Deltares / Ribasim

Water resources modeling
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Show allocation flows on the map in QGIS #1066

Closed SouthEndMusic closed 5 months ago

SouthEndMusic commented 8 months ago

What In addition to, we also want to be able to visualize the allocation flows who have their own output file introduced in There are some notable distinctions between allocation flow and physical flow:

Best done after #1399.

visr commented 6 months ago

This should be added to to_xugrid from #1369. One possible issue is that the time dimension is different, since saveat and allocation_timestep is not the same. Not sure what is better, to write a separate UGrid file, or to have two time dimensions in there.

Huite commented 6 months ago

This might be constrained by what QGIS and MDAL accept. It might be that "time" is special cased as a literal label.

In that case, the only option is a separate file.

visr commented 5 months ago

It looks like a separate file is needed. Allocation flow has 4 dimensions:

  1. time
  2. edge
  3. optimization_type (one of the 3 given in
  4. priority

As discussed with @JoerivanEngelen the 3rd and 4th dimension needs to be added in the variable name of variables with dimension 1 and 2 only. To allow users to select one. So I used varname = f"{optimization_type}_priority_{priority}". Also discussed with @SouthEndMusic to add a variable I now call flow_rate_allocated, which is optimization_type = allocate and the sum over all priorities.

I'm not sure what's the best API. We need model.to_xugrid(add_results=False) to avoid the other time dimension in the same file. I suppose we could do model.to_xugrid(add_results=False, add_allocation_results=True), but open to other ideas.

import ribasim

model =
uds = model.to_xugrid(add_results=False)

results_path = toml_path.parent / model.results_dir
alloc_flow_path = results_path / "allocation_flow.arrow"
alloc_flow_df = pd.read_feather(
    columns=["time", "edge_id", "flow_rate", "optimization_type", "priority"],

edge_dim = uds.grid.edge_dimension
node_dim = uds.grid.node_dimension

# from edge_id to the edge_dim index
edge_lookup = pd.Series(

alloc_flow_df[edge_dim] = edge_lookup[alloc_flow_df["edge_id"]].to_numpy()
alloc_flow_df["time"] = alloc_flow_df["time"].astype("datetime64[ns]")

# "flow_rate_allocated" is the sum of all allocated flow rates over the priorities
allocate_df = alloc_flow_df.loc[alloc_flow_df["optimization_type"] == "allocate"]
uds["flow_rate_allocated"] = (
    allocate_df.groupby(["time", edge_dim])["flow_rate"].sum().to_xarray()

# also add the individual priorities and optimization types
# added as separate variables to ensure QGIS / MDAL compatibility
for (optimization_type, priority), group in alloc_flow_df.groupby(
    ["optimization_type", "priority"]
    varname = f"{optimization_type}_priority_{priority}"
    da = group.set_index(["time", edge_dim])["flow_rate"].to_xarray()
    uds[varname] = da

uds.ugrid.to_netcdf(toml_path.parent / "results" / "")