DeltaRCM / pyDeltaRCM

Delta model with a reduced-complexity approach
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Reproducibility: save_dt influences random state? #205

Open elbeejay opened 3 years ago

elbeejay commented 3 years ago

Not sure if this is something I should have known, but I have recently been surprised to see that different save_dt parameter values produce different results even when the seed is fixed. I think this is a bug (only RNG seed should control model values). Below is a test I think could be added to the test class TestModelIsReproducible within that demonstrates the issue I have run into. The final assertion, which checks to see if the final topography grids are the same, fails. The test can be seen actively failing here.

    def test_same_models_diff_save_dt(self, tmp_path):
        """Test models that have same parameters but different save_dt."""
        file_name = 'user_parameters.yaml'
        p, f = utilities.create_temporary_file(tmp_path, file_name)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'out_dir', tmp_path / 'out_dir')
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'Length', 1000.0)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'Width', 2000.0)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'seed', 1)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'verbose', 1)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'dx', 50.0)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'L0_meters', 150.0)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'N0_meters', 250.0)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'f_bedload', 0.2)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'save_eta_grids', True)
        utilities.write_matrix_to_file(f, ['save_dt'], [[0, 50000]])

        # use preprocessor to run models
        pp = preprocessor.Preprocessor(input_file=p, timesteps=2)

        # look at outputs
        ModelA = Dataset(os.path.join(str(pp._file_list[0])[:-12],
                         ''), 'r', format='NETCDF4')
        ModelB = Dataset(os.path.join(str(pp._file_list[1])[:-12],
                         ''), 'r', format='NETCDF4')

        # check attributes of the netCDFs
        # final eta grid has same LxW shape
        assert ModelA['eta'][-1, :, :].shape == ModelB['eta'][-1, :, :].shape
        assert ModelA.variables.keys() == ModelB.variables.keys()
        # check a few pieces of metadata
        assert ModelA['meta']['L0'][:] == ModelB['meta']['L0'][:]
        assert ModelA['meta'].variables.keys() == ModelB['meta'].variables.keys()
        # final time should be the same
        assert ModelA['time'][-1].data == ModelB['time'][-1].data
        # final eta grids should be the same
        assert np.all(ModelA['eta'][-1, :, :].data == ModelB['eta'][-1, :, :].data)
        # close netCDF output files

If a similar test is run with a seed matrix that has the same value twice (save_dt is the same between the two runs), then it passes and the runs are identical. This suggests to me that save_dt is the culprit and is somehow causing runs with identical random seeds to diverge. Passing test shown below.

    def test_same_models_matrix(self, tmp_path):
        """Test models that have same parameters."""
        file_name = 'user_parameters.yaml'
        p, f = utilities.create_temporary_file(tmp_path, file_name)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'out_dir', tmp_path / 'out_dir')
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'Length', 1000.0)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'Width', 2000.0)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'verbose', 1)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'dx', 50.0)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'L0_meters', 150.0)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'N0_meters', 250.0)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'f_bedload', 0.2)
        utilities.write_parameter_to_file(f, 'save_eta_grids', True)
        utilities.write_matrix_to_file(f, ['seed'], [[1, 1]])

        # use preprocessor to run models
        pp = preprocessor.Preprocessor(input_file=p, timesteps=2)

        # look at outputs
        ModelA = Dataset(os.path.join(str(pp._file_list[0])[:-12],
                         ''), 'r', format='NETCDF4')
        ModelB = Dataset(os.path.join(str(pp._file_list[1])[:-12],
                         ''), 'r', format='NETCDF4')

        # check attributes of the netCDFs
        # final eta grid has same LxW shape
        assert ModelA['eta'][-1, :, :].shape == ModelB['eta'][-1, :, :].shape
        assert ModelA.variables.keys() == ModelB.variables.keys()
        # check a few pieces of metadata
        assert ModelA['meta']['L0'][:] == ModelB['meta']['L0'][:]
        assert ModelA['meta'].variables.keys() == ModelB['meta'].variables.keys()
        # final time should be the same
        assert ModelA['time'][-1].data == ModelB['time'][-1].data
        # final eta grids should be the same
        assert np.all(ModelA['eta'][-1, :, :].data == ModelB['eta'][-1, :, :].data)
        # close netCDF output files
amoodie commented 3 years ago

They would only be the same if there have been no timesteps since saving. Can you verify that is the case with only runnning two timesteps?

elbeejay commented 3 years ago

I think so, they have the same "time" attribute since the assertion

        # final time should be the same
        assert ModelA['time'][-1].data == ModelB['time'][-1].data

is not throwing an error.

In this test case with 2 timesteps, one model is saving after both, so it does timestep 1 - save - timestep 2 - save, while the other model only saves after 2 timesteps, so it does timestep 1 - timestep 2 - save