Deltares / Ribasim

Water resources modeling
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Add 'Basin / area' polygon layer with the geometric area of the basin #960

Closed d2hydro closed 7 months ago

d2hydro commented 9 months ago

What Next to the Point-representation of a Node, I propose to add a Polygon to basins representing the area for:


  1. As model-developer I want to parameterize a basin with spatial data; shapes/with precipitation, infiltration, etc. For that I need a Polygon-representation of my basin so I can create an overlay to compute basin values.
  2. As a model-developer I want to specify all outlets of the basin of interest. These I typically model at the boundary of the basin-polygon
  3. As model-developer I want to re-parameterize an existing-model (similar to 1). For that I need a still existing Polygon of my basin. This can only be guaranteed if it is stored in the model database.
  4. As a modeller I want to validate my model inputs; e.g. A(h) curves can not exceed A > Polygon.area. I typically check if my basin.areas sum up to the total topographical area to be modelled (e.g. Ribasim-NL ~ total area of NL).
  5. As a hydrologist/end-user I want to be able to see the area on a map when clicking as it explicitly defines the basin on a map (more context). The network (Point-representation) still tells me how the basin is related to other basins

How Current thoughts:

Huite commented 9 months ago

One thing to mention: in many coupled models we expect to make a distinction between different river or drainage system within a single hydrological area. We've mostly been speaking in LHM terms, in the sense of primary, secondary and tertiary systems, generally linked together.

That shouldn't create any problems, as in case of (primary, secondary, tertiary) the same polygon just happens to be repeated three times. (Ideally, then, the basin nodes representing the T -> S -> P graph for a single area would be spaced out a little bit, but still located within the polygon.)

d2hydro commented 9 months ago

One thing to mention: in many coupled models we expect to make a distinction between different river or drainage system within a single hydrological area. We've mostly been speaking in LHM terms, in the sense of primary, secondary and tertiary systems, generally linked together.

That shouldn't create any problems, as in case of (primary, secondary, tertiary) the same polygon just happens to be repeated three times. (Ideally, then, the basin nodes representing the T -> S -> P graph for a single area would be spaced out a little bit, but still located within the polygon.)

Good point. As an alternative we can create a (optional) catchment-layer that can be referenced by one or more basins?

visr commented 8 months ago

Ugh last week I wrote quite a long comment here, but coming back I see it never got posted, I lost it. Take 2:

With a few lines of Python (see below) you can add other tables to the database. The main problems with it are:

We could support extra columns by adding the meta_ prefix. I suppose we could come up with something similar for extra tables. The GeoPackage spec does not support adding a second geometry column. This doesn't help the interop though.

So far we've completely ignored geometries in the core, to the degree that they are optional. I've never seen a model without geometries, and I feel uneasy about the possibility that the Edge geometry and from_ and to_ mismatch. That could lead to very confusing situations, so I think we should start validating Node and Edge geometries in the core. We could probably just decode the GeoPackage geometry encoding ourselves since we would need very little, and to avoid adding a GDAL dependency.

node = gpd.read_file(modeldir / "database.gpkg", layer="Node")
basin_area = node[node["type"] == "Basin"].geometry.buffer(100.0)
    modeldir / "database.gpkg", layer="Basin / area", driver="GPKG", index=True

For Basin / area in particular we'd first need a good definition. In principle the Basin only corresponds to the water, not the land. Including land leads to prettier polygons though. But even including land, @d2hydro mainly expects a mesh topology without overlap, but @Huite would like overlapping polygons to represent different systems in the same area.

To make matters more complex, to account for every rain droplet falling over the river basin only once, some mesh topology or grid is probably needed, to send it directly to open water (Basin), or some land routine (coupled or not). For the Dutch model we might give MetaSwap that job, though outside I feel like the current Ribasim Basin precipitation is way too error prone for these kinds of issues. A warning recently needed to be added:

I can't think of much use for polygons for the water areas that the Basin really represents. Perhaps, similarly to #661 where a separate Precipitation node was suggested, we need a separate Land node. This could require a non-overlapping mesh topology or grid, where each land zone maps to one basin, and each basin maps to 1:n zones. So there wouldn't be a Basin / area, but a Land / area, and the primary, secondary and tertiary Basins all map to different zones.

Many things here, some will need separate issues, but I just wanted to put some thoughts out there for discussion.

Huite commented 8 months ago

Some thoughts:

d2hydro commented 8 months ago

A specification:

Let's define the GeoSeries I need for my 'use-case' as non-intersecting-Polygons as defined by Shapely:

Keep it as simple as possible:

Huite commented 8 months ago

@d2hydro You're right, I probably shouldn't have used the word envelope, I guess I should've said some kind of bounding polygon.

The non-overlapping part: this doesn't have to be required by Ribasim, right? You need non-overlapping/non-intersecting parts, the MODFLOW coupling need overlapping parts. You can assert that the polygons don't intersect, I would just not assert that.

I agree and think we can keep it (as) simple (as possible).

d2hydro commented 8 months ago

@d2hydro You're right, I probably shouldn't have used the word envelope, I guess I should've said some kind of bounding polygon.

The non-overlapping part: this doesn't have to be required by Ribasim, right? You need non-overlapping/non-intersecting parts, the MODFLOW coupling need overlapping parts. You can assert that the polygons don't intersect, I would just not assert that.

I agree and think we can keep it (as) simple (as possible).

@Huite, you're correct Ribasim doen't have to require/do anything by/with these polygons.