Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
The HtmlHelpW internally loads the hhctrl.ocx OCX using the LoadLibrary method,
this causes which this file (hhctrl.ocx) uses the same hooked dlls
(UxTheme.dll, user32.dll and so on). because that you can see only some
element styled. Unfortunately the hooks used to replace the WndProc and paint
the another CommCtrls (like ToolbarWindow32, SysTabControl32) doesn't works on
OCX modules.
As workaround you can use the hh.exe to open the chm files like so
ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', 'hh.exe', PWideChar(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+'Help.chm::/welcome.htm>Main'), nil, SW_SHOW);
Original comment by
on 4 Dec 2014 at 2:39
Thank you. I was guessing that's just HtmlHelp is doing something wrong.
However, I noticed that disabling Vcl.Styles.Hooks solves a problem, but this
way TTaskDialog is showed non-styled as well. It's all about globally
intercepted GetSysColor and GetSysColorBrush functions inside that unit. It
also causes that disabling vcl styles for components isn't working. Just
TStyleManager.Engine.RegisterStyleHook(TButton,TStyleHook) and play with
Vcl.Styles.Hooks added and removed.
If only it was possible to tell Vcl Styles for what exactly window handles
should be used default windows routines (old hook so-called).
Original comment by
on 4 Dec 2014 at 12:25
Original issue reported on by
on 3 Dec 2014 at 9:02Attachments: