Deltares / Wflow.jl

Hydrological modeling
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Saving total evaporation with SBM #263

Closed hboisgon closed 1 year ago

hboisgon commented 1 year ago

Hi , I was trying to do some kind of catchment mass balance with for example total precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, recharge etc.

For total evaporation in the basin, I thought actevap (Total actual evapotranspiration) was the variable for this but in the code, there is: actevap = soilevap + transpiration + ae_openw_r + ae_openw_l So I think the interception component is missing, or if we keep actevap as is, maybe we should create a new variable that also includes it?

Also related, in the docs it says that soilevap is soil evaporation from unsaturated store, but in the code this is actually sat + unsat (soilevapunsat is not saved in sbm struct):

verseve commented 1 year ago

Yes, good point, others have also noticed this and it is a bit confusing. I will change actevap to include interception. And thanks for spotting that soilevap in the docs is not correct, will fix this.