DeltaGroupNJUPT / Vina-GPU

A heterogeneous OpenCL implementation of AutoDock Vina
Apache License 2.0
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Multiple Ligand Docking does not work #41

Closed emacocucci closed 11 months ago

emacocucci commented 1 year ago


In my hands multiple ligand dockign does not work. If I use the option you suggest: --ligand_directory arg ligand directory, if virtual screening is needed --output_directory arg output directory, if virtual screening is needed The software generates _out directory and does not save anything.

If I wrote a code in python or batch to dock, it runs but does not save. This is the batch code I use:

@echo off

for %%F in (*.pdbqt) do ( echo Processing file: %%F G:\MacrocycleScreening\Vina-GPU-2.0-main\Vina-GPU+\Vina-GPU+.exe ^ --ligand "%%F" --receptor G:\MacrocycleScreening\Molecule_For_Dock.pdbqt ^ --thread 8000 ^ --center_x -35 ^ --center_y 8 ^ --center_z 14 ^ --size_x 15 ^ --size_y 20 ^ --size_z 15 )

If I run a dock at the time it works, so clearly is a problem of how it saves. Can you resolve this?


Glinttsd commented 11 months ago

HI, multi ligand docking is enabled in Vina-GPU 2.0 (not Vina-GPU), you can try our newest version.