphier commented 2 months ago

Fixed, please re-download from the releases.

davidvasandani commented 1 month ago

Same error here.

PS C:\dumpbin-14.40.33811-x64> .\dumpbin.exe /headers C:\Register.exe
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.40.33811.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Register.exe

PE signature found

LINK : fatal error LNK1171: unable to load mspdbcore.dll (error code: 126)
PS C:\dumpbin-14.40.33811-x64> ls 

    Directory: C:\dumpbin-14.40.33811-x64

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        6/29/2024   7:48 PM          23608 dumpbin.exe
-a----        6/29/2024   7:48 PM        2851920 link.exe
-a----        6/29/2024   7:48 PM            409 link.exe.config
-a----        6/29/2024   7:48 PM        1222064 mspdbcore.dll
-a----        6/29/2024   7:48 PM         114208 tbbmalloc.dll
Delphier commented 1 month ago

@davidvasandani Try to install latest VC Redist: