Combined usa and canada trade input files into one file. The primary purpose of this is to simplify the data processing and reduce the number of locations we need to change values for scenario analysis.
I also included new versions of the variableCosts csv and CanadaUSA data file. In the old version there was an error where we were missing writing out the mode 2 variable cost as zero for Canada Trade options (see pic below). Not a huge issue as its supposed to be zero and the default value is zero (so OSeMOSYS will recognize it as zero), but better to just explicitly write it out :)
Can you also do a check please to see if the trade source in the wiki does reference the now deleted USA_Trade.csv at all, like you were originally saying?
Combined usa and canada trade input files into one file. The primary purpose of this is to simplify the data processing and reduce the number of locations we need to change values for scenario analysis.
I also included new versions of the variableCosts csv and CanadaUSA data file. In the old version there was an error where we were missing writing out the mode 2 variable cost as zero for Canada Trade options (see pic below). Not a huge issue as its supposed to be zero and the default value is zero (so OSeMOSYS will recognize it as zero), but better to just explicitly write it out :)
(variableCost.csv snipit - Columns = region, tech, mode, year, value)