DeltaNeverUsed / reddit-place-script-2022-Delta-s-Edition

Script to an image onto r/place (
8 stars 3 forks source link

sleep clamp still broken #13

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago
placing pixel
Sending: POST
Response status: 200
{"errors":[{"message":"Ratelimited","path":["act"],"extensions":{"nextAvailablePixelTs":1649015989000}},{"message":"ratelimit hit, next available: 1649015989000","path":["act"]}],"data":null}
that's probably not good 1 error(s)
next pixel in -93.0 seconds
Image Progress: |████████████████----------------------------------| 32.9% Complete

Account Progress: |██------------------------------------------------| 5.0% End

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\David\Documents\RPlace\reddit-place-script-2022-Delta-s-Edition-main\", line 508, in <module>
    time.sleep(clamp(pixel_place_frequency/len(accounts))+1-time_taken, 1, 99999999)
TypeError: clamp() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'a' and 'b'

Process finished with exit code 1
ghost commented 2 years ago

okay i moved the second bracket after accounts to the end of the line after the final bracket and it works.

ghost commented 2 years ago

bruh half my accounts are rate limited.

qixils commented 2 years ago

seems fixed now

ghost commented 2 years ago

yeah its fixed but all my accounts are rate limited for 80k years XD

DeltaNeverUsed commented 2 years ago

@viruspro i just pushed something that should help a bit with that as well

DeltaNeverUsed commented 2 years ago

i'll now close this issue