Thank you for the work so far, this fork has been great. I am currently using the most up to date version.
As of this morning, nearly all of the accounts (with verified emails) I had been using seem to have triggered anti-bot measures and are unable to place any pixels.
{"errors":[{"message":"Ratelimited","path":["act"],"extensions":{"nextAvailablePixelTs":2147483647000}},{"message":"ratelimit hit, next available: 2147483647000","path":["act"]}],"data":null}
and other odd responses like
next pixel in -498461773.0 seconds
Has anyone else suddenly had such a huge issue with this? Any suggested fixes? Thanks.
Thank you for the work so far, this fork has been great. I am currently using the most up to date version.
As of this morning, nearly all of the accounts (with verified emails) I had been using seem to have triggered anti-bot measures and are unable to place any pixels.
{"errors":[{"message":"Ratelimited","path":["act"],"extensions":{"nextAvailablePixelTs":2147483647000}},{"message":"ratelimit hit, next available: 2147483647000","path":["act"]}],"data":null}
and other odd responses like
next pixel in -498461773.0 seconds
Has anyone else suddenly had such a huge issue with this? Any suggested fixes? Thanks.