When retrieving data for a station/period where no data is present, ddlpy loops over all months which can be avoided by using the CheckWaarnemingenAanwezig waterwebservice.
What I Did
import datetime as dt
import ddlpy
locations = ddlpy.locations()
bool_stations = locations.index.isin(['OTDM'])
bool_grootheid = locations['Grootheid.Code'].isin(['WATHTE'])
selected = locations.loc[bool_stations & bool_grootheid]
# numtiple parameters avaialble per location
records = selected.iloc[0]
# if we pass one row to the measurements function you can get all the measurements
measurements = ddlpy.measurements(records, dt.datetime(2019,1,1), dt.datetime(2020,1,1))
The above code returns an empty list since there was no data. However, all 12 months were checked first. Make this more efficient by adding a check for data availability like so:
import requests
# check of er waarnemingen zijn, snelle manier voor gehele periode
url_ddl = 'https://waterwebservices.rijkswaterstaat.nl/ONLINEWAARNEMINGENSERVICES_DBO/CheckWaarnemingenAanwezig'
request_ddl = {"AquoMetadataLijst" :
# "Groeperingsperiode" : "Week",
"LocatieLijst" : [{"X" :518882.333320247,"Y" :5760829.11729589,"Code":"EURPFM"}],
"Periode" : {"Begindatumtijd" : "2012-01-16T14:00:00.000+01:00","Einddatumtijd": "2012-01-16T16:00:00.000+01:00"
resp = requests.post(url_ddl, json=request_ddl)
if not resp.ok:
raise Exception('%s for %s: %s'%(resp.reason, resp.url, str(resp.text)))
result = resp.json()
if not result['Succesvol']:
raise Exception('query not succesful, Foutmelding: %s from %s'%(result['Foutmelding'],url_ddl))
Additional info
Also consider preventing empty list as returned object, instead return empty dataframe or maybe None?
When retrieving data for a station/period where no data is present, ddlpy loops over all months which can be avoided by using the
waterwebservice.What I Did
The above code returns an empty list since there was no data. However, all 12 months were checked first. Make this more efficient by adding a check for data availability like so:
Additional info
Also consider preventing empty list as returned object, instead return empty dataframe or maybe None?